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(updated as of N.S. 21)



This supplement is the definitive sourcebook for the Isle of Onlor, a large island mass sitting just off of the southwestern coast of the continent of Jerranq.

This supplement includes coloured maps and a detailed description of every named feature on those maps, including a description of every human or halfling settlement on Onlor with a population of 200 or more!

Also included are demographic tables and details of the four kingdoms of Onlor, how they are governed, and what the people are like.

I hope you enjoy the Onlor Gazetteer!

This version has been updated to be used for 3.5 D&D and is presented from the year N.S. 21, two decades after the end of the War of the Gem.


This supplement is intended to be used in conjunction with the Map of the Isle of Onlor (presented on the Therran website).

For reference purposes, the map is divided into octants, each coded with a number and letter which shows its position on the maps and which allows the reader to find the approximate location of any of the features mentioned in the text below on the map. You can click on any of the octants below and be presented with a full-sized version of that octant.

The map octants are set up as follows:







The Isle of Onlor is roughly parallelogram in shape and is approximately 2,000 miles long by 1,000 miles wide, or roughly the size of Australia.

The Isle resides towards the equator of Onlor, but distant enough so as to avoid a tropical clime (this is also a function of the power of the goddess Onlora [see further for details]). Vast oceans bound it to the west and south. To the north is the continent of Jerranq, crossable via the Haven Straits. To the east is the Heynosht Archipelago, a group of literally hundreds of small islands and upthrust rocks and atolls, finally terminated by Girorium Island, which begins the protectorate of the Antorium Empire.


The history of Onlor has been largely uneventful and peaceful. And that is no coincidence, since the Isle was formed as a refuge from the troubles of the rest of the world. During creation, and the Golden Age, this land was the home of a group of peaceful mortals, created by the Goddess Onlora to tend to her flowers and meadows. These people were the halflings, and Onlora loved them dearly and imbued into them much of her lore.

When the Gods War erupted, Onlora was completely unsuited for strife and the arts of war. Being a gentle but shy goddess, she also had no friends with which to ally, which was a tactic taken by others of the goddesses who were not capable of war (they took as husbands more capable gods).

But Onlora was not powerless, and fearing for her children (the halflings) she gathered up her carefully hoarded power and ripped from Jerranq that section of the mainland in which her children dwelt. Urgently forming an alliance with the Mother of Earth (Dhalis) and the Father of the Seas (Hotor), she moved this chunk of mainland south and west, and so the Isle of Onlor found its current position. The pieces of land that broke off during this movement fell into the sea, and where the sea was shallow enough or where the chunks were tall enough, islands were formed...and thus was the Heynosht Archipelago born.

When Onlora was satisfied that her children were far enough removed from the main battles of the Gods War, she then set about imbuing most of what remained of her powers into the Isle, so as to protect it from later incursions. Then she waited and hoped the war would end before her Isle was invaded.

The Gods War did end, and Onlor was spared the ravages of other lands. When the Great Pact was sealed and the Hall of Slumber prepared, Onlora went with the other gods and goddesses into the Chamber of Sleeping. However, unlike the other deities, much of her essence was already integrated with the Isle. So while Onlora too is trapped in eternal slumber, her power persists to a much greater extent in the mundane world. Because of this, she is much more active than the other gods are, albeit only as concerns her Isle.

For a great time thereafter, the halflings dwelt in peace. While islands of the Heynosht succumbed to their newer southern clime and became tropical, Onlor's powers kept her Isle temperate and much as it was when it adjoined Vosh-Gerr and Antoria. The land was also extraordinarily fertile, again due to the goddess' power, and the halflings prospered, getting only vague rumours and hinted auguries at the conflicts raging between the mortals and the Deceiver far to the north.

It was not until the later part of the First War between the Mortals and the Deceiver that Onlor received visitors. Truly, a few intrepid mortals had sailed the straits and landed on the islands, but the halflings hid themselves until such intruders left. Thus, on the mainland, the Isle was thought deserted or even haunted.

When the Deceiver's forces overran the Grashtilums, the gnomes living in the outlying foothills were also decimated. Being less stubborn than their dwarven kindred, however, they quickly packed up and fled, travelling south and eventually building boats and sailing across the sea to Onlor.

The halflings were certainly puzzled to see the gnomes arrive by the hundreds. Not only was this more folk to have landed than ever before, but unlike the loud and blustering humans, these folk were almost as small as themselves. The halflings at first considered the gnomes to be long-lost kin, but that was quickly put to rest. However, after some initial distrust, through tests, and the gnomish sense of humour, the gnomes were allowed to settle in Onlor. In exchange, having heard the gruesome stories of battles far to the north from the gnomes, the halflings asked that the gnomes teach them something of the art of warfare.

Thus was the Onlorian bond between halflings and gnomes forged, which endures to the present day.

Eventually, more gnomes migrated to Onlor, tiring of the wars of the north. To be sure, not all gnomes did...many carried on the war and served heroically in the ensuing battles, but probably a full 3/4ths of the gnomes that survived the overrunning of the Grashtilum eventually ended up in Onlor.

The next people to arrive did so shortly after the first gnomes. The halflings awoke one fine Onlorian morning to see hundreds of dragons, which they had never seen before, alighting upon the centre of their island. Alarmed, the halflings quickly (and futilely) grabbed up their arms and headed towards their Sacred Mere.

The dragons had landed, being ridden by a group of very powerful elves and dwarves, led by Thwalihir, the Song Maiden. Thwalihir had used her powers of peace to convince a group of dragons to rebel from the Deceiver's service, and in order to further convert them and recast them in their own image, she took them as far to the south as she could.

When Thwalihir saw the halflings approaching, she knew they were afraid. She quickly sang her song of calm and peace and serenity and wove her magic around both halfling and gnome. And the halflings knew they were safe. And they conducted terms of peace and coexistence. When these terms were concluded, the dwarves used some of the power of Onlora, and some of their own power, to remake the rebel dragons, so that they became as metals and gems and were made mightier even than the most powerful of the Deceiver's dragons.

While the dragons were being transformed, the halflings and gnomes went back to their homes and dwelt, once again, in peaceful bliss. When the dragons left to fight their battles to the north, the halflings breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the war had now surely passed them by. Some of the elves that accompanied Thwalihir remained, loving the gentle lands of the Isle and disdaining the bloody wars of the north.

The humans arrived in Onlor, as did the other races, as refugees; this time fleeing the tyranny of the Amorian Empire. Remembering a few scary encounters with humans over the centuries, and having lore telling them to beware of bumans, the balflings met the humans in battle and began to drive them back into their boats. But then the few elves who had stayed from Thwalihir's time came and pled the case of the humans, explaining to the halflings that humans are the most varied of races, and that these humans were in the same situation as the elves and needed help. The halflings relented, and after years of talks, a treaty was signed, granting the humans a land grant in present-day Lochnirr.

Along with the humans came larger groups of elves than had come with Thwalihir, these having fled the Empire after supporting the druids against Emperor Nogrolany. The elves met the halflings and gnomes and pled their case, and the halflings, remembering the songs of Thwalihir, and feeling pity for the elves, granted them leave to inhabit the forests of Onlor. These were mostly high eves, and they settled in Relum Forest.

As troubles increased in Jerranq, with the Empire growing, Mordants persecuted, and eventually the Deceiver attacking (and then, later, with the Morakki occupation), humans began to flood into the Isle, for the continent was now rife with rumours portraying the Isle as a sort of paradise on Therra.

This influx of humans worried the halflings. In addition, the halflings found, to their dismay, that the humans bred far more prolifically than halflings, more than enough to account for the difference between lifespans. Human settlements began to encroach upon halfling areas, and tensions eventually arose and conflict was becoming possible on the Isle dedicated to peace.

The elves again intervened, and proposed talks, saying that the races of the Isle could not truly live in peace while they lived apart from one another, pigeonholed into separate lands. The halflings though were worried about their lack of numbers and protested that humans would eventually overrun the entire Isle, claim it as their own, and despoil it as they had the main continent.

The issue was ultimately decided by the Amorian Empire, which sent an invasion force to conquer Onlor and absorb it into the Empire. The Imperial forces first landed in the halfling areas of Onlor and easily dominated the untrained halflings. The elves were too scattered and sparse to offer resistance, but the humans had formed an army and marched out of their lands to liberate the halflings. Their strike was quick and well planned, and along the way they picked up grateful halflings who reslung their slings and fought alongside the humans against the Empire.

The Imperial forces were routed and were finally defeated at the Battle of Aguellar (near the present day city of Agueldop) and driven into the sea.

After this experience, the halflings came to the realization that they needed help to maintain their precious and now precarious isolation from the continent, and that the humans of Onlor were as in love with their Isle as were the demi-races. Thus, the Treaty of Integration was concluded, and its charters ratified by all the races of Onlor, and humans migrated out of Lochnirr and into the remainder of Onlor.

The Isle was divided into four Kingdoms, three named after their first kings, and the other named after the forests of which it was comprised. Thus were the Kingdoms of Relum, Lochnirr, Algol, and Wenestria formed. And, seeing that strong leaders were needed to govern the lands and to command their armies, humans were appointed kings of these lands.

It was many years later when the largest influx of elves came to Onlor. They had just undergone their most horrific travails, at the Vale and River of Tears, and many of them, also disheartened by the betrayal committed by many of their folk (now known as the drow) gave up and decided to quit the continent. These were mostly wood elves, most closely tied to their forests and therefore most disheartened when their beloved forests were destroyed.

The elves built boats and sailed to Onlor. Thus did these elves find homes in Relum, the Forest of Onlor, and the other smaller forests and woods that dot Onlor.

And again, the Onlorians settled back down into their peaceful existence.

Over the remaining years up to present day, the customs of government of each of the kingdoms has varied and have diverged. Nevertheless, all of the kingdoms have histories of benevolent rule, freedom, peaceful coexistence between the races and etc.

Under human rule, Onlor became less isolationist. Onlorian armies were sent many times to battle against the Deceiver, and on occasion had to defend their shores from invasions, both by the forces of the Deceiver, and by human kingdoms and Empires that have arose over the years. When the War of the Gem erupted, several of the Heroes of the Gem hailed from Onlor, and this connection with these world-shaking events prompted the Onlorans to lend a portion of their strength to the armies marching upon Mordasht.

After the War, Onlor recovered quickly, for it was spared the ravages of the war that had swept over the lands of Jerranq. In addition, Onlor suffered least from the blotting out of the sun as Onlora's power kept the lands fertile despite the constant twilight. As such, Onlor became the saviour of many thousands of mainlanders when she shipped food and supplies and sent her clerics across the Straits to minister to the war-weary Jerranqi folk.


