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A Traveler's Guide to the Far Coast
Penned by Jaymer Arnduth of the Imperial College of Cartography


The purpose of this document is to provide a brief overview of the main areas of significance of the region of the Far Coast. This is not intended to be an exhaustive treatise of the region, but rather enough of a guide for the traveler or adventurer to negotiate the region with some success.

This document was written in the year 21 N.S. and reflects the state of the region as of that time.

The History of the Far Coast:

So named because it was the farthest north that the Empire of Antorium expanded, the Far Coast is a loyal province of the Empire, mainly because it is composed of Imperial subjects imported into the region long ago when the Thaneeri barbarians were driven out.

Of course, the northern portion and coastline of the Far Coast must always be wary of raids from Thaneer, for those tribes thrive on battle and plunder. For this reason, the Empire has based a small navy along the Far Coast, but it is really a token effort, as the force is not large enough to patrol the entire coastline.

The province is governed by an Imperial Governor, who generally serves for life but is emplaced at the behest and whim of the Emperor himself. The Governor, in turn, selects the Imperators who lord over the Perastors (or Regions) of the Coast.

The folk of the Far Coast are full Imperial citizens, this a requirement to convince retired soldiers and their families to settle in the region.

The Far Coast is still the preferred place to give retired soldiers plots of land, as this keeps a substantial body of seasoned warriors away from the politics of the Empire and near a frontier that has need of warriors and farmers who can defend themselves.

Farming and fishing are the primary means of subsistence here, though some trade comes to and from the dwarves in the mountains and from and to Thaneer itself. Much trade passes between the Far Coast and Gerilong, with lesser amounts between the Coast and Nygoto, and this trade makes the Far Coast an important way of import and export for the Empire.

The army of the Far Coast is small but professional, almost entirely situated along the Chulette River and at very important ports along the coastline. However, as most citizens are retired warriors or the progeny of same, the militia of the Far Coast is often enough to repel Thaneeri raiders.


The Far Coast region experiences temperate summers and cold winters, due to its latitude and its coastal location. Arctic winds blow south across the Oto Sea bringing cold air fronts and low pressure regions across the coast to bump up against the tops of the Aynayjor Mountains. Winds usually blow from northeast to southwest, though this can change locally.

Rainfall is plentiful except in high summer and snow is constant on the peaks of the Aynayjor Mountains, seasonally constant during winter in the highlands, and generally even the coastal plains receives light episodes of snowfall during the high winters.

For the plains at sea level:

Summer - Temperatures range from highs of 70-80 degrees Fahrenheit to lows of 60-65 degrees Fahrenheit.

Autumn - Temperatures range from highs of 50-65 degrees Fahrenheit to lows of 40-45 degrees Fahrenheit.

Winter - Temperatures range from highs of 35-45 degrees Fahrenheit to lows of 20-35 degrees Fahrenheit

Spring - Temperatures range from highs of 60 - 70 degrees Fahrenheit to lows of 45-55 degrees Fahrenheit.


Aynayjor Mountains

The second mightiest mountain range in Jerranq, the Aynayjor was mostly a wild land in ancient times. When the dwarves were driven out of the Grashtilim Mountains, many determined to make their next homeland far enough away from the Deceiver's lands that they would not have to flee again. They chose the Aynayjor, and this choice was blessed when the mountains proved to be a good source of gems and precious metals, though only small veins of mithril were found.
The northern half of the mountains, astride the War Plains, is wild, but dwarves hold firmly all the range south of the Far Coast and Upper Antorian River and have outposts even further north.

The peaks of the range are of moderate height, the highest of which have snow tipped caps year around.

The Empire of Antorium does claim that spur of the mountains which cuts like a crescent across Antorium's northern borders and has an extensive fortification network to block the approaches to the Imperial Homeland.

Far Isle

While this small island is claimed by the Hakoanio as their ancestral homeland, the residents are primarily citizens of the Far Coast, which has pretty much de facto claimed the Isle. However, they have never taken the step of formally claiming the Isle, for fear of angering the raft folk, and they allow the Hakoanio free access to the Isle.

One interesting fact is that Thaneeri raiders will not raid this Isle, again for fear of angering the Hakoanio, and so it is often used as a refuge by the wealthy of Far Coast when raids are imminent.


The isthmus of Pilong is an accursed and haunted land which few persons have visited and fewer still have returned from to tell the tale. It is said that when the first Morakki fled across Pilong they were harassed and pursued by the Amorians. As they passed into the isthmus and entered their new homelands, the greatest among them turned and invoked their ancestors to pronounce a curse upon the western folks who had driven them hence. The curse was mighty and took effect in a rolling cloud of fog that swept across the isthmus towards Amoria, but the mighty of Amoria came and halted the curse, which then turned inward on itself and roiled and scoured Pilong. There the concentrated magicks perpetuated themselves, and even now they roil and haunt that land.

The curse, being Morakki in origin, can sometimes be bypassed by powerful Morakki wizards or lords, and several times Morakki armies have passed through the haunted land.

What little is known of Pilong is that it is a rocky, barren land, always full of a silvery grey mist which is the physical manifestation of the curse. Those Westerners who have entered the land and been fortunate enough to return report that the land warps and turns in on itself and that there are haunting voices in the mist that drive even the staunchest paladin mad.

It is certain that Pilong has done much to keep the Morakki isolated from the West, except for trade over seas. Some speculate that the curse of Pilong is related to Wild Magic, though there is no proof of this assertion.


