Russian Regional Partisans
In addition to the normal partisan rules, Russia gains a special partisan check, called Regional Partisans.

Each Russian home city on the European map is the center of a Partisan Region. Only those home cities within the S/O 1939 borders of Russia generate a Partisan Region. Each Partisan Region consists of the city hex, and every land hex on the European map in Russia that is within 2 hexes of the city. Partisan Regions do not extend beyond the Russian borders or out of the European map.

Whenever Russia is indicated on the Partisan Chart, in addition to the normal check for partisans in Russia, each Partisan Region is checked to see if Regional Partisans are generated. Each Partisan Region has a partisan number of 4 plus 2 for every printed factory stack in the hex. This factory bonus is retained even if the factories in the hex are destroyed or railed away. Newly constructed factories or factories railed into a hex do not provide this bonus.

The partisan number is reduced by the garrison value of Axis units within the Partisan Region, determined in the usual fashion and increased by the number of partisans in the Partisan Region. If a Regional Partisan is indicated, it may be placed in any eligible hex within 6 hexes of the center of the Partisan Region. Eligible hexes are determined exactly like the normal partisan rules. Once a Regional Partisan is placed it functions thereafter exactly like a normal partisan. It may leave its region.

It is possible for Partisan Regions to overlap. Garrison units may be counted for multiple regions as long as they are present in the overlapping regions.

When counting distances relating to the Partisan Region (for example, the 6 hex radius to place Regional Partisans or the 2 hex radius of the Partisan Region), you may only count over land hexes or across straits hexsides. You may not otherwise count across an all-sea hexside.

Russia historically was a hotbed of partisans, requiring significant German manpower to maintain security and causing no end of problems for the Germans. In a typical WiF game, Russian partisans almost never matter, and rarely even show up. This rule will force Germany to either leave behind significant garrisons, or suffer a large partisan problem.

Russian Siberian Deployment
Russia must set up Zhukov, one INF corps, 1 CAV DIV, and 1 LND on the Pacific Map or within 3 hexes of Manchuria at the start of any Global War campaign.

Russia had just finished a war against Japan at game start and had significant forces deployed on the border with Japan. Traditional WIF allows Russia to set those units up on the Persian border, as if the war with Japan had not just ended. This usually means Russia DOWs Persia right away every single game.

Russian Workers
The Russian Worker counters from WIF5 are used. At any time that Russia is at war with Germany (not Italy or Japan), it may build Worker units. These units cost 1 build point and take 1 turn to build. However, a Worker may only be built if the city it is named for is Russian controlled during the turn of building and the turn of reinforcement. If at any time such a city is not Russian controlled, then the Worker is removed from the game unless on the map or on the Production Spiral specifically as a result of a shattered combat result. The choice of which Worker unit to build is made by the owning player.

If a Worker is eliminated for any reason (not shattered) it may never be rebuilt. Note that elimination means eliminated from the map (e.g. from combat its transport being destroyed).

Russia during a 41 Barbarossa can use a few cheap and quick extra units, and there is a historical precedent for worker-type units.

Search and Seizure
Search and Seizure may not be performed on a convoy point owned by the same side, even if the Major Power owning the convoy point is neutral.

This is to stop gamey tactics like having the CW seize US convoy points delivering trade agreement items to Japan.

Shared Oil
Cooperating major powers may share oil for purposes of reogranizing units at the end of a turn.

There is no reason why US naval units in Australia have to try to keep a convoy line open all the way back to the US when CW oil is sitting stockpiled in Australia.

Sub Movement
During a Land, Air or Combined impulse, a single SUB may make a naval move in exchange for the use of an air mission. During a Combined Impulse or Air Impulse, the maximum number of SUB that may be moved in this manner is equal to the number of air missions allowed in a Land Impulse.

It makes no sense that the Battle of the Atlantic would stop or lull during the summer months. This rule allows sub warfare to continue year around.

You may choose which territory you build from. However, when a TERR is destroyed, it is not placed immediately into the force pool. Instead it is placed in a seperate pool for 1 turn and is then placed into the force pools.

It makes no sense for the CW to build Nigerian TERR when the Middle East is in danger. TERR were not spontaneous citizens taking up arms, they represent colonial and local levies purposefully raised and supplied by the British when the need arose. The rule forcing a 1 turn delay before being rebuilt stops gamey occurances such as the Manila TERR reappearing over and over again every turn.

US Entry Chits
When the US is required to draw a US entry chit, the US player draws 3 chits and discards the highest and lowest chit values. The remaining chit is used.

US entry is too variable in WiF, and US entry is also one of the most game changing facets of the game. Leaving this entirely to luck wildly swings too many games. The above method preserves enough randomness while curbing some of the more excessive swings.
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