Onlorians are very proud of their Isle. In general, despite a few problems, Onlor has been a shining example of inter-racial harmony and cooperation as well as just short of a textbook on how to properly monarch a nation(s). Because of this, Onlorians have their own peculiar attitudes and tendencies. Of course, as with any generalisation, individuals may vary considerably.


Onlorians value their freedom. Having, for the most part, fled persecution, either from the Deceiver or fleeing the tyranny of continental empires, Onlorians value their personal freedoms and privacy highly. Fortunately for them, their kings also share this ethic. Most Onlorians are Chaotic Good. Onlorians tend to be jovial, but private persons who dislike strangers asking too many questions, especially personal questions.

Kings / Officials:

Onlorians have been generally fortunate to have benevolent rulers who have shared their values and morals. However, they still retain a healthy cynicism with regard to their rulers, and feel free to criticize them in private or publicly with decorum. It is very likely, though the situation has never really arisen, that a ruler who was oppressive would find himself deposed rather quickly. Many an overly ambitious sheriff has often found himself tarred and feathered and run out of town.

The Continent:

Onlorians harbour a deep distrust of all things Jerranq, though this attitude has softened somewhat since the War of the Gem due to the swidespread suffering that ravaged the continent. Onlorians are convinced that Continentals, as they are called (or "Jerkanqs" to be less polite), are generally too slick, jaded, prone to deceit, etc. Onlorians tend to be earthier. They say what they mean and mean what they say, and usually keep their word and tell the truth. This feeling stems, of course, from the history of refugees from the continent who populated Onlor and because of the many invasion attempts made against Onlor.


Onlora is universally beloved, since her presence is still tangible on the Isle. Most of the humans here are Pantheonists, but given the Onlorian tolerance for other views and modes of worship, and given the fact that original humans coming to Onlor were Mordants escaping religious persecution, a large number of Mordants dwell here.


The climate of Onlor is quite temperate, comparing with the real-life climate called "Mediterranean", and similar to that experienced by the coast of Southern California. The central mountains and Onlora's power serve to trap ocean moisture and the rain coming from this moisture keeps the many rivers and streams constantly flowing year around and, therefore, helps keep Onlor verdant and cool.

Winter on the lowland coastal areas is generally punctuated by rain, but snow does not fall in Onlor except in the central mountains. A few of the highest peaks have snow from early Autumn to late Spring.

The Forest of Onlor is a special case. The power of Onlora is so prevalent here that it is always perfect spring weather there and the sky is completely clear.

Although Onlor should be in a sub tropical zone, comparable to Florida or southern Mexico, Onlora's power keeps its clime distinctly non-humid and, at the same time, non-arid.

Average Highs and Lows by Season for coastal lowlands:



 Spring  72 F  55 F
 Summer  80 F  65 F
 Autumn  70 F  60 F
 Winter  65 F  48 F

Precipitation is plentiful in winter and spring, average in autumn, and can be somewhat sparse during high summer.


Onlor is divided into four kingdoms: Algol, Lochnirr, Relum, and Wenestria.



The Kingdom of Relum is the only one not ruled entirely by humans. The elves of Relum, having naturally gravitated to the largest forest on Onlor, were not as awed by the human's leadership and warfare abilities. Nevertheless, they did not want to have the responsibility of running Relum entirely on their own. So, a compromise was reached soon after its formation.


A council of each race (halfling, human, elf, and gnome) rules Relum. Each race is allowed to choose its representative in its own fashion, and the council then meets and elects a king to serve for 8 years. The king is subject to the unanimous veto of the council.

Gnomes are small enough in population to vote for their representative. Elves have a hereditary king or queen, one of the line of nobility from Blanthil, and they represent the elven folk. This king or queen is always one of the wood elves. Halflings have their lands divided into Shires, and each Shire elects a sheriff. The sheriffs meet once every eight years and cast their votes for one amongst them to serve on the council. Humans have taken a decidedly less organized approach. The citizens of Leaf Port, Tendarrow, and Trade Town vote for a representative, while the humans in outlying settlements are invited to come to those towns on voting day to cast their lots. Most do not, simply trusting the townsfolk to serve on the council, figuring that whatever the council decides won't reach into their lives in the hinterlands.


The population of Relum breaks down (roughly) as follows:

Wood Elves 175,000

High Elves 25,000

Grey Elves 1,500

Halflings 200,000

Gnomes 10,000

Humans 250,000

These figures do not include creatures, fairy folk, or itinerant dwellers.

Most of the elves dwell in isolated tree house communities, many hidden deep within the forests of Relum. The few high elves and grey elves in Relum tend to live on the outskirts of the forest or in the few towns in the kingdom, and often lend to the impression that they rule over the wood elves in the kingdom.

Humans and halflings also tend to live in isolated thorps and settlements, often no more than 3 or 4 families clustered together for mutual support and protection. In general, halfling settlements are separate from human settlements.


The Relumese are rural folk, mostly interested in farming in the non-forested lands. Hunting, trapping, and even some logging are practiced in the hinterlands, and the elves do generally allow logging in a very limited scale. In the centuries since the elves have populated Relum, the forests have flourished under their tending and have grown considerably, covering most of the kingdom and showing no signs of stopping until reaching the borders.

Relumese houses tend to be log cabins, often pitched with mud or tar, and with thatched roofs. In larger settlements, a wooden palisade will be constructed upon a rampart of logs and packed earth.

Relum has never harboured expansionist ambitions, and its borders have remained as set forth in the original Charters of Onlor.

Relum's primary exports are agriculture, elvish wine and art, and timber.



The Kingdom of Algol is the most populous of the kingdoms of Onlor. It was originally the site of the largest halfling dwellings before the humans came, and was the place where invasion forces from Amoria landed. The famous Battle of Aguellar took place near present day Agueldop, and it was here that the Charter of Onlor was first composed and ratified.

After the halflings ceded control of their lands to human leadership, the sons of the King of Lochnirr were named kings of Algol and Wenestria, and the nations were named after those first kings.


Algol is ruled by a hereditary monarchy, under the dominion of the line of King Algol the First, son of King Vrodence of Lochnirr. The Line of Algol has remained unbroken lo these many centuries, and is currently, as of 5535 A.D., ruled by King Malthop, who is 55 years of age, and his wife Queen Grindul. The monarch has three children, including one son who is the heir to the throne and two daughters.

The rest of Algol is under the province of Lord Mayors, each of whom is given governorship of a city or town of Algol and the surrounding countryside. In a sense, these are really Dukedoms or Baronies, but the custom, probably in rebellion against Amorian custom and in deference to halfling custom, is to call them Lord Mayors.

Lord Mayorship is decided by heredity as well, although the King has the right to remove any Lord Mayor he sees fit and replace him with a person of kingly choosing. The King himself is regarded as the Lord Mayor of Algol, although he usually appoints a steward to run the day to day affairs of the city and its outlying region. These outlying regions, around each city, are termed Counties. Thus, the dominion of the Lord Mayor of Nabonn is called the County of Nabonn, even though the Lord Mayor of Nabonn is not technically a Count.

There is much rivalry between the various cities and towns of Algol, although this rivalry is friendly and involves, generally, competition in various forms, including tourneys, and rarely involves violence or other malefic activities.

Each Lord Mayor is free to organize his County as he deems fit. Most appoint sheriffs (again, a title carried over from halfling tradition) of each village or hamlet in the County.

Demi humans are generally excluded from this mix, mainly because they seem to have their own forms of self-governance, and because they tend to live apart from humankind.

The gnomes of the hills in Eastern Algol are organized along ancient clan lines, each with well-defined clan boundaries. Clans are based on blood ties, although a loose grouping of clans can occur if geographical proximity or intermarriage dictates an alliance of some sort. When and if two clans meet, the eldest clan leader generally leads. The eldest capable male, who is often a priest, leads to clans. His title is Eldest.

The halflings of Algol are the most integrated of the demi races, and they tend to live in halfling communities surrounding the main town of the County. They generally elect their own Sheriffs, who then are submitted to the Lord Mayor for final approval. In most cases, the Lord Mayor approves the choices.

The elves of Algol generally keep to themselves in the few forests of Algol and are organized along traditional elvish lines, each forest having a King or Queen of ancient noble blood.


The rough population of Algol (excluding creatures, wanderers, or insignificant races) is as follows:

Elves 5,000

Gnomes 45,000

Dwarves 250

Halflings 550,000

Humans 1,100,000

Algol is the most settled of the kingdoms (with Wenestria coming in a close second), and a golarge minority of the human population lives in the many cities and towns that dot the lowlands or in the nearby outlying farms and villages. Halflings are likewise generally clustered around the main towns, in small halfling communities of about village size. Nevertheless, most of the human population still resides in rural settings, either in small villages or thorps scattered throughout the Counties or in farms and farmsteads.

Gnomes live generally in the Eastern Highlands, around the stretch of hills bounded by Nabonn on the south and Hadeep on the north. Gnomes there dwell in homey caves and burrows in clans numbering between 150 and 5,000 gnomes.

Elves dwell in the two forests of Algol and keep to themselves. The population is spread more or less evenly between the two areas, although certainly a few elves can be found outside of these forests. The elves tend to live in small tree house settlements numbering between 25 and 150 elves.


Although Algol and Wenestria have, in the past, fought skirmishes over portions of the marshlands and hills that adjoin the two kingdoms, these border disputes have been rare and short, and relations between the two kingdoms are as good as any on Therra. Due to its position on the northwestern side of the island, Algol is the site of occasional invasions from pirates from the New Coast or from marauding humanoids coming down from the Dead Coast. Often, having been chased by mortal ships, and being bad sailors themselves, these humanoids will land in Algol, burn their ships, and cause a bit of havoc before being slaughtered or losing themselves in the central wilds. Because of this, Algol maintains the largest standing army and navy on Onlor.

Every year, Algol hosts the Harvest Festival in Algol City, which is a premiere event on all of Onlor. Since the War of the Gem, this festival is also marked by ceremonies recognizing the city and the festival as the starting point for the quests and deeds of the Heroes of the Gem. In fact, during the festival, a scrap of leather is hidden in the city by the steward and the person who finds it is named "Hero of the Fest" or "The Morg", to great celebration.



The Kingdom of Lochnirr was the first Human settlement on Onlor. The humans were granted the lands from present day Horst to Imsoul. These first humans were a hardy, rebellious group, consisting of Mordants fleeing persecution, Druids, fleeing the same, a sprinkling of outlaws and ne'er-do-wells fleeing the Empire's justice, and a large group of persons simply looking to get away from the stifling policies of the Empire or from the continuing strife between the Empire and the Deceiver.