The federation of Thaneer is home to a loose amalgamation of barbarian tribes, which normally war and squabble and raid amongst each other, but were forced to unite when the Antorium Empire invaded its lands and attempted to subjugate them. This invasion was partially successful, in taking the Far Coast, but the remaining Thaneeri resisted and managed to hold the lands north of the Chulette River.

Since that time, though there is no love of the Empire here, trade has occurred between Thaneer and the Empire, as old conflicts and grievances passed into history. Still, the Thaneeri are just as wont to enter their longships and raid the Far Coast as they are to trade furs for metal.

The Thaneeri are named for their ancient ancestor, the father of all the Thaneeri tribes, and it is this blood tie and a common language and culture that bind the barbarians together during times of trouble. The Thaneeri do not build much with stone, preferring wood from the northern forests instead to build their long houses. Teak is a favoured wood used by the Thaneeri nobility, though of course they must trade for the tropical wood.

The Thaneeri also raid across the Oto Sea to Gerilong and Nygoto, and reverse raids back across the Oto do occur, though they are less common.
Almost all males in Thaneer are soldiers so to speak, in that all are trained in the way of arms and combat from an early age and most take part in at least one raid in their lives.

The Thaneeri do keep slaves from their raids, but many of these slaves are ransomed back to loved ones or, if poor, are kept as house servants. Many of these eventually grow to love the Thaneeri, for they treat their slaves justly, and some are even adopted into the tribe.

The Thaneeri do not ride animals as such are considered taboo and to ride a beast in combat suggests a deficiency in the warrior, since he cannot bear himself into battle, and the Thaneeri are renowned for laughing as heavy cavalry charge towards them. No Thaneeri army has ever routed before cavalry (although they have been chopped to bits by them).

The Thaneeri mostly wield hammers and axes and use javelins and bows as missile weapons. They prefer cuirbolli or hide armour and leather shields. Most Thaneeri are adept sailors and can hold their place on a longship crew.

That said, the Thaneeri do farm the interior lands, but most of this work is done by the womenfolk. One tribe of Thaneeri, the Gon-drillim (Naked Ones) is infamous for their ferocity in battle. They fight skyclad and covered in woad and all male children of their tribe are left in the woods for a week in their first spring to see if they are fit to survive or have the eyes of the gods upon them.


Arundel River

The Arundel runs most of its length through the Arundel Forest and is fairly wild and unnavigable while passing through that high forest. Even when it emerges west of Horzuth the river is only navigable for short stretches due to rapids and falls. The river empties into the Oto Sea at the town of Horzuth.

Caldsen River

The Caldsen runs for less than 200 miles, tumbling down the flanks of the Aynayjor Mountains, before emptying into Lake Cald. The river then continues out of the lake and runs through the northern tip of the Arundel Forest before entering the Oto Sea at Balinvil. The river is certainly navigable from Lake Cald to the sea, and cargo of all sort is often portaged to Southbank or Northbank and then down river to Balinvil. The portion of the river above Lake Cald is often termed the Upper Caldsen River and the portion below the Lower Caldsen River.

Chulette River

The Chulette River emerges from the Aynayjor Mountains and crosses the southern portion of Thaneer before being joined by the Morette River. Although the river is used by some of the dwarf clans of Aynayjor to trade with the Thaneeri, traffic is sparse due to rapids and the danger of raids and skirmishes in the borderlands.

Cursed Flow River

The Cursed Flow is so named because it flows from the heights of the Aynayjor into the cursed land of Pilong. At the point where the river emerges into the roiling mists of Pilong, it froths and bubbles, almost as if rebelling against entering that mysterious land. The river is also distinctly warmer as it nears Pilong. Before then, the river slows considerably after crossing Henneth Falls and is much plied between the falls and Noscrused.

Feyindir River

This small, rapid river is a tributary of the Urgramm River. It cuts deep into the Feyindir Forest and its heart is rumoured to pierce some very isolated and strange areas of the forest's heart. The river is too strewn with rocks and rapids to be navigable until it reaches the Urgramm River.

Ghondlin River

The Ghondlin River flows from its sources high in the Aynayjor Mountains south past Alchadur where the Pannale River feeds into it. It then tumbles over Cayineer Falls before making its way to the Oto Sea at Terrin. The river is navigable only past the falls, and so is not much used for commerce, though the river is host to salmon that spawn upstream and a variety of other fish.

Lake Cald

Lake Cald is large placid lake fed from and in turn feeds the Caldsen River. The lake forms an important part of the economy of the region, including Southbank and Northbank, which constantly tussle over the valuable fishing rights for the lake. The lake is home to at least 3 species of fish that cannot be found anywhere else in Therra, and their eggs form caviar that is difficult to harvest and quite valuable in the Empire. The fish themselves are also in demand for their meat, and there are often battles fought between the caviar harvesters of Northbank and the fishermen of Southbank.

Lake Nathir

Lake Nathir is the largest standing body of freshwater in the Far Coast. It is fed by several rivers that spring from the highlands to the west, and the eastern portion of the lake overflows into swampland. The Aldervel River flows out of the lake and empties into the Oto Sea in a wide delta marshland.

Lake Nathir sports abundant fish, though none so unique as the species present in Lake Cald. However, the area of the swamps and fens is known to be wild and quite dangerous, sporting not only indigenous creatures but outlaws and ne'er-do-wells as well.

It is said that the deepest portions of Lake Nathir sport rare and reclusive creatures, rumoured to be nixies, bunyip, or other exotic species.

Morette River

This river emerges from its steep canyons into the plains of Thaneer. Heading south, it joins the Chulette River and finally makes its way to the Oto Sea.

The Morette is navigable along its entire length and is used by the folks of Thaneer for travel and trade.

