Victory Conditions
The purpose of this revised victory system is to reward the Axis for aggressive, world-dominating play. The Axis cannot win in this system by simply settling forsafe objectives and refusing to go beyond that, unless it is also very successful at delaying Allied conquest significantly. The system also recognizes that the Axis' goals were not the same as the Allies', and it does not try to merge the two. The Axis wanted to conquer the world.

And although the chance of them pulling this off in a game of WiF is slight, this hindsight should not guide the play and conduct of the Axis player(s). For them, nothing less than aggressive attempt at conquering and holding territoriy should suffice. The Axis player who simply hunkers down in a defensive posture will find that he cannot hope to win the game, no matter how effectively he "turns turtle". In fact, the Axis player who takes a gamble and succeeds in extending his "high-water mark" will find himself amply rewarded, assuming he is not so exhausted or out of position that he cannot hold his target for 3 turns or that he shortens his survival time.

The system is most suitable for two-player games, or for multi-player games where it is acceptable that there be only two distinct sides and each side wins or loses together. There are no provisions in this system for determining a winner among peers.

This system is heavily reliant on many facets of WiF-H, and those who deviate significantly from the optional rules suggested for WiF-H are cautioned that this system may not work well. In fact, the system assumes that you will be using the revised surrender rules for Italy and Japan.

The system is currently in the starting stages of its beta test, and has only been tested once so far. We're happy with the result, but recognize that there is still plenty of room for error.

The rule numbers used in this section are not designed to integrate with WIFFE rule numbers. That will change once the system is close to its final stage. Right now, the rule numbers are self-contained.

You are welcome to try out this system even in its embryonic stages. Send questions and comments to the author Devin Cutler.

1.0 Definitions

1.1 Holding
A target hex is considered held when it is controlled by a side at the end of the Peace step (WiF E.7), and the hex can trace a supply path of unlimited length to the capital city of a Major Power on that side. A hex controlled by Vichy France is not considered held by the Axis unless Vichy France is aligned to an Axis Major Power.

1.2 Defeat
A side is defeated when all of its Major Powers have been conquered, completely or incompletely, or have surrendered.

2.0 Axis Victory Points
The Axis accumulates victory points for holding certain target hexes. It gains 1 point for holding a tertiary target, 3 points for holding a secondary target, and 9 points for holding a primary target. In order to gain the full point value for holding a target, the Axis must hold the target for 3 consecutive turns. If a target is held for less than 3 consecutive turns, then the Axis receives 1/3rd as many points for holding a target for 1 turn and 2/3rds as many points for holding a target for 2 turns. In all cases, fractions are not considered. Thus, a tertiary target must be held for 3 consecutive turns to gain any benefit.

Once full points are gained from holding a target, no further points can ever be gained from that target. Should the target be lost and regained, no additional points are gained. However, if only partial points were gained from a target (due to having held it for fewer than 3 consecutive turns), then it is possible to gain additional points up to the full amount.

Example: Japan captures Delhi and holds it for a turn. The Axis gains 3 victory points. Japan then is driven out of the city. Several turns later, Japan recaptures Delhi and holds it for 1 turn. The Axis gains no victory points. Again Japan is driven out of the city. Again, several turns later she recaptures it and manages to hold it for two turns. The Axis gains 3 more victory points (a total of 6 from Delhi now). For a third time, Japan is driven out, and for a third time she recaptures the city. This time she holds it for the rest of the game. The Axis gains 3 more victoy points (up to the full total of 9 for a primary target).
2.1 Tertiary Targets:
Aden Amsterdam Antwerp Athens Baghdad
Batavia Belgrade Colombo Dakar Dutch Harbor
Gibraltar Jerusalem Kiev Marseilles Pago Pago
Paris Rabaul Riyadh Saigon Scapa Flow
Singapore Stockholm Suez Teheran Vladivostok
Warsaw Wellington      

2.2 Secondary Targets:
Baku Birmingham Buenos Aires Calcutta Cape Town
Diego Suarez Istanbul Leningrad Madrid Manila
Oslo Sao Paulo Sverdlovsk    

2.3 Primary Targets:
2.3 Primary Targets:
New York Canberra Delhi Washington D.C. London
Los Angeles Moscow Honolulu Mexico City Montreal
Ottowa Panama San Francisco Stalingrad Vancouver

2.4 Historical Targets:
2.4 Historical Targets:
Antwerp - 1 Athens - 1 Batavia - 1 Belgrade - 1 Kiev - 1
Marseilles - 1 Paris - 1 Rabaul - 1 Saigon - 1 Singapore - 1
Manila - 3 Oslo - 3  Amsterdam - 1 Warsaw -1  
Total Victory Points: 18    
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