The High Priest of the Mordants who landed on Onlor and negotiated with the halflings was named Lochnirr...he having hailed from the Far Coast and living most of his youth in the Vosh-Gerr area. Acutely aware of the persecution he had just fled, the new King Lochnirr welcomed all religions, including even rampant Pantheists, and the humans began to cultivate the lands and build their towns and fortresses.

Much of the later history of the Kingdom has already been detailed indirectly previously in this Gazetteer. When the Empire invaded Onlor, human armies under the King of Lochnirr, named Vrodence, led by the Princes Algol and Wenestri, defeated the Imperial forces and, as a result Algol and Wenestri were given dominion over the lands that would bear their names.

As a result of the large halfling populations, and the fact that they were prime farming lands, Algol and Wenestria grew in population and power and prestige, while Lochnirr always has remained a more rural, less prosperous land. Nevertheless, the Lochnirrans like to think of themselves as the original human Onlorians and sometimes carry this distinction as a badge of honour.


The Kingdom of Lochnirr is led by a hereditary monarchy ruled by the descendants of King Lochnirr, the Mordant Priest. Of all of Onlor, Lochnirr is most closely tied with Mordantism, which is generally the belief system of the kings and nobility of Lochnirr.

Because it was the original land grant to humans, and because the halflings decided to give the humans those lands where they didn't choose to live, Lochnirr's population is almost entirely human, at least as compared with the rest of Onlor. As the halflings also did not wish to surrender prime farmlands to the humans, Lochnirr, regarded as a wilderness by the ancient halflings, remains rockier and less fertile than other parts of Onlor.

The current King of Lochnirr is one Antornin Nirosht, a stern king of 60 years of age, but a capable leader. His Queen is Mastary of Relum, a half-elven princess wedded to Antornin for political purposes. Already the sons of Antornin and Mastary, of which there are a half dozen, are being called the "Fae Princes".

Lochnirr is divided into dukedoms; each headed by a vassal to the king. There are seven dukedoms in Lochnirr, each containing a main town or city and usually another town or two and many villages, hamlets, and settlements.

Dukedoms are hereditary, although the king can appoint and remove dukes as he deems fit. However, the dukes of Lochnirr may, with unanimous vote, convene a council of removal and remove the king, immediately sending the crown to the eldest heir. This provision has only been called a few times, when the king has become addled by old age.... too addled to give up the crown.


Lochnirr is decidedly humanocentric, although certainly there is little or no prejudice against demi humans. The breakdown is as follows:

Humans 450,000

Dwarves 1,000

Elves 2,500

Gnomes 5,000

Halflings 17,500

Humans tend to live rurally, mostly tending livestock, mainly kine and sheep. Most settlements involve a clustering of a few homesteads in proximity to a small village or hamlet. Elves and other demi races tend to live separated with others of their kind in their traditional fashions.


Lochnirrans have, in general, often viewed Algol and Wenestria with jealousy, considering that Lochnirr was the original human kingdom on Onlor, but it ended up with the smallest nation (in arable land and population) with the poorest land. To compensate, they tend to flout the fact that their nation predates the others of Onlor.

Lochnirr has had a few isolated incidents of border disputes with Algol, but in general relations with Algol are extremely peaceful and friendly. Wenestria is too far isolated to have had any friction, and the Relumese have never contested any Lochnirran claims in the far east of Onlor.

The highest Church of Mordant is located in Imsoul, and many pilgrims often take ship from Jerranq to a port in Algol and then make pilgrimage to Imsoul to receive the blessing of the Highest Vicar of the Church.

As a whole the Lochnirrans are very proud, independent folk, and individualism is highly regarded in this land, which retains the most vestiges of their original pioneering and freedom seeking ancestry.



As has been stated previously, Wenestria was formed when human armies from Lochnirr defeated Amorian invaders and, in gratitude, were given stewardship over the lands previously ruled by the halflings. One of the princes of Lochnirr, Prince Wenestri, was granted the lands that became the Kingdom of Wenestria.


Wenestria is, as is common on Onlor, a hereditary monarchy. However, Prince Wenestri sought to keep more of the structure of Lochnirr than did Prince Algol, and so the petty rulers are termed dukes, as is the way in Lochnirr. Dukedoms are hereditary, subject to writs of approval and/or removal by the king, but, at the halflings' insistence, a conclave of Dukes can veto any action of the king, as long as they have a unanimous vote.

Each dukedom appoints a mayor for each town or city and a sheriff for each of the smaller communities. Each sheriff is appointed at the favour of each duke. Most halfling communities have a mayor as well as a sheriff if they are of any significant size. The duke appoints mayors as well, except that halflings tend to elect their mayors and sheriffs and present them for ducal approval after the fact.

Elves living in Wenestria are organized along traditional elvish lines, with a king and queen for each forest claiming noble blood from the time of the Blanthil.

The gnomes in Wenestria, as well as the few dwarves, tend to organize along clannish lines, as is their wont.

The current king of Wenestria is Hiam of Kalis married to Queen Valadara, a commoner he plucked from obscurity right from the midst of his kingdom. A refined, some might say arrogant man, Hiam is no friend of adventurous roguish types, whom he regards as dangerous to the goodwill of the people, though he certainly has nothing but praise for those most consummate of adventurers, the Heroes of the Gem.


Wenestria has roughly the populations stated below (excluding, of course, small groups of other races that wander or dwell in the kingdom):

Humans: 875,000

Halflings: 370,000

Elves: 9,000

Gnomes: 10,000

Dwarves: 1,000

Humans are for the most part rurally oriented, although, second to Algol, Wenestria boasts the most cosmopolitan society on Onlor. Halflings live in small, village sized communities, while gnomes and dwarves dwell in caves that hold the clan, usually numbering between 100 and 1,000 members. The gnome clans here are notably smaller than the largest of the Algol gnomes. However, it is important to note that in general, gnomes, elves, and dwarves do not generally recognize or really care for the boundaries that humans and halflings have set up on Onlor. A gnome clan residing in Wenestria feels no special bond with any other gnome clan residing in Wenestria, and feels no special estrangement with a gnome clan residing in Algol. To these races, their individual clan or forest is the deciding factor.

Most humans in Wenestria tend to live on small steads or in hamlets and thorps centered on cropland.


Special Features:

Mere of Onlor [A2]:

This large lake occupies the very centre of the Isle and is its most potent and holy place. Physically, the Mere is a placid lake, about 25 miles wide and twice that in length. Its waters are wondrous to behold, for the surface is completely still, and even when a stone is dropped into its depths, not a ripple is made.

Looking at the surface of the Mere, one sees a nighttime sky and stars, as if the Mere were reflecting a perfect, cloudless spring night. However, the stars reflected in the surface emit a light of their own, and this luminescence emerges from the surface of the lake like steam. During the daylight, this glow is barely noticeable, but at night it is enough to read by if at the lake's shore.

The Mere is a strong radiator of good. Its powers are legendary, and rumoured to include healing, curing of diseases, purging of poisons and evil spirits, restoration of youth, and even the reversing of insanity or the effects of aging. Other tales tell of those who are impure of heart dying from the purity of the waters of the Mere.

The powers of the Mere include:

1. Anyone looking in the lake will see a reflection of themselves as if looking with a True Seeing spell. Others reflected in the lake will be subject to the same effect.

2. A dip in the lake by any good person will have the following effects:

A. 1D8+1 points of damage are cured once per day as if by a Cure Light Wounds spell cast by a 1st level cleric.

B. Curses are removed as if a Remove Curse spell had been cast by a 16th level cleric.

C. Diseases are cured once per lifetime as if a Remove Disease spell had been cast by a 16th level cleric.

D. Evil possessions are removed.

3. Any non-evil person drinking the water will find that the water cures poison as if a Neutralize Poison spell had been cast by a 16th level cleric and provides a holy bonus of +1 to saves and AC for a day. However, the water loses its potency after being removed from the Mere for more than a day. In any case, the water is the sweetest, best tasting, most refreshing water to be had anywhere.

4. Any evil being who touches the water will be afflicted with a Bane spell as if cast by a 16th level cleric that lasts for one year. Any evil being who drinks of the waters within a day of its drawing from the Mere must make a Fortitude save at DC 21 or die instantly.

The Mere's potency derives from the power of the goddess Onlora, for when the she imbued her powers into Onlor, they were reposited here, in the Mere. It is this power that causes much of the sylvan beauty to be found in the surrounding forests (see Forest of Onlor), and zephyrs constantly emanate from the Mere and travel into the surrounding forest, bringing refreshment and peace to all who are touched by the playful breezes.

Onlora worshippers regard the Mere as the holiest of holy shrines, and all priests of Onlor are required to make a pilgrimage here at least once per year (at mid spring, during the equinox) and bathe in the waters, both as a reward for their service and to make sure they are still pure in the eyes of Onlora.

Most other Onlorans tend to avoid the area, both because of its remoteness and because they are in awe of its holiness. Even the elves of the surrounding forests tend to stay away from the Mere, as do the animals that dwell thereabouts.

Legend also says that the original good and neutral dragons, led by Marrowmelt, bathed in the Mere and thereby confirmed their true intent to turn from their evil ways.

It is not uncommon to find charlatans selling vials of water reputedly drawn from the Mere. It is not common knowledge that its potency fades quickly, and some of these charlatans have moved to the southern Jerranq continent, the Onlorans having become wise to their games.

Forests and Woods:

Hadorr Woods [B1]:

Spanning the area from the South Hills in the west to Lake Alwel in the east, this large forested area is home to several groups of high elves all giving obeisance to Queen Valashisha. The elves are protective of their woods, but do allow passage through them to those who do not abuse their hospitality. Few bandits or humanoids or other dangerous creatures dwell herein, since the elves tend to make short work of them, and because of this some caravans choose to pass through the woods instead of taking the longer roadway around them. Some lumbering of the forest does go on in the farthest east reaches of the forest, since the elves do not claim those portions of the forest elevated in the hilly lands, as well as in the far west, where the folk of the South Hills harvest the trees on the verges of the woods.

Harper's Forest [A4]:

The largest forest east of Relum, the forest gets its name from birds that dwell here. Called harpers, they are smallish birds with blue feathers and a red crest and they bear a yellow mark on their back that looks vaguely like a harp. The birds have a call that bards often admire as perfect in pitch and tone and many are the poems and songs that fawn on these birds and their calls. It is not uncommon to find bards wandering the forest gaining inspiration from the birds, and a few have taken to capturing them and bringing them home in cages. Some of the locals of villages like Monash and Riverbend have become worried at the potential for all of the harpers to be snatched from the forest, and so the local authorities now consider the taking of any harper from the forest to be poaching.