Oldin's River

Named after the great Consul Trevir Oldin who defeated the Thaneeri at the battle of Vinyan's Bend, this short river is wild and rapid and tumbles quickly from the Aynayjor Mountains before joining the Chulette River. The river is said to favour Imperial soldiers and there is a rumour, not often tested, that no loyal soldier of the Imperial army can possibly drown in the river. It is considered good luck by veterans of the Imperial legions to bathe in the river or to drink beer or ale made with water from the river.

Oto Sea

Not quite an inland sea, for this body of water is accessed far to the north through a chain of small islands offshore to Nygoto, this sea is filled with trade passing between Thaneer, the Far Coast, and Gerilong. This trade is less heavy than that passing through the sea of Antoria, since the nations bordering the Oto are more rural and often hostile with one another. Nevertheless, trade does pass in small boats and even in rafts.

Also common are the longships of the Thaneeri barbarians, who raid the Far Coast and even Nygoto and Gerilong. These raiders prefer landings to piracy but have been known to take a particularly tempting ship or two from time to time.

The waters are generally placid, except in high winter when storms roiling from the north churn the waters, and the current makes entry into the Oto from the Endless Sea very hazardous, as the wreckage and skeletons of many ships off of Nygoto attest.

Large creatures are not common in the sea, due to its isolation from the oceans, though walrus and seals are quite commonly observed and hunted. Sea otters and giant fish also abound.

Dwelling on the waters of the sea are the Raft Dwellers, known as the Hakoanio in the Morakki tongue. These folks are a breed of Morakki who dwell upon large rafts and sail the sea trading with the various lands bordering it. This folk makes no claim to any land except for the Far Isle, though they suffer other folks to dwell there at their leave (although it is not clear whether they could expel the inhabitants of the Far Isle if they so chose). No one is really sure how numerous the Hakoanio are, for if they gather together in large groups it is in hidden places, and the Hakoanio destroy and rebuild their giant rafts every 3 years, which makes it impossible to take any sort of census.

Pannale River

This river emerges from the very peaks of the Aynayjor Mountains and during the spring thaw is a raging torrent that often floods, especially at its confluence with the Ghondlin River. In high summer the river is much smaller and less swift, but is still unnavigable for its entire length.

Urgramm River

This river tumbles from its source of innumerable creeks in the mountains northwest of Hammon's Creche and flows through the northern reaches of the Feyindir Forest. The river then emerges to cut the coastal plains before feeding into the Oto Sea at Far Dereth.

The river is navigable from the eaves of the forest to the sea, and logging from Hammon's Creche is often launched down the falls to the forest edge, bundled and poled to Far Dereth, and then either loaded onto ships bound for Horzuth or milled in Far Dereth.


Arundel Forest

This large forest runs from north of Henneth's Stop to just south of Forthedge. It is a highland forest, spilling down in a verdant slide from an elevation of approximately 8000 ft down to the coastal plains, with the majority of the forest at an elevation of between 4000 and 6000 ft.

The Arundel Forest is comprised mostly of evergreens, including pine and spruce. The trees are quite tall and well in demand for use as masts for ships as well as wooden bracing for large stone structures.

The forest is also quite wild, inhabited by many wild animals, including dire versions. There are two Imperial roadways that run through the eaves of the forest, and these are patrolled heavily by soldiers of the local Perastors and by rangers in the employ of the Province. Evil humanoids sometimes range down from the high Aynayjor Mountains through the forest, using it as a sort of concealed highway to the coastal flatlands where the raiding can be good. Most of these are kobolds and goblins, though some orcish tribes and gnolls and bugbears make the journey as well. As such, the rangers of the Arundel tend to specialize in fighting these humanoids.

The roadways also boast Imperial hostels at intervals, these are fortified inns and barracks that take in travelers and merchants for a price and offer protection and even mercenary guards to escort through the forests.

The forest boasts little or no fey population, being far too rugged for sylvan inhabitants.

Feyindir Forest

The mighty Feyindir Forest is old indeed, though despite its name, few fey are known to exist within its precincts, as in ancient times the Thaneeri who dwelt here made war upon the fey and legends in the northern Thaneeri lands still tell of the uniting of three tribes against the fey of the forests. In fact, the name "Feyindir" means "Fey's Blood" in Thaneeri.

The forest is made up of tall evergreens in the highland half to the west and swells up to an elevation of 7000 ft. The eastern lowland forest gradually mixes these pines, firs and spruces with oaks, elms, and alders.

Several druid groves are known to exist in the forest, organized into a loose confederation that is dedicated to preserving the forest from depredations, especially at the hands of Imperial commercial interests, and there have been skirmishes with woodcutters. Because of this, few roads or paths travel through the Feyindir, though the main Imperial road from Wayward to Hammon's Creche does indeed pierce the northern end of the forest and heavy patrols ward travelers against the anger of the druids.

Nonetheless, the druids of the forest can be approached carefully and in a friendly manner if done with diplomacy, courage, and a true heart.

In addition to the druids and animal life, the forest boasts any number of tales of strange inhabitants deep within its heart, including tales of living and moving trees.

Gramuul Forest

The Gramuul is basically a border region between the three southernmost clans of Thaneeri, the Cilligh Clan, the Menelon Clan, and the Tardaad Clan. The forest is well hunted, though the barbarians do not log it overmuch. Wild animals are prevalent in the forest, including many dire versions, and the clans can tell tales of witches and hermits who dwell deep within the shadows of the trees.



This hamlet of 350 souls is the largest settlement on the Far Isle. It is for most intents a resort for the wealthy of the Far Coast, and boasts stone walls and many lush villas outside of its defenses. The hamlet itself contains inns and restaurants and gambling parlors for entertainment as well as the residences of those who service such places. Outside of entertainment, Alabbir also supports some fishing industry and a weekly marketplace.


The hamlet of Alchadur is home to approximately 350 residents. It lies at the confluence of the Pannale River and the Ghondlin River and the lands around it are subject to seasonal flooding. The hamlet is primarily a farming hamlet, providing a market for the farms and steads that dot the land between the two rivers. The hamlet is walled with a wooden palisade and despite the altitude and clime, the short grape growing season boasts some hardy wines grown in the vineyards near the hamlet. These are then fermented in several wineries in the hamlet.


The village of Aldervel is a rugged home to some 750 hardy souls. The village is walled with earthen ramparts and a wooden palisade and grew up around an Imperial fort set up to ward the trade roads against the marshlands to the south and east. As the fort became an ever more popular stop for caravans, enterprising merchants established inns and taverns to cater to them. Eventually, a small village grew up to encompass the families of the soldiers, fishermen plying Lake Nathir, and the innkeepers.

The village is now constantly busy with caravans heading up the coastal road from Dwillingir to Noscrused and back as well as the dwarven trade road from Hegzeril. Dwarves are a common sight in Aldervel, and the primary smith of the village is a well respected dwarf who is also a priest of Malaktum and runs a small temple dedicated to the god that caters to both dwarven travelers and the occasional human worshipper. The smith is known to craft fine masterwork weapons and wizards often commission works from him to enchant.

Due to its proximity to the swamps, Aldervel boasts a contingent of 275 Imperial troopers, many of whom have skill as rangers and ply the swamps and the roadways passing the fens and bogs.


Balinvil is a coastal hamlet of some 400 residents. It has no walls and is subject to occasional raids by Thaneeri dragonships. The populace relies primarily on fishing in the Oto Sea as well as extensive beds of clams and oysters harvested in the shoals near the village.

The Hakoanio Raft Folk sometimes moor near to Balinvil, usually once or twice a year, and when this happens the folk of Balinvil hold a trade festival and merchants from all over the Far Coast arrive to trade, swelling the village with tents, coin, and yes…thieves. Why the Hakoanio choose to moor en masse off of Balinvil is not quite known, though the Raft Folk simply state that the currents tell them that this is the place to be.


This small village boasts 450 permanent residents. Due to its proximity to the Arundel Forest, the main portion of the village is walled with stone walls and wooden towers, though a portion of the village lies without. The village musters patrols that run along the line of Imperial hostels guarding the roads through the Arundel Forest and a temple to Firlott is here, a large wooden lodge outside the village walls where many of the rangers of Arundel come to recuperate and trade.

Dun Coast

Named after the colour of the cliffs that form the coastline here, this village boasts 600 residents. The village is set atop the cliffs, though paths wind down the 60 ft drop to the small beach where a port services the fishing boats that provide the village with most of its trade.

In addition, the village sees travel through it due to its position on the coastal roadway. This village is currently unwalled, relying on its position atop the cliffs for defence, but due to recent Thaneeri raids, the village has finally started to build a wall of stone around its non-cliff faces. The wall, as of 21 N.S., is perhaps only 5% completed and is due to be finished by 23 or 24 N.S.


The largest town in the Far Coast, and its unofficial capital, Dwillingir is a walled town of some 4250 souls. It boasts a detachment of the Imperial army's Northern Legion, though they report to the headquarters in Oldinton.

Dwillingir is the trade centre of the Far Coast, as its position makes it the port of call for goods from Gerilong, Thaneer, the Ice People, and even Nygoto. The town is influenced heavily by House Riverine, though House Mercur maintains a strong presence in the town and the other Imperial Houses also have a truncated though growing presence as well.

Dwillingir boasts a large port and for the most part is safe from raids by the Thaneeri, who are smart enough to avoid such a populous and well-defended place.

The Church of Indolle is revered here, and the High Priest of the religion for the Far Coast presides at the temple here.

Also famous is the coliseum of Dwillingir, where spectacles of all sorts, from gladiators to plays to fights between beasts are put forth for the entertainment of the masses. Dwillingir has a bustling slave market, mostly of Thaneeri slaves bred from other house slaves but occasionally consisting of newly captured Thaneeri.

Far Dereth

Far Dereth is a large town of some 2500 persons. The town is walled by stone walls and warded by a small keep. Far Dereth is named after the holdings of an Antorian nobleman of the family Dereth who was granted the land of the area as an Imperial boon. The town that grew up around the land grant was named Far Dereth in honour of the city of Dereth in the Heartland.

Far Dereth see much traffic passing through its precincts, both from the Coast Road running between Dwillingir and points south and down the road and river from Spiralle. Lumber from Hammon's Creche makes its way here, and there are several large mills devoted to woodcutting within the town walls. In addition, there is a meat market here catering to the meats, cheeses and sausages brought from Spiralle.

The town has seen its share of raids from Thaneeri, as it is small enough to be raided but large enough to make such raids worthwhile. As a result, the people of Far Dereth despise Thaneeri and barbarian slaves here are treated worse than most other places in the Far Coast. There is a small arena in the town that specializes in spectacles involving barbarians facing off against fearsome beasts…usually less a fight than a slaughter.