Legend says that these birds were a gift from Ringkol to Onlor, for the former was worried that the Gods' War would blast the very notion of song from the world, and so she gave unto the Goddess Onlora the birds for safe keeping, so that even if the rest of the world were unmade, song would live on.

The forest itself is home to fey of various sorts, and the highlands are regarded as a bit wild, with legends of druids and sometimes less savory forest characters. Most of the locals stay away from the forest heights.

Forest of Harr [B2]:

This forest surrounds Lake Harria and actually has two towns under its eaves. Elves are not as prevalent in this forest due to the presence of the towns and the lumbering that takes place in the area. The few elves that do dwell here tend to be very "civilized" in the sense that they dwell in suburbs of the cities or even in the cities themselves. The elves here are mostly high elves.

This forest is generally safe to travel, due to heavily patrolled roads leading past Kondul and Harria.

High Forest [B2]:

Of all the places of Onlor that could be termed wild, there are only two, the West Marshes and the High Forest. That is not to say the High Forest is a deadly place, but it is less a recipient of Onlora's benign countenance. The High Forest is so named because of its elevation, the northern portion reaches as high as 6,500 feet as it climbs the Onlor Mountains. It is also an apt name because its trees grow to an immense height, some of its pines reaching over 200 feet high.

The Forest is almost exclusively pine and non-deciduous trees. Its canopy is so thick that the forest floor is perpetually dim and thus clear of much undergrowth.

Elves dwell here, but they are shy and wary, except towards the southern end, where the forest dips onto the plains of Wenestria and contact with humans is common.

The Forest is also home to wild things. Few are inherently evil, although some scattered bands of orcs and goblins reside in the mountains and hills near the forest and often go hunting within its eaves. But large spiders, snakes, bats, insects, and other dangerous animals do dwell here, making the upper portions of the forest dangerous for mundane travellers.

Onchor Woods [A3]:

These woods are ruled by Queen Othlila, a high elf known to be a great sorceress. She employs many faery folk in her armies, and tends to be one of the least xenophobic elvish nobles on the Isle, and her fold are revered for their timely aid throughout the history of the Isle. These woods, as a result of the Queen's great prowess, are verdant and safe, although none dare lumber or hunt within its confines.

Forest of Onlor [A2]:

The Forest of Onlor (also known as the Central Forest) is a large sylvan forest highly imbued with magic from the Mere, which it surrounds, and the power of Onlora residing therein. The forest is always in the height of springtime. The climate is perfectly temperate, and despite the conditions outside the forest, the sky above the forest is always clear, punctuated by fluffy white clouds. Even when it rains, the rain is usually a light, refreshing sprinkle that makes the forest glow as if bejeweled.

The forest is extremely verdant, almost an archetype of what a sylvan forest would look like, and many older elves remark that the forest often approaches the spectacular beauty of ancient Blanthil before its fall. The trees are unusually strong, healthy, and verdant, with no sign of disease or blight anywhere. Streams and rivulets in the forest are crystal clear and refreshing. Animals are abundant and completely tame and unfearing of humankind, even allowing them to be pet. Fairy folk of all kind cavort around the forest, hiding from or harassing travelers as they deem fit.

Woe to any who desecrate the forest or harm any of the animals, for druids, elves, and fairy folk will all exact punishment upon the perpetrators. In fact, the Forest boasts a sizable druidic enclave and a large community of wood elves, led by their king and queen, Redolan and Thwaliran respectively. It is rumoured that at least one bronze dragon dwells with the elves here, attended by many faerie dragons.

Travelling through the forest is rare for most Onlorans, because of its remoteness and because they hold the magical forest in awe. It is widely believed that the most potent healing herbs grow here. Travellers in the forest will find the going easy, both because of an abundance of fruits, nuts, and fresh water, the mild climate, and because zephyrs from the sacred Mere of Onlor provide mystical refreshment to dwellers of the forest, draining away fatigue and restoring vitality.

Physically, the Forest of Onlor is about 150 miles long and about 80 miles wide. The most common trees therein are oaks, willows, rowans, and beeches, and an astounding variety of herbs and flowers grow amid these trees.

Great Forest of Relum [A3-4, B3-4]:

This huge expanse of forest is collectively known as the Forest of Relum. The local elves there have a bewildering variety of names for every small section of the area, but humans cannot recognize such distinctions and generally regard the whole as a contiguous area.

This forest is the home to the majority of elves on the Isle, most of them being wood elves. However, despite the place being an elven realm, the area is so vast that many places are little travelled and some places may be virgin forest, having not ever seen the tread of mortal beings.

The elves are less prevalent upon the highlands, where the human woodsmen dwell and eke out their existence while facing occasional depredations from roving bands of humanoids and other creatures. Most of the lumbering takes place here, and the Relum is known for its unique valnquaa tree, a deciduous broad leafed tree with a dual trunk that is known to produce a sturdy and strong wood valued for beams, rafters, and furniture.

See the notes on the Kingdom of Relum for more details.

Upikar Woods [A2]:

These lush woods cross the northern tip of Onlor, fairly cutting it off from the rest of the Isle. As such, tradesman, caravans, and other persons travelling between Lochnirr and Algol heavily travel through or near this forested area. Unfortunately, the elves here under King Valdamthil are very isolationist and are rarely seen to come outside of their central holdings. These elves are mostly wood elves. This means that bandits and other ne'er do wells sometimes use the woods as cover to waylay passers-by. This doesn't mean the forest is all that dangerous, but caravans are generally more alert when passing through the area.

Mountains and Hills:

Balin Hills [A4]:

These rugged hills and highlands are craggy, with tall columns of stones crowning tall, grass covered tors. Legends say that these hills were once the dwelling place of an ancient race of intelligent giants, but no evidence beyond fanciful tales exist to prove this assertion. A relatively large colony of dwarves dwells in the region, under a dwarven lord Thalik-huril, whose clan emigrated here centuries ago and have found good veins of iron, copper, and gold in the hills.

Endori Uplands [B1]:

These high tors dominate an otherwise flat area of Wenestria between the Endar River Valley and the Blue Bay. The sturdy Endori people dwell here, a folksy, earthy people who practice Mordantism and excel in the use of strange weapons like the lasso and the mancatcher. A proud folk, they do not consider themselves to be a part of the Kingdom of Wenestria, and have their own king, who is elected by council of males. However, they have been known to hire out as mercenaries to any of the local lords who need them. They also raise the finest goats and sheep on the Isle and their wool products are renowned even in Jerranq.

Hendridge Highlands [B4]:

Situated under the eaves of the Forests of Relum, these highlands are low and gentle, rolling in undulating waves beneath the leafy canopy. Even the crowns of these hills are forest covered. Many fey take their ease in these hills, especially, it is rumoured, centaurs and satyrs. The area is named after a half elf ranger named Hendigin, who dwelt in a massive tree that grew atop the highest hill in the chain. The ranger was a recluse, and little was known about him, except that all of the animals in the area acknowledged him as their lord and master. The first reports place him in his tree circa 4271, and in 4325 there was a large forest fire in the region and the great tree and Hendigin were both gone, never to be seen or heard from again. The highlands, nameless before 4271, was given its name in honour of the strange and now missing ranger.

Onlor Mountains [All Sections]:

These mountains are tall, upthrust peaks that dominate the centre of the Isle, cradling in their midst the valley that houses the Forest and Mere of Onlor. These Mountains provide a network of rivers and streams that flow year round from the winter runoffs.

The mountains summit at from 5,000 to 9,000 feet, with the tallest peak, Mount Jalla, in the eastern portion of the range, topping just over 10,000 feet. The treeline consistently reaches between 6,500 to 7,000 feet, and most of the mountains see snow during the winter, with the highest peaks bearing snow from early autumn to late spring.

The mountains are rugged and wild, home to animals of all sorts, as well as small isolated bands of dwarves. gnomes and halflings are common in the surrounding hills and lower ridges, which have also, to some extent, been cultivated by humans and are dotted with small outposts like Zin and Hightown.

Roads through the Mountains are non-existent, except for the Onlor High Pass; a winding roadway built by dwarves which crosses the eastern portion of the range from Lochnirr to Relum.

Humanoid bands do exist in the mountains and hills of Onlor, but they are generally small isolated clans, often causing more damage to each other due to internecine warfare than to neighboring humans and demi-humans. Nevertheless, few Onlorans will venture into the mountains due to the rugged terrain and fear of savagery.

Nevertheless, some humans do dwell here. They are a rough breed, called Mountain Men by the lowlanders, and they tend to be loners, introverts, who make their living by trapping and sell their wares once or twice a year at the hillside tradeposts. These Mountain Men have, since the War of the Gem, become somewhat romantic is still estranged figures, due to the fact that the Hero Morg hails from their numbers.

The Mountains of Onlor have no volcanism. Whatever forces created the peaks died away long before the Goddess Onlora moved her Isle to its present location.

South Hills [B1]:

This small expanse of highlands and tors provides a sort of buffer between the West Marshes and the Kingdom of Algol. Hardy hillfolk and halflings dwell in the place, constantly battling the raiding bands of brigands and humanoids emerging from time to time from the marshes. To the east, where the Hadorr Woods overlap the highlands, the folk there engage in lumbering and woodcarving, and they are known for their prowess in the latter.

Sylvan Heights [B4]:

These are a collection of lush, rolling hills that rise up like a bulge in the green carpet of Relum. Many of the elvish elite of Relum dwell here, in treetop estates with many retainers and bondsmen, a practice that many of the commoners amongst the elves look down upon. The fact that many of the elves dwelling here are high elves or even grey elves adds to the resentment.

Qwestril Hills [A4]:

Thrusting out towards the sea, these rugged highlands tend to be gentle in slope to the northwest, becoming higher and more rugged as one progresses southeast, as if a great hand had pushed up against the sea coast and thrust the land out to the northwest. Local legend says that the hand of Onlora herself was placed here as she pushed the Isle of Onlor across the sea, and indeed cartographers have noted that the valleys of the area form a roughly hand-like shape. A holy shrine to Onlora is located in the very center of the central valley, presumably where the palm of the goddess would have been. A halfling priestess always tends the shrine.

Swamps and Marshes:

West Marshes [B1]:

These are the largest set of marshes or swampland on Onlor, the remainder being small patches of moors and wetlands insignificant enough to be excluded from Isle-scale maps. The West Marshes are formed from runoff from the Western River and a variety of lesser flows that drain into a bowl-like depression before emptying into Algol Bay. The deltas formed in this depression have since clogged with mud and silt, and as a result, the runoff has overflowed into the entire depression area, creating the vast marshlands. The coastal area is actually a saltwater marsh, where silt has extended the coastline into the bay itself. Most of the marsh, once away from the coast, is freshwater, however. Travel is extremely difficult herein, and no major trails or tracks run through the marshes. There are certainly animal runs and hunting paths, especially near the peripheries. Quicksand is infrequent but still a danger. The marshes are generally lowland marshes, and only a few trees punctuate the landscape. However, the marsh is overgrown with reeds, bushes, and other water plants and tall grasses. Trees are most common to the north, as the marsh nears Hadorr Woods, and these are cypresses, willows, and a native tree called the jacklor.