Far Dereth is also the headquarters for a detachment of Imperial marines who patrol the Oto Sea. Some 6 warships are based here, as well as 2 q-ships, which are warships disguised as merchant ships in order to attract Thaneeri pirates and then turn on them. The marine squadron is headed by the legendary Captain Creele, who accompanied the Heroes of the Gem across Eastern Jerranq and navigated with them across the ocean to the Lost Isle. Creele rarely ventures to sea anymore, as he is old now, but the men practically worship him and all of the ships based out of Far Dereth fly his flag sporting a white worm.

A small temple to Hotor is in the town, run by a priestess known as Mistress Oto, and many sailors undertaking journeys across the Oto Sea often travel to the temple first to make offerings for safe passage.


The village of Forthedge, population 750, is a walled habitation sitting astride the northern tip of the Arundel Forest. The villagers are engaged in logging of the forest and of farming in the fertile area between the village and Lake Nathir.

The village is also home to the most famous horse breeders in the Far Coast, the Yammon family. These have a large ranch just north of the village, and every month they hold a horse market in the village. This market, over the years, has attracted competitors, so that now the monthly market is a very well-attended affair for horse traders all over the Far Coast.

Steeds purchasable at the market include all varieties of riding and warhorses. Ponies and warponies can also be found, and so not a few dwarves can also be found picking up new stock. Occasionally, more exotic mounts are found here, ranging from hippogriffs to riding dogs to domesticated riding giant lizards. However, such mounts are rare and not to be found at every market.

Hammon's Creche

Named after the great tomb of the eldest son of Thaneer that still resides undisturbed on a large hill overlooking the village, Hammon's Creche was originally the site of a Thaneeri temple and cult that worshipped Hammon and guarded his final resting place. The remains of the temple are still off to the side of the village, and the villagers avoid the ruins, claiming that it is haunted at night and that sometimes people go missing who wander too near to the ruins.

The tomb atop the hill is, to all accounts, undisturbed, though villagers can tell of adventurers who left the village and ascended the hill to plunder or investigate the tomb. The few of these who returned never claimed to have actually pierced the tomb, instead having been driven off by various horrific guardians that ward the tomb's approach.

The village itself is home to 800 souls, and the place is well fortified with a stone wall and stone towers, for it is a frontier village that is exposed to the wilds of the Aynayjor Mountains. The village sees a good deal of traffic to and from Nirzumbil, both human and dwarf, traveling along the Imperial roadway from Wayward.

There are several mines in the nearby mountains, and the folk of the village are engaged in raising goats, some highland farming, and working various mines.


Hegzeril is one of two dwarven outposts in the northern Aynayjor Mountains. There is no telling just how large or populous the city is. Most humans are allowed into the small village that lies outside the main gates, and even those trusted enough to enter the underground portion of the place only see the least portion of the first level of the outpost.

What is known is that a good deal of trade emerges from the place, including significant quantities of precious metals, iron ore, gems, and manufactured goods of dwarven make. These are traded for food goods, cloth, silk, and wood items either in the Hegzeril market or in the markets of the Far Coast. Enough goods emerge from Hegzeril that the city is thought to comprise many levels and descend deep into the heart of the mountains. It is also true that, during various wars, thousands of dwarven troops have emerged from its doors. Whether these dwell at Hegzeril or arrived underground from other dwarven outposts is not known.

Hegzeril is known to be attached to the Golden Beard clan that has extensive holdings in the southern portion of the mountains.

Henneth's Stop

Henneth's Stop is named after the inn that formed the nucleus of the village. The inn is still well known and respected for its hospitality, size, food, drink, and beautiful waitresses. Madam Gorin-fal runs a brothel attached to the inn that is even more famous and attracts visitors from miles away. What is also unique is that the village is home to a small clan of Halflings who resettled here from Onlor over two centuries ago due to a long-forgotten feud with another family of Onlor Halflings. The Halflings specialize in brewing and supply thick stout beer to Henneth's inn.

The Henneth family still basically runs the village, which is unwalled (except for the inn) and sports a permanent resident count of approximately 450 persons. A temple to Ringkol is attached to the inn and a shrine to Mustiglior is located within the brothel.


Heresthfel is an important stop on the Imperial trade road that runs through Noscrused from the Heartlands and then forms the coastal road at Valorilong.

The village is unwalled and home to approximately 600 citizens. In addition to serving caravans heading along the road, the village maintains a keep and a standing garrison that serves as headquarters for the string of Imperial forts that form the border with Pilong. The commander here arranges the personnel for the forts and arranges riders and communications with the border outposts.

The land around the village is quite fertile, and miles of farmland run by veterans of the Imperial legions surround the village and use it as a marketplace.


The town of Horzuth contains a population of approximately 2000 persons within its stone walls and a like amount in the nearby surrounding area.

Despite its apparently ideal position to conduct trade with the Hakoanio, the Raft Folk will not put into Horzuth, for they say that the ground upon which the town is built is accursed and taboo. The Raft Folk instead trade at Balinvil, and many merchants from Horzuth travel north to Balinvil when the rafts are sighted.

As far as the curse, the Raft Folk claim that in the days when the Thaneeri were young, a great demon fell to earth in Gerilong and slew many Morakki, each night flying over the Oto Sea to rest in its home where Horzuth was later built. The great samurai hero Salishki Noto leapt across the Oto Sea following the demon and slew it while it slept, and the demon's foul blood made the land impure. Horzuthians regard the tale as Morakki fancy and superstition.

The town of Horzuth relies on trade traveling the Coast Road, as well the fertile farmlands between the coast and the Arundel Forest, which produce is brought to market at Horzuth. The town is also home to a temple to Pindar and a Vastalla nunnery, and the crafts quarter and the hospital are well known throughout the Far Coast. It is know that the nunnery of Horzuth is run by Sister Marithy of Bairne who can bring the dead to life with the grace of Vastalla.


This village is home to approximately 500 residents. Due to its proximity to the swamplands east of Lake Nathir, the village is walled with stone walls atop an earthen rampart and surrounded by a moat that is filled, it is rumoured, with any number of fanciful creatures, including crocodiles, piranhas, water serpents, and even more exotic creatures. Whatever the truth, it is undeniable that every day raw meat is tossed into the moat and the meat is never seen again.

The village thrives on fishing from the lake, and the folk here revere Erinhoru and the lake and show it much respect, for stories abound of strange creatures in the deeps and occasional interactions with fishermen…some of whom have never been seen again.


Like Hegzeril to the south, Nirzumbil's exact size and population are unknown. The city is the furthest northern holding of the Aynayjor dwarves of any credible size and is engaged in mining of precious metals and gems and is oriented towards great craftworks as well, which are traded to the humans of Far Coast in exchange for items of wood and textiles and foodstuffs.

The dwarves of Nirzumbil are also renowned for their brewing skills and Nirzumbil spirits and ale are in great demand in the Far Coast and beyond.

Humans and non-dwarves are rarely allowed into the great gates of Nirzumbil, instead trading at the market outside the gates. The few humans invited into the hall speak of great beauty and wealth therein but have only seen the topmost level of what may be a massive mining complex and fortress.

Due to their northward position, the dwarves of Nirzumbil tell of frequent underground battles with goblins and orcs who have tunnels to the north.

In addition, the dwarven caravans coming out of Nirzumbil are sometimes raided by Thaneeri of the Menelon Clan, and the dwarves of Nirzumbil have put a bounty of 5 gp on the head of each Menelon male brought to the gates of Nirzumbil.

Unlike Hegzeril, which is dominated by the Golden Beard clan, Nirzumbil is manned by representatives and soldiers from many of the great Aynayjor clans.


This lakeside village of 500 persons is in constant rivalry with the citizens of Southbank over fishing rights over Lake Cald. Specifically, the fishermen of Northbank specialize in harvesting caviar and come into conflict with the fishermen of Southbank who want the eggs to go unharvested in order to more fully stock the lake. Such rivalry often comes to blows, and woe to the Southbanker who wanders into the precincts of Northbank and vice versa.

The village is also the object of several well-known bards' tales of love between Northbankers and Southbankers that is opposed by parents and families. These often end in tragedy.

The village itself is unwalled, despite its location in the lower ranks of the Aynayjor, but there is a well-fortified keep that looms over the village and can provide refuge to the village in times of trouble.

In addition to harvesting caviar, the villagers engage in hunting and mining and there is a temple to Firlott here accompanying a shrine to Erinhoru.


The town of Noscrused is known as the gateway to the Far Coast, for the main trade road from the Imperial Heartland passes through the town before heading north along the coast.

The town is walled, due to its proximity to Pilong and also because of its position as the final ward between the Imperium and the wild lands to the north. The town is based around a massive castle and fortress complex that is walled by stone walls. A full half of the town resides within the walls and the rest spill out behind earthen ramparts and palisades.

The town houses some 2250 souls and sees a great deal of traffic from trade coming up and down the roads. The fields that sweep from the town east towards Pilong become less and less inhabited until one reaches the line of fortresses guarding the border with Pilong.

On the other hand, the fields stretching up towards the foothills to the west are fertile and well farmed for corn, hops, barley, and other vegetables. A major temple to Dhalis is in Noscrused, and most of the priestesses of Dhalis in the Far Coast serve from this temple and make their way throughout the province to minister to farmers and their fields.


This frontier town was founded by the famous Consul Trevir Oldin and was given his name both as a sign of honour and as a means to strike fear in the hearts of the Thaneeri, who still revile and fear the long-dead Consul's name. Oldinton anchors a long string of fortifications and bridges that are strung along the Chulette River from the town east to Dwillingir and the sea. As such, the town is walled with thick dwarf-engineered curtain walls of impressive height and well pierced with towers. At the centre of the town, atop Oldin's Cairn, is the Castle or the Keep as it is called, an immense fortification built by Oldin with dwarvish help to ensure that the left flank of the Far Coast frontier never fell.

The headquarters of the Northern Legion is here, and the town boasts a population of 1200 souls, of which 400 are soldiers of the legion. A contingent of dwarven soldiers also is stationed here, as an emissary from Nirzumbil to improve relations and military coordination between the Imperium and the Aynayjor dwarves.

In addition to soldiers, Oldinton boasts some of the most popular breweries in the Far Coast, popular enough to be requested even in the Heartlands. Beers and ales made from the water of Oldin's River are in large demand by Imperial soldiers and veterans and the dwarves of Nirzumbil have lent their expertise in brewing to the folk of the town. The fields south of the town boast fields of grain, barley, and hops.


"Ors" in the Thaneeri tongue means "bear" and it is true that this area was once a popular spot for bears to fish in the Ghondlin River when the salmon were spawning upstream. With the village of Orsvale now here, numbering some 600 residents, the bears have moved further upstream north of Forthedge.

The village is not really dependent upon the salmon spawning to any large degree, but instead occupies a peaceful vale nestled between some hills and ridges, and though the place is not walled, the village does keep wooden watch towers on the top of these hills manned by bowmen with hunting horns for alert.

The village makes its living from the very fertile lands surrounding it, all the way down to Balinvil, and many farms fan out south of the vale. Produce is brought first to market in Orsvale, but then quickly gathered by merchants to the produce market at Terrin held weekly.

The land to the north of Orsvale is less inhabited, due to the swamps of Lake Nathir.