The West Marshes are not well travelled. While not particularly evil or malign, it is true that various sorts of bandits, outlaws, and wandering bands of humanoids have made their lair here, along with a few truly despicable and dangerous creatures which have found themselves on the Isle. It is an accepted fact that some sort of demon-thing haunts the portion of the marsh nearest Istol Island, and many of the nearby folk believe that island to be haunted and the source of this demon-thing's powers.

The borders of the marshes are well patrolled by town militias, kingdom levies, and small bands of rangers.

To the far west of the marshes, the folk of Marshtown have built a canal that runs from the marshes southwest to the coast. This canal was dug in order to prevent the marshes from deluging valuable farmlands to the south of Marshtown, which were prone to seasonal flooding. Every six months, a group of workers heavily guarded by Marshtown levies cleans out the canal, which is about 10' deep and 10' wide.


Lake Alwel [B1:

This lake lies under the peaceful eaves of the Hadorr Woods and its lakeside is the site for the palace of the Queen of Hadorr. It is known that several water nymphs dwell in the lake, said to provide blessings and pleasure to those mortals who know how to contact them. The lake drains into the Alwel River, which is a tirbutary of the Western River.

Arrow Lake [B3]:

This lake is so named because a species of waterfowl that dwells here is believed to make the best arrow feathers. The lake drains into the Arrow River, which flows into the mighty Enstenearth River.

Circle Lake [B3]:

So named because of its shape, this lake drains into a tributary of the Eridruil River. It is a pristine and unfished lake, teeming with wild animals. A druid of some power is known to protect the lake, and he will allow none to fish therefrom.

Contu Lake [A1]:

Sourced from the Contulm River, this lake drains into the ocean by way of a continuation of that same river. The water is fresh and pure and well stocked with animal life and the occasional giant specimen (gar, pike, etc.).

Father Lake [B3]:

Feeding the Eridruil River, it is told by the elves that this lake was once twice its size before one lake spirit angered its son and forced its offspring to move away from the father. The elves believe that the spirit of the lake is now angry, and many boating mishaps that have taken place on the lake are blamed upon the disgruntled spirit.

Lake Harria [B2]:

This large lake sits under the eaves of the Forest of Harr. It is fed by and drains into the Harr River, and also drains into the Leyton River. Many fishing boats ply this lake, out of the city of Harria, and it is always rumoured that the lake is bottomless and holds some sort of great secret or treasure. It is true that soundings at its centre cannot reach the bottom, but auguries and the like which have been concerned with this matter seem to indicate that a bottom to the lake does, indeed, exist.

Lake Kinarr [B1]:

Feeding off of the Terruath River, the lake drains into a myriad of rivers, streams, and creeks that form an almost-delta across the western peninsula of Algol. As such, the lake is important because it lies near to various trade routes passing between Algol and Wenestria, and many fisherfolk ply its waters hoping to sell their wares to the caravans at markets nearby. This lake is the home of a smallish fish called a nolio, which is about the size of a kipper, is very hard to catch (since it is a bottom feeder) and is regarded as a delicacy by the elite of Onlor.

Little One Lake [B3]:

Feeding Father Lake, the elves of Relum tell that this lake is the result of a childlike water spirit that sought to be free of its father's influence. As such, the waters and the spirits of the lake are believed to bless children, and many locals take their young offspring and their young animals and baptize them in the waters of the lake.

Thome Lake [A1]:

This lake in the heart of the Kingdom of Algol supplies many of the surrounding folk with food and a good living. The Lesser River feeds it and itself feeds the Final River.


Algol River [A2]:

This long and very wide river falls from the Onlor Mountains, past the trading post of Zin, past Algol City, and to the ocean near the city of Vindar. It is well travelled by river traffic, including furriers taking their catches to market at Algol City. Farmers also use the river to haul their wares to market. The river is too fast and wide to cross during the winter, but there are many bridges and a few other fordable places. During high summer, the river is easily crossed in many places.

Andin River [B4]:

Rolling happily down from the Hendridge Highlands, this river eventually empties into the sea near the village of Piland. The river is not navigable, being shallow and swift, but more than a few bards have claimed to have gotten inspiration from listening to the river babble across the well polished stones in its bed.

Andsprit River [A4]:

A tributary of the mighty Bolidor River, the Andsprit emerges from a dwarven cave in the Balin Hills and passes through the dwarf clan gates before plummeting down a waterfall and then meandering to the Bolidor at the village of Messinje. The river is relatively placid and navigable from the Bolidor to the falls, and fish are plentiful. The dwarves of the Balin Hills respect the river, which undoubtedly has substantial subterranean origins and is a vital water source for the dwarves, and they take great pains not to pollute the flow.

Arrow River [B3]:

A tributary of the Enstenearth River, this short flow emanates from Arrow Lake. Much trade travels down from the lake to the Enstenearth via this wide and clam river.

Astir's River [B1]:

Astir's River emerges from Lake Kinarr and winds northwest before emptying near Mostul. The river valley is fertile and well farmed and often used as a defacto roadway from Hacherr to Mostul.

Avanstrum River [A3]:

Flowing forth from various runoff creeks and streams high in the mountains, this river plunges down great heights, forming many waterfalls as it does so, before finally bisecting the Forests of Relum and emerging into Relum Bay at Firfell. The river is navigable into the forest, until it reaches the foothills, and the elves living in this part of Relum often travel down rafts to visit Firfell to trade.

Berethinuil River [A4]:

A true forest river, this river begins in the high forest of easternmost Relum, south of Nort Cay, and meanders through the trees before crossing the Relum plains and gathering strength from the Faetyrn River at the village of Bereth. It finally makes its way to the sea at Leaventide. The river is named after Bereth, a famous lover of the elven heroine Thwallihir, as it is said he enjoyed swimming in its waters deep within the confines of the forest. The local elves regard a certain spot at the river side within the eaves as the exact swimming hole of Bereth and they love to visit and swim in the same place as the lover of their heroine.

The river itself is used by elves to bring goods out of the forest to Leaventide, and several paths follow the flow from Bereth into the forest to arrive at the main elven settlements in the forest.

Bolidor River [A4]:

This river cuts a deep gorge through the Onlor Mountains, its sheer sides rising 200' to 300' above the river. Eventually, the river emerges from the mountains and empties at the farthest eastern tip of Onlor. It is said that dwarves living in the mountains have carved wondrous stone bridges over the river, but these are hidden deep in the mountains were humans rarely venture.

Cardash River [A3]:

Flowing out of a spring in the mountains above Pwilt Holes, this small river empties into the Haven Straits near the town of Horst. It is slow and crossable at many points.

Cenulwith River [B3]:

Forming from the various streams and creeks in the mountains above the Forest of Relum, the Cenulwith flows south and then east before emptying into Relum Bay near the village of Chariss. Peaceful and sylvan, the river is placid and clear and provides good fishing at Chariss.

Cherrod River [B2]:

This fast river passes through the Forest of Harr and empties into the Blue Bay near the village of Posh. It is too small and fast to allow trade, but is fordable due to its narrowness.

Churn River [A4]:

So named because it is narrow, rocky, and frothing, this river tumbles out of the Qwestril Hills and loses no speed as it passes Maskir's Farm before dashing into the Bolidor River at Balmuth. Brave or foolish folk sometimes ride down the rapids in makeshift rafts, and a few are found later wounded or dead on the riverside, but those who "Turn the Churn without a Burn" are accorded some fame in these parts.

Contulm River [A1-2]:

Divided into two halves by Contu Lake, the upper portion of this water drains into Contu Lake. The river is fast and wild before the lake, and few brave its rapids with rafts or canoes. It is only crossed on its lower half, which drains the lake, or in its upper half where the roads cross it at a bridge or by fallen logs or stones which sometimes can be found along its length. Other crossings are hazardous and time consuming.

Dashery River [A3]:

One in a series of fast flowing rivers emanating from the Lochnirran highlands and tumbling to the rocky coast below, the Dashery is also host to salmon spawning every spring and bears and other beasts of prey often haunt the upper verges of the river at such times. The village of Vannirbir also hosts fishing festivals during this time.

Deep River [B2]:

Named because of its depth, this river is deep enough to run fairly slowly and so is calm and navigable up to the foothills. It is known that large freshwater snakes dwell in this river, and so mostly this river is crossed at the bridges near Shunt Meadow or Bosch.

Driven River [A4]:

Emanating from the heights of Harper's Forest, the river is regarded as unsafe near its source, due to the capricious influence of the fey of that area. By the time the river emerges frothing from the eaves of the forest and makes its turn at Riverbend, it is pure and potable, though some swear that at times the river water bears a slight intoxication which the locals blame on practical jokers within the forest. The river then heads north, emerging into the ocean at Monash. Along the way, there are many rapids and small falls, meaning the river is not widely used for water traffic. A local fish taken from the river is known as a "drunkfish".

Drust River [B1]:

The Drust River sources from Lake Kinarr and wends its way lazily past Drust to the sea at Kirloth. The village of Drust occupies both sides of the river, where it narrows, and a great bridge spans the river at this point. Winches can raise or lower the river to allow traffic to pass beneath it. The river is navigable all the way to Lake Kinarr, and sees a great deal of trade coming down to Kirloth and back to the Lake.

Endar River [B1]:

Fed from the foothills of the southwestern spur of the Mountains of Onlor, the Endar runs south, emptying into the Mezon Ocean. The river is slow and easily fordable, although bridges exist at major crossings, such as at Penstria and Kaloria. The river sees some trade coming up from the north of Penstria to as far as Kaloria, and vice versa. However, there is no traffic to and from the ocean, as the Endar terminates in a steep waterfall that drops off of the cliffs near Penstria and plummets into the ocean below.

Enstenearth River [B2]:

This river passes Trade Town, and is fed by the Arrow River which drains Arrow Lake. The river is calm and navigable up to Hunthold making it one of the longest navigable river system in Onlor. Much river traffic can be seen riding the river.

Eridruil River [B3]:

This mighty river is extremely wide and very slow moving. It cuts a huge swath through the Great Forest of Relum before emptying near Leaf Port East. Eridruil also is also fed by Circle Lake, Father Lake and Little One Lake, and is, for this reason, sometimes called Mother River by those interested in such legends. The river is only crossed by bridge at its extreme south along the road between Leaf Port and Leaf Port East. In the forest, the elves often string long rope bridges from treetop to treetop across the wide river. Otherwise, the river can be crossed easily if a shallow spot is found. The river is far too wide to allow fallen logs to cross it.