Of interest is the fact that in the middle of Orsvale is a large boulder from which a spring emerges. This spring makes its way in the form of a creek to join with the Ghondlin. However, legends tell that the spring is connected in some way to a powerful minion of Erinhoru, and credibility is lent to this tale by the fact that, approximately once every ten years, a group of elves makes a pilgrimage from far to the west. These elves are usually led by a priestess of Erinhoru, and they spend a week in ritual around the boulder. While most Imperials distrust elves, the people of Orsvale have come to regard the elvish pilgrims with interest and now mark a harvest festival around their coming.


Sister village to Northbank, Southbank is a rival of its mirror image and while the Northbankers are concerned with harvesting the fish of Lake Cald for their caviar, the Southbankers make their living catching the fish themselves. The intense rivalry exists because the Northbankers claim that the Southbankers catch pregnant females before they can lay their eggs, thereby hindering the caviar harvest. The Southbankers protest that the Northbankers over harvest the eggs and will eventually deplete the stock of fish in the lake altogether.

Like Northbank, woe to the citizen of the other village who is caught within these precincts.

In addition to fishing, the folk of Southbank make their way by lumbering the verges of the Arundel Forest.

The village is walled, warded by earthen ramparts and wooden palisades, for incursions from humanoids from the mountains are not uncommon. In addition, a large keep near to the village houses Imperial warders who ply the roads within the Arundel to keep it safe for travel and commerce.


This rural village does not receive a great deal of traffic, as it is off of the trade routes and most travelers even seeking to reach Wayward from Far Dereth tend to traverse the Coast Road.

The village is unwalled and is home to approximately 650 people. These are, for the most part, livestockers and herders, and the area south of Spiralle boasts ranches and farms with sheep, kine, oxen, goats, and other domesticated animals.

Within the village are several butcheries and abattoirs, and animals are slaughtered here and then the meat is salted, sausaged or jerked and taken quickly to the market at Far Dereth of Wayward for sale.

In addition, the village is known for its cheeses and creams, and the former are famous throughout the Empire and the rest of Jerranq, both Spiralle Yellow (a cheddar-like cheese), and Spiralle Star (a bleu cheese-like cheese).

Not all of the animals of Spiralle end up in the butcher's block. At Wayward, once a month, an auction of livestock is sold, much of it coming from Spiralle or the lands to the south. Here farmers from other areas can purchase oxen for labour or cattle for milk or bulls for breeding.

Because of their slaughterhouses, the village of Spiralle is not on good terms with the druids of the Feyindir. As such, the folk of Spiralle hold the Feyindir in great awe and fear and few ever venture into its eaves. Many are the tales in Spiralle of folk who ventured too close to the forest and were never heard from again.


This village of 500 people is well fortified, with a palisade on its landward side and a sea wall of stones and mud along its sea side, for the village sees its share of raids from Thaneeri longships.

The village sees a great deal of traffic, both because of its presence on the Coast Road and because of the weekly produce market boasting goods brought from Orsvale and the fertile lands to the south of that village.

The folk of Terrin are colourful, and for reasons now forgotten, an old Mordanti family settled here long ago and now a small Mordant community resides here along with a temple that caters to all Mordants in the Far Coast (which is not many outside of the hundred and fifty or so in the village). The Mordants do their level best to blend in with the Pantheists, and the Pantheists of Terrin get along well with the Mordants, and most travelers are not even aware that they are among Mordants, as the temple is well out of sight of the inns and the road.

The authority of the Perastor maintains a small garrison here that sends patrols northward to guard the road against the depredations of the swamps to either side, and a few rangers are known to dwell in the lands north of Terrin and to help to keep the swamp beings out of civilized lands.

Within sight of Terrin, on clear days, is a large island in the Oto Sea. This island is tall and its sides sheer but is also pockmarked with cave openings. Legends in Terrin tell that a dragon of some sort dwells within the island, but if these tales are true, no recorded accounts tell of such a beast and it must not be interested in molesting the citizens of the village.


Valorilong is the eldest settlement in the Far Coast. It is so named because the first soldiers to retire from the Imperial legions who were granted land in the Far Coast were those who had performed with special valour during the wars against the Thaneeri. They were settled here because at the time the Far Coast was only conquered through the Caldsen River and because the Empire wanted a very strong watch on Pilong. In fact, the true name of the village is "The Valorous who watch over Pilong" but this has been shortened to Valorilong.

The village was intended to be a major town or even a city one day, but geography and other factors never made it so. The place boasts some 800 residents and has very strong stone curtain walls pierced with towers and barbicans as belies its once-status as a frontier fortress. The village still anchors the northern line of forts that watch the Pilong border and is surrounded by some of the oldest estates and farms in the Far Coast.

Due to its location on the main trade road, Valorilong sees a good deal of travel through its precincts.

The inhabitants of Valorilong are often descended from prestigious warrior lines, and in their names or surnames can be heard hints of other glorious names of the Imperial past. Valorilong has a martial tradition, and the head temple of Aghorrit is here, run by the High Priest Juronne. This temple is sometimes in conflict with a smaller temple in Oldinton, for the folk of Oldinton believe that the leaders of the Aghorrit church should be stationed there, where the action is.


Wayward is a largish village of almost 900 souls which occupies a vital location at the crossroads of the dwarven trade route from Nirzumbil to Dwillingir and the smaller route from Spiralle to Oldinton. As such, the place sees immense traffic at its many inns and also during the monthly auction of livestock that takes place here, the livestock coming mostly from Spiralle and its environs.

Wayward is unwalled, though a small keep nearby provides a base for patrols, especially along the trade road through the Feyindir Forest. There is a shrine to Firlott here, as hunters do ply the northern verges of the Feyindir, and the village's location on a crossroads makes the shrine to Indolle here well-tended and manned by a permanent clergy as well.

Rumours tell of an ancient fey crossroads that coincides with the later Imperial roads, though if this is true it would have to also predate the Thaneeri. Exactly where this magical crossroads may be found is subject to a variety of fanciful conjectures.


In addition to some rootless clans (such as the Vardekii), there are three major Thaneeri clans that occupy the border region with the Far Coast. These are all clans that held these lands before the Imperials arrived, though both Cilligh and Menelon lost some lands south of the Chulette to the Imperium.

Cilligh Clan

Cilligh Clan is friendly to the Imperium, though that friendship is certainly one of expediency, as they hold the Tardaad Clan as a longtime enemy and they have no alliance with Menelon, and therefore are vulnerable. Deciding that they could not watch their borders to both the north and the south, the Cilligh signed a pact of peace with the Imperium and turned to its feud with Tardaad. This feud was somewhat diminished in 5511 A.D. when the Heroes of the Gem procured for the chief of the Cilligh a magical helm which was then given to the Tardaad Chief to settle the worst of the at that time current feud. Although since 5511 the feud has not reverted into open warfare, the two clans are enemies and raid each other continually.

In addition, Cilligh's pact with the Imperium further estranged it from Menelon. Although the Cilligh have a pact of peace with the Imperium, this does not stop it from making very small scale raids (no more than a half dozen or so) into the Imperium, though almost exclusively by land. Such raids are often designed to prove one's manhood and are small enough that the clan chief can disavow any knowledge of them.

The Cilligh number approximately 5000 adults. They are, by pact with the Imperium, forbidden to have ships of any sort longer than a canoe, and this prohibits them from being fishermen or from raiding or trading much with Gerilong or Nygoto. The Cilligh tend to dwell in well fortified tulae, almost all of which are surmounted by earthen ramparts and wooden palisades. Each tulae has approximately 100 adults, though this can vary by as much as 50 lower or 100 higher, and there are roughly 50 tulae through the clan lands.

Cilligh warriors tend to sport more metal armour and weapons than most Thaneeri; this due to their trade with the Imperium, and this allows them to survive surrounded by hostiles and with no navy to defend their coastline.

Like all Thaneeri, the Cilligh revere bards and, unlike most Thaneeri, the Cilligh are less frenzied in their distrust of arcane magic, especially they are tolerant of bardic arcane magic. The Cilligh revere Hindarr-quag and Lothar.

Menelon Clan

The Menelon Clan is neutral to the Imperium. While elements within despise the Imperium, and few within actually like Imperials, the clan is pragmatic and realizes that its position makes it somewhat beholden to have decent relations with the Imperium and the fact that the Cilligh trade with the Imperium forces the Menelon to do likewise for metal armour and weapons, lest the Cilligh one day attempt to annex their lands. They number approximately 5000 adults in about 50 tulae ranging in size from 50 adults to 200 adults. These tulae are constructed similar to Cilligh tulae.

The Menelon Clan is neutral with the Tardaad. Although there is every reason for the Tardaad to hate the Menelon as much as they do the Cilligh, the Tardaad cannot take on both clans united and wish to do nothing to provoke such an alliance, which could spell the end of the Tardaadi. As such, the Tardaad sometimes trade with the Menelon and sometimes raid each other, though rarely in force.

The Menelon Clan especially likes to raid dwarven caravans heading out of Nirzumbil. Although such raids are rare and very dangerous, they bring the Menelon Clan much glory and great riches when they are successful. No man may ever aspire to be chief of the Menelon Clan without having raided a dwarven caravan, and the clan chief's stead in his tula boasts many dwarf heads as trophies.

Unfortunately, the dwarves of Nirzumbil have placed a bounty of 5 gp on the head of any Menelon adult male, and as such many bounty hunters from the Far Coast and Nirzumbil play the outskirts of the Menelon lands seeking the bounty.

The Menelon revere Lothar and Firlott.

Tardaad Clan

The Tardaad Clan is officially an enemy of the Imperium and is regarded as a hostile nation. The Tardaad boast a strong navy of longships, and these constantly raid the coastline taking slaves and plunder back to their homes. Occasionally the Imperium will mount a punitive expedition across Cilligh lands into Tardaad, but only after the most severe raiding by the Tardaadi.

The Tardaad maintain hostile relations with the Cilligh Clan, for many reasons including the latter's pact with the Imperium. This hostility usually manifests as a simmering feud and low grade skirmishing, though it can blossom into full-scale warfare, as was the case as recently as 5511 A.D. before the Heroes of the Gem helped to smooth over that war.

The Tardaad remain neutral towards the Menelon Clan, mainly because they refuse to fight two clans at once. It is a known fact that should the Tardaad ever finish off the Cilligh, the Menelon Clan would either have to pay hefty tribute or become next on the Tardaad menu.

There are perhaps 7500 adults in the Tardaad Clan spread out over some 75 tulae with populations of 50-200 each. These tulae are constructed similar to Cilligh tulae.

Due to their estrangement with the Imperium, the Tardaad have fewer metal arms and armour than either the Menelon or Cilligh. However, they still do acquire a fair bit of these from trade with the Menelon and from raids against the Imperials and against the Cilligh.

The Tardaadi are known berserkers and are very warlike, valuing combat and war prowess and bravery above other arts. They worship Aghorrit and Lothar and venerate Hotor as well.

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