Faetyrn River [A4]:

This river, sourced from the mystical lake at Faeslodge, tumbles from the Qwestril Hills and then cuts across the plains before flowing into the Berethinuil River at the village of Bereth. The river is fordable year round at many points, as it is wide and shallow and fairly slow flowing. It is also navigable from Bereth to the foothills of Qwestril.

Fanscuil River [A4]:

The Fanscuil River is formed from many runoff creeks and streams that gather momentum in the Mountains of Onlor and then wend their way to form the beginnings of this flow. The river emerges from the mountains pure and cold and makes a final tumble down Maclhannon's Falls before veering north and finally meeting the sea at Fanstor. The river actually flows around the tor there, giving the village an extra natural defense.

Final River [A1]:

This river sources from Thome Lake and empties into the Sea of Dusk just north of the town of Gadivar. Much trade plies its length.

Foamy River [B4]:

Born in the Hendridge Highlands, the Foamy River is so laden with rocks and other wash from the forest that the water is constantly foaming and frothing. This makes navigating the river difficult or impossible except for small stretches, as whitewater dominates even as it leaves the forest and makes its way across the lowlands, emerging in a silty brown froth at the village of Whitewash.

Forwaith River [B3]:

This river, springing from the southern end of the Sylvan Heights is of little significance save that it is a player in an elvish tragedy about a maiden who drowned herself in it out of sorrow. As such, some locals feel the river is bad luck.

River of Grapes [A2]:

A river whose spirit is thought to be the offspring of Flupnir and Erinhoru, this flow's waters feed the lush vineyards of the Valley of Grapes, which runs from the town of Jewel to the City of Wine. Small tributaries and irrigation ditches keep those fields fertile. The river is slow moving and can be crossed with ease, especially since many of the fields span the river and have bridges crossing it.

Haever's River [A3]:

Haever's River was named for the mountain man who lived in a cabin at its source. He dwelt in the early days of the Kingdom of Lochnirr, and often brought warning of restless humanoid tribes in the mountains. His cabin is now long gone, but the river is his memorial. The flow is cold and fast and it makes its way relatively straight out of the mountains to empty at Brochlannin.

Harr River [B2]:

This smallish river is the source of Lake Harria and empties near the town of Brewer. The waters here are very cold and pure and are used by the folk of Brewer in their concoctions. Harr Brew is a beer that uses only water from this river, and the river spirit is said to be a daughter of the gods Erinhoru and Flupnir.

Inastal River [A3]:

The Inastal is a long and languid river, emerging from the eastern terminus of the Mountains of Onlor and rolling through the breadth of the Forest of Relum where it gathers volume from myriad tributaries. The river twists and turns through Relum, and it is common for the mischievous fey of the area to watch novice forest trekkers become lost and encounter the same river over and over again, going from one twist to another bend to still another curve. The flow finally emerges just north of Dindilbae and empties adjacent to that village.

Jawtyrin River [A1]:

The Jawtyrin river forms from two smaller tributaries at the village of Venison and then cuts the coastal plain before making the ocean at Entirsome. The river is used for light trade up and down its length, and is also known to be good for fishing.

Kittum River [B1]:

This river empties into the Mezon Ocean near the City of Wenestria. It is important only because of the trade making its way from the major port of Wenestria to Far Trek and sometimes as far as Wardria.

Lador's Run [B1]:

Named after the same Lador of Lador's Rest fame, this narrow and fast flowing river provides water for the Rest and powers its mill. The river eventually drains into the vast West Marshes. A stone bridge with scenes of dancing halflings crosses the river just outside the Rest.

Lekestel River [A4]:

This short river descends from the Qwestril Hills and become a tributary of the Bolidor River at Tulhorn. The area around the river is quite grassy, and many smaller creeks that come out of the hills eventually drain into it. As such, much of the riverbank area is boggy, and the region is known for its frogs, moth mundane and giant.

Lesser River [A2]:

This long and meandering river eventually empties into Thome Lake. It is placid and shallow during all but the rainy season and can be crossed at many places, by bridge or by ford. Small rafts travel up and down the river.

Leyton River [B2]:

This river is named after a halfling sheriff who married the spirit lady of the river and gave his life defending it against a jealous spirit of earth. It is said that marriages performed in or near the river will be blessed for years afterwards.

Manon's River [A3]:

Named after Lord Manon Macnirr, who settled this area when the human Kingdom of Lochnirr was founded, the river comes fast out of the mountains but quickly slows as the river wends through the coastal lowlands. By the time it exits near Lochnirr City, it is calm and navigable as far south as Manon's Tor.

Mazur's River [A3]:

Named after the early Lord Mazur of Lochnirr, who settled the area bordering the river, this fast river is deep and fordable only north of Kilast and via several bridges, two north of Mazur's Hold and one near the village of Xyrvar. Mazur's ashes were scattered into this river, and many believe that his old campfire songs can be heard at night in the frothing of the river.

Muddy River [A4]:

So named because of the mud and other debris that washes out of the Balin Hills, especially after storms, this river is almost always a dull brown in colour, hence its name. The water is fast flowing and there are many spots of whitewater, making navigation treacherous. The river ends at Silton, spilling into the sea.

Nandom Canal [B1]:

Dug by dwarves as a favour to a mayor of Nandom who located and returned a dwarven heirloom, the canal has caused the town to prosper from trade travelling from the Terruath to the sea. The canal is 50' wide and 30' deep and contains locks and mechanical devices so that the Terruath River both fills the canal and continues its run to Lake Kinarr.

Omstomnil River [A4]:

This tributary of the Bolidor River forms from myriad streams and creeks high in the Onlor Mountains. It ten passes through steep canyons and gorges and tumbles down many a fall before joining the Bolidor at Nort Cay.

Orjiliarth River [B2]:

Halfling merchants and farmers coming from the area around Bar Hole and leading to the Port of Arvoria travel the Orjiliarth. The river is not navigable all the way to Neshton, but stretches of it are navigable from the foothills to halfway between Neshton and its source.

Rapid River [A2]:

So named because of its many waterfalls and rapids, this river is only navigable as it nears the sea. A tribe of Lochnirran mountain men must travel down the river in an apple tub as a rite of manhood, and not uncommonly, empty apple tubs are seen floating past Vortan's Fort.

Relarth River [B3]:

Amazingly enough, this river is navigable (with some portaging) all the way to Trade Post. This is one reason the Onlor High Pass was made linking Trade Post to Mazur's Hold, so that trade could pass the breadth of Onlor. The river cuts deep canyons and gorges into the mountain and hillsides that it passes, making the it relatively free of white water. It empties alongside Leaf Port.

Relum River [B3]:

The Relum River flows from the Sylvan Heights of Relum. This water empties into Relum Bay to the east near Lebidor village. The Relum is beloved by the elves of Relum, which dance many a dance to its bubbling music. The river is not well fished, since that does not run to elvish tastes.

Reuel River [B4]:

The Reuel River begins its journey in the eastern end of the Hendridge Highlands, snaking its way through the edge of the Relum Forest before turning south and emerging into Relum Bay at Rodrich. The Reuel is relatively placid, and the elves use it to take trade to and from Rodrich village. The flow is named after a druid who dwelt at its source and who was so entranced by the river that he converted to a priest of Erinhoru. As such, Onlor's druids still call the river by its ancient name, the Hangthuil River.

Slontol River [A2]:

A treacherous river that spends most of its length cascading down from the mountains, this river is warded by the Upikar elves once it reaches those woods. It eventually empties to the north of Onlor into the sea.

South River [B1]:

Another offshoot from Lake Kinarr, the South River runs to Midgetown before outletting into the ocean. Like the town, the river is often infested by biting insects, as far upriver as the woods midway to Fincoll. Some swampland lines the southern portion of the river, and tall reeds tend to grow along its banks. Local legend says that this river used to be the border of the West Marshes before an ancient halfling priestess of Onlora drove the swamp back to its present borders. Because of the insects, little trade plies the river, instead opting to use the Drust and then travelling the coastal road to Midgetown and vice versa.

Swamp Run [B1]:

Swamp Run is notable only as an obstacle along the vital roadway between Lador's Rest and Wardria. A large, dwarven-made stone bridge crosses the flow, and this is manned by strong fortresses at both ends, which serve to collect a modest toll enacted by the Kingdom of Wenestria and to secure the bridge against raids by the inhabitants of the nearby West Marshes. The river itself begins in the higher foothills of the Onlor Mountains and runs swiftly across the coastal lowlands before emerging into the West Marshes.

Terruath River [A2]:

One of the premiere rivers on Onlor, the Terruath begins high in the Onlor Mountains and tumbles down the mountains and foothills, before entering the Hadorr Woods. Emerging from the woods, it eventually forms Lake Kinarr, though not before dividing partially at the Nandom Canal. The river is wide, but not too deep, and is therefore navigable up to Nontip. There is much river traffic, and the centre of the river is deep enough to permit small ships to ply its length up to Gulont.

Undil River [B2]:

Emerging from the High Forest, the Undil is often choked with logs washed from the forests during torrential squalls. In addition, loggers having cut masts from the High Forest can sometimes be seen riding their cuts down the river, which is fairly free of whitewater from the southern portions of the High Forest south. Sometimes, the loggers simply brand their logs and send them down, having an agent at Goodsail pick them up and warehouse them. It is a crime to steal someone's branded logs from the river.

Upikar River [A2]:

Emerging from the foothills above the Upikar Woods, this river meanders through the Woods and empties south of the town of Elinteer into the Sea of Dusk. The river is well stocked but not much used for trade, as some of its length passes through the territory claimed by the reclusive elves of Upikar.

Western River [B1]:

Bubbling up from natural springs near Pordem, this wide river runs swiftly out of the mountains and drains into the Western Marshes after picking up water from the Alwel River. The Western River is important in that it is integral in the formation of the Western Marshes. There is little important trade along the river primarily because in order to access Algol Bay from the river one would have to pass through the marshes. There are two crossings of this wide river, at Westfell and between Runtor and Westfell.

White River [B2]:

This small river is so named because of the white water present due to its shallowness and rock formations. Local legends say that this river is the offspring of Leyton the Halfling and the spirit of Leyton River.

Seas, Oceans, and Bays:

Algol Bay [B1]:

Slightly misnamed, since most of the bay abuts Wenestria, this body of water is fairly shallow and falls under Onlora's protection. It was likely that this bay was surface lowland before Onlora moved the island.

Fishing is excellent here, and many boats from Wenestria ply their trade here. The water is shallow enough to keep huge monsters from entering the bay, although an occasional one does manage to do so. In the winter, whales of various sorts can be seen here, but little actual whaling is done, as the halflings frown upon hunting such intelligent creatures.

Alum Straits [B1]:

These straits form the mystical western boundary between Onlor and the rest of the world. A person travelling by boat across the straits will, about halfway across, notice the climate change rapidly from temperate to sub-tropical.

These straits are well travelled, as boats ply their way from Algol to Wenestria. However, there are ixitxachitl here, constantly warring with locathah and aquatic elves, and pirates based in the Anabbar Islands sometimes raid shipping.

Blue Bay [B2]:

Named because of the rich blue hue of the water here, the Blue Bay is deeper than Algol Bay, abutted by cliffs along some of its Wenestrian length.

Although deeper and a bit wilder than Algol Bay, the fishing here is still good and fisherfolk all along the southern coast of Wenestria sail out every day to catch their wares.

This bay is also known to sport oysters, and a few well-trained pearl divers sometimes collect them from the shallower portions of the bay.

Sea of Dusk [A1]:

This open sea is so named because of the way the sunset reflects off of its waters and because the sunset dips below this sea, when viewed from any of the western coasts of Onlor or Jerranq.

The sea is less well travelled than the Haven Straits, although many ships do run the coast from the city-states of Western Jerranq to Algol to trade.

In addition, it is not unknown for a band of adventurous humanoids to build a boat and raid across the sea into Onlor. For this reason, Algol's navy often patrols its coast along the Sea of Dusk.

The sea here is home to a variety of sea creatures great and small. Included are locathah, merfolk, aquatic elves, and the evil ixitxachitl, who live in the more tropical portions of the sea near the Anabbar Islands.

Haven Straits [A3]:

This rather wide channel separates Onlor from the Continent of Jerranq. The straits are known to be very deep, for this was part of the wide-open ocean before Onlora moved her island here. The straits are extremely well travelled and few sea monsters remain. However, patrols and pirates often ply the lane. The water in the straits is calm, due to its sheltered position and Onlora's residual presence.

Mezon Ocean [B1]:

This ocean is larger than anyone has explored. It is extremely deep and home to many unknown creatures and mysteries, or so legends say. Ships generally stay near to the coast, travelling through the Alum Straits and hugging the coast before crossing Algol Bay.

It is said that occasionally strange things wash up from the depths and into the West Marshes, although few are willing to brave the marshes to acquire these things.

Those few mariners who do ply the open Mezon know that there are some uninhabited islands about 600 miles to the southwest of the town of Low End. These islands are the mating grounds for herds of dragon turtles.

Relum Bay [B3]:

A huge shelf of rock just beneath the water (between 20'-30') forms Relum Bay. In clefts in this shelf grow many forms of coral, for Relum Bay is the most tropical of Onlor's bays. There are few huge creatures in such shallow water, but the waters team with exotic fish, many not good to eat. At least one persistent legend says the bay is haunted at night, and fishermen report eerie lights coming from below the surface on occasion. These tales attribute the haunting to an elven maiden who loved a merman. Each went to a witch known as Halgranta asking to change to the other's form. The witch granted each lover his/her wish, and the two were separated forever. Heartbroken, the merman drowned himself in the Bay, and his elven lover drowned herself on dry land. The haunting of the bay is believed to be the lovers' souls.

In any case, Relumese often call a decision with no right answer as a "Halgranta".


Anabbar Islands [A1]:

These islands are outside of the effect of Onlora, and are therefore not considered a part of Onlor. They were settled by humans also fleeing Jerranq, but these were mostly criminals and ne'er-do-wells. The settled mainly on Alum Isle (the largest island in the chain) and began to farm the land and raise sheep and became good folk, although a bit wild and proud.

Later, however, pirates and other criminals took refuge in the smaller islands and coves of the chain.

Alum Isle [A1]:

Alum Isle itself is ruled by the Hetman of Alum, a position won for 25 years by a great contest of combat and other skills, both athletic and mental. The Alumese have good relations with the Onlorans, although halflings consider them rude folk.

The Alumese have a treaty with Algol for mutual protection, as the Algolians do not want to see Jerranqi fleets based so close to their shores.

Anabbar Rock [A1]:

This chain of islands was named after this small bit of rock, with almost no plant life except for clinging varieties.

The rock is important first as an anchorage for ships and a resting-place for seals and sea lions. Also, because atop the rock is a pillar made of crystallized salt, inside which can be seen a humanoid figure, although the salt is opaque enough to muddle fine detail.

It is said that the ancient spirit who rules this portion of the ocean, a daughter of Hotor, would not honour the pact between Hotor and Onlora when she moved her isle, and as punishment, Hotor trapped his rebellious daughter here.

What is known is that the crystal seems impervious to attempts to harm it and that occasionally a plaintive song will emerge from the crystal. It is said that this song is so beautiful that some men have jumped overboard to swim to the rock to hear the song. Not a few boats have been known to inexplicably steer right into the rocky outcroppings that surround Anabbar rock proper.

Cherib Island [A1]:

A rocky island known to have a cave system piercing it, this island has been home to a variety of pirates and other such, each using the island as a stronghold and base until driven out by a stronger pirate group or finally hunted down by Onloran troops tired of losing ships to raids.

Legends of the halflings of Algol say that this island was actually much larger when Onlora arrived, but the goddess, for reasons unknown, sank the island, leaving only its top exposed.

Drenik Isle [A4]:

This smallish isle is of great strategic importance, since it lies in the exact middle of the Haven Straits. By treaty with Iligor and Lochnirr, each may keep 10 ships of war at the small fortress and port thereupon. This fort is manned by 200 men, 100 from each kingdom.

Fathom Isle [A2]:

Claimed by Algol, though often desired by Iligor, this isle is inhabited by humans from Algol, who conduct fishing and some modest farming on small steads and settelements. The Kingdom of Algol encourages habitation of the isle in order to forestall any claims by Iligor, and so far these has never been anything more than political posturing by Iligor over the isle. Some Algolian nobles have large estates on the isle, which is used as a refuge or getaway or vacation home. These are mostly situated in the southern half of the isle.

Fortun Island [B3]:

This large island is flat and grassy and home to about 350 humans, mostly fishing folk and herders. What is interesting about this island is that the folk from here have the most amazing luck, and in fact most Fortunans are barred from gambling establishments in Relum or Wenestria, although there are no physical features to tell them apart form other Onloran humans.

Even more interesting is the fact that non-Fortunans who stay on the island more than a week or so generally become violently ill and a few are known to have died because they remained on the island.

No one knows what causes these effects, although Fortunans say it is a trick played upon their ancestor Qualip, who angered Flupnir, the Trickster God.

Because non-natives cannot remain on the island, the island has never been officially made a part of any Onloran kingdom, although the island's climate is temperate.

Gint Island [A1]:

This large flat island is home to a small bandit lord who maintains a small fleet of fast ships. He pays tribute to Alum and generally does not attack Onloran ships out of respect to the treaty between Alum and Algol. This lord mainly sails north to raid, hitting the Near Coast and even raiding the Untamed Coast.

Indar Island [B3-4]:

This large island is home to the Indari, and group of semi-Morakki natives who dwelt here in the Heynosht long before humans ever came to Onlor. Due to its size, importance on trade routes, and its proximity to Relum, the natives of this large island have become civilized, and even built a large town. Now, the Indari are the mightiest of the tribes of the Heynosht and often serve as a bridge between the primitives and the civilized.

A small range of mountains dominates the island, with the lowelands being covered with jungle and only the coastlands being clear and fertile. Because the island is not under the protection of Onlora, the climate is decidedly subtropical.

There are rumours of gold and diamonds in the mountains and jungles of Indar, but the Indari are fiercely protective of their sacred places and will not let prospectors mine their lands. It should be noted, however, that the Indari themselves often show up with gold and diamonds. In addition, the mysterious town of Hekar occupies the topmost peak of the hilly range in the island's centre.

Istol Island [B1]:

This small island is believed to be haunted by a demon-thing that often roams the West Marshes. No one in recent memory has been to the island and ships generally cut across Algol bay near Mite Island as a result. One account says that a race of evil beings left over form the Gods' War dwelt here, and that one of their number survived and roams the area.

Joneel Islands [B1]:

This set of three islands (two quite large) is not claimed by Wenestria, since they are too far away to patrol effectively and since the two southernmost islands are outside of Onlora's protection. These islands are scrubby, with sandy beaches and palm trees on the southernmost.

They are, however, inhabited by lizardfolk. Each island has a clan of lizardfolk, the northernmost being ruled by a lizard king who is called Master of the Lands by his subjects.

Those lizardfolk living on the smallest island are known to be savages and primitive.

Occasionally, lizardfolk have built boats and landed on the shores of Wenestria, sometimes to raid and sometimes to trade. Those lizardfolk from the northernmost island are known to be the most hostile.

These lizardfolk, when coming in peace, often speak of a great land to the south of Onlor, where there are many more of their people. They can also tell that thier ancient tribe, known as the Arkaddi, lost a great war against their Godking in ancient times and fled to these islands.

Klar Island [B1]:

A small unimportant island home to some fisherfolk settlements. A small fort kept here by Wenestria also docks a few patrol ships to patrol the south end of Algol Bay.

Mite Island [B1]:

This large island guards the approaches to Algol Bay and therefore is strategically valuable enough to have a small castle built upon it. The island itself is fair and fertile, and the folk here fish and raise cattle and hogs. The island belongs to the Kingdom of Algol, although Wenestria has, at times in the past, claimed the island. A portion of the Algol fleet docks here and patrols the bay.

Spire Island [A1]:

This is actually a large collection of very pointed spires of rock emerging from a shallow stone plateau not much above sea level. During rough weather, the plateau is awash, so no permanent settlements have been built here.

Large sea birds, however, nest along the faces of the spires, and it has been reported by many a sailor that from a cave in the largest central spire has been seen a large winged creature, mostly emerging at night. For this reason, ships generally pass to and from Alum to the north of Cherib Isle or, more commonly, to the south of Anabbar Rock.



In general, villages are those with populations of between 200-2,000. Towns are from 2,000-5,000. Cities have a population over 5,000. These categories may differ slightly from those presented in the DMG, but date from halfling custom and so are used here. All entries in this section are appended with a V for Village, T for Town or C for City.

Adabais Cove (V) [A2]:

Nestled between two high cliffs that overlook the craggy rocks of the area that thrust out of the sea, this fishing village is accessible only by a single winding trail that climbs up between the hills surrounding the cove and then down switchbacks to the village proper. Other than this single road there is no easy way to reach the village. Because of its natural defenses, the village is unwalled.

The 250 inhabitants are humans, almost exclusively fisherfolk, since the area here is not fertile and too rocky for cattle. A few people do herd goats here however. Adabais Cove has no docks, as the fishing boats are simply hauled up onto the beaches. Mordantism is mostly practiced by these conservative folks, although there is a shrine to Hotor here and a substantial minority of the population worships that god.

Out at sea, visible from the village, is the collection of islands known here as Adabais Islands. Each island actually has its own name, which the locals all know. Many of the islands (and there are literally hundreds of them) are mere spires rising up to 100 ft from the sea. Others are rocky crags that are up to 6 miles long. Few or no plants larger than moss grow on these islands, and none have sandy beaches...few even have a place suitable for landing.

Sea life is prevalent here. Sharks are well known, as are dolphins and even an occasional whale. Giant squid are also known to frequent the area at certain times of year.

Sea birds take to the rocky islands as well, and an occasional fisherman will purport to see humanoid figures on some of the islands, possibly mermen or nereids.

It is also said that a will-o'-wisp makes its lair in amongst these islands, and this wisp has often lured small ships onto the rocks.

Agueldop (V) [A1]:

Still another favourite stop on the coast road for travellers and merchants, this large village of 1,600 folk is heavy with inns, taverns, and a local bazaar. The peasants here worship Dhalis and Hotor, but nearby is the Vale of Aguellar, where the Onlorans defeated an expeditionary force from the ancient Amorian Empire. Several stone plinths mark the site, and a temple to Aghorrit and a shrine to Onlora are here commemorating the site. It is said that a blessing from the temple there will provide a warrior with luck for a year if he fights in defense of Onlor and its way of life. Once every three years a grand martial tournament is held in the Vale wherein the various knights and warriors of Onlor attempt to prove their mettle. The winner of the Vale is accorded some valuable prize, usually a minor magical weapon of some sort.

The village itself is walled with a combination of stone-mortared bricks and wooden palisades.

Aldum (V) [A2]:

This village is an out of the way home to over 800 citizens, a decent proportion of which is halflings. The main portion of the village is walled with stones and wooden stakes, for bandits from the Upikar sometimes are known to raid the area in force. As such, this village maintains a strong militia presence, and its halfling slingers are renowned far and wide.

The folk here make their living from logging (some of which floats down the Upikar to Elinteer) and farming in the lush Upikar river valley. Grains are mostly grown here, including barley, hops, and wheat.

The goddess Dhalis is revered here and there is a small chapel to Mordantism as well.

Algol City (C) [A2]:

This is the largest city on the Isle of Onlor. Walled by concentric rings of mortared stone walls, Algol City compares favourably with any city on the Continent, although on the smallish side population-wize when set against some of the larger Jerranqi metropoli.

The city is home to roughly 35,000 persons, including a fair number of halflings who dwell in a hilly section to the east of the city, just outside of the walls, in their traditional halfling holes. Although dwelling outside of the walls, these halflings are a welcome part of the community and their dwellings are considered a formal part of the city. The King of Algol has his palace here, not a particularly sumptuous affair by Continental standards, though comfortable and roomy to be sure. The County of Algol encompasses Chanse and Venison, and some would also say Zin, although the Zinfolk would likely take exception to that and the King has never pressed the issue.

While the city is home to about 35,000 permanent residents, the population tends to swell during festivals, as everyone from miles around will converge on the place at such time. The best known is the fall Harvest Festival, when visitors from all over Onlor swell the city ranks to easily over 150,000 persons.

Temples to pretty much every god in Therra can be found here. These include temples to Aghorrit, Cotrunul, Dhalis, Erinhoru, Flupnir, Hastaffor, Heleniarr, Hindarr-quag, Hotor, Indolle, Malaktum, Melinna, Meredros, Mergurr, Mustiglior, Pindar, Ringkol, Ularinn, Vastalla, and Vinstarria.

The thieves' temple is hidden away with the Thieves' Guild, which operates in a sort of limbo with regard to its legality. The city officials have never actually gone after the Guild itself, whether for political reasons or other reasons it is not known, and the Guild lair is a known location to most city residents and is regarded as sanctuary for thieves. However, a thief caught plying his trade is fair game, although penalties are not too harsh.

A Flupnir temple is known to exist somewhere in the city, but no one can ever seem to find it, and it is rumoured that it actually dwells in a sort of pocket dimension whose doorway appears at random times within the city precincts. The Highest Knight of the Order of Algol has his dwelling near the King's palace, and the Highest Knight of the Order of the Gull on Onlor lives at the Meredros Temple here. A large Vastallan hospital, school, and convent is located here and the high priestess and deacon are both said to be able to call the dead back to life.

There is a medium sized Church of Mordant within the city, catering to Mordant travellers and the Mordanti population living within the city walls.

Also located here are the Onloran Schools of Magic. Disciplines taught here by the schools include all of the schools of magic except for necromancy.

Algol sees much trade pass through its walls, as it is on an important road juncture, but also its marketplace is quite simply the best in Onlor and so it is the destination for much of the trade passing through Algol. Extensive farming goes on in the croplands along all of the river valleys and Algol is also the centre of many craftsmen, smithies, and trainers. A fine breed of horse is bred in the nearby hills and sold here, being known for its speed and endurance, and at least two of the halfling families breed hardy mountain ponies favoured by smaller folk.

Alduinel (V) [B3]:

While the elves of Relum, unused to gathering into urban areas, are apt to exaggerate and call Alduinel a city, the fact is that it amounts to an elven village. The village is located up a winding road that climbs to the top of the Sylvan Heights, at the edge of a cliff that overlooks the Relum Forest. Some 1,100 elves live here, almost exclusively high elves with perhaps 100 grey elves as well. The Council of Relum holds court here, and the current King, a High Elf named Arwanadruil, rules the council.

A few humans and gnomes and halflings also dwell in Alduinel, though not more than 50 of each race. The elves here engage in trade with wood elves and other forest dwellers, such trade usually being picked up by elven merchants from Leaf Port, Leaf Port East, or even as far as Trade Town.

The elvish Knights of Relum are quartered here, a group of elven Fighter/Sorcerers who wear elven chainmail and worship Meredros. The order boasts some 30 members with a large number of squires and support staff.

Alduinel is a centre of Elvish culture in Relum, despite its small size, simply because it is the largest conglomeration of elves in a single compact area under the eaves of Relum. Elvish bards, wizards, rogues, all sorts of elven professionals can be found here. The high temple to Galasiria is also located here. Alduinel, except for its trade, has no real resources of its own, as hunting and lumbering could be exploited, but the elves choose to avoid such activities. While its permanent population numbers 1,100 it usually has thrice that number when itinerant elves, merchants, and passers-through are counted.

The village is not walled per se, but a "wall" of trees rings the village, with thick hedges filling the spaces between the trees except for 3 "gates" which are merely gaps in the hedges. The elves live both in buildings of wood and stone and in tree houses, as the village is dotted with trees and parklands. A decent number of faery folk can also be spotted (when they want to be) enjoying the hullabaloo and playing jokes here and there.

Alonda (V) [B2]:

This village, set at the mouth of the Leyton River, is walled by a wooden palisade in its centre only, as a refuge should anything come out of the seas. The population is an even mix of halflings and humans, about 250 of each.

The humans are oriented towards fishing for their livelihoods, and the halflings farm the surrounding countryside. Dhalis and Hotor are worshipped here.

Alum (T) [A1]:

The Hetman of Alum dwells in Alum Town, a walled town of about 5,000 persons. A bustling port is here, as merchants from Onlor and Jerranq stop here to trade with the Alumese. The Alumese fish the Straits, trying to avoid the ixitxachitl that sometimes come to the surface and cause problems. Some livestock is also raised here and crops are grown on terraces in the nearby foothills. Alumese Brandy is well regarded in Jerranq and Onlor and especially favoured by halflings.

Temples to Hotor and Aghorrit are here, as is a shrine to Vastalla, Ringkol, and Hastaffor. Also, a large brothel with a shrine to Mustiglior is a favoured stopping place for ships' crews.

Annise (V) [A2]:

Named after the anise seeds that grow in and near the woods just outside of the village, this village is known for its perfumery, a family owned business that specializes in unguents and perfumes. Several large flower gardens run along the road to the north of the village, and these are used in the fabrication of various scents.

The village itself is unwalled and home to around 200 folks, mostly humans, though a gnome alchemist is the chief mixer in the perfumery. A shrine to Mustilgior is here, run by a priestess who is said to add aphrodesiac qualities to a few of the scents and musks.

Arvoria (C) [B2]:

The second largest city in Wenestria, Arvoria boasts a population of about 12,500 persons. For the most part the inhabitants are human, as the halflings are rather prevalent in the various villages scattered throughout the Duchy of Arvoria. The Duchy is the largest in Wenestria, owing to the fact that at the time of the ducal division of lands, the area between Jaynith and the Enstenearth River was a wilderland. Over time, humans and halflings have migrated into and populated the area, and the Duke of Arvoria, who was granted the lands initially as more of a burden than a blessing, now has perhaps the largest Duchy or County on the island.

The Dukedom extends along the entire central lowlands from hills in the north to coast in the south. To the west, it includes Plowton, Alonda, Udarch, Matavilch, Goodsail, Beida, and Quaend. To the east it counts Teln, Bar Hole, Jaynith, Shunt Meadow, Hunthold, and Bosch as within its precincts.

The city is partially walled, in that there is the central castle complex of the Duke on a hill at the centre of the city and another wall set further out in a ring around that. About 3/4th of the population is surrounded by these high stone walls. The remainder of the population lives in houses outside of the city walls.

Arvoria is situated in an excellent natural harbour, sheltered by two rocky spurs of land which keep the Bay of Arvoria calm and sheltered. Fishing is plentiful in the bay, as are oysters and clams. In addition, much of the wares grown in the villages of the Duchy make their way to the huge market of Arvoria for offloading onto ships in the large harbour or to sell directly in the marketplace. Of course, farmland is also harvested around the city itself.

The Duke of Arvoria trains his soldiery well, and the Silver Shafts are an elite and well respected body of pikemen said to be so disciplined that they once stood up to a charge of wyverns in a battle against the Deceiver on the Continent many centuries ago.

As the main community of central and eastern Wenestria, Arvoria has many temples, which serve as headquarters for the various shrines and smaller temples scattered through the lowland villages. Such temples present within the city include churches of Aghorrit, Cotrunul, Dhalis, Erinhoru, Flupnir, Hastaffor, Heleniarr, Hindarr-quag, Hotor, Indolle, Melinna, Meredros, Mergurr, Mustiglior, Pindar, Ringkol, Ularinn, Vastalla, and Vinstarria

The Flupnir temple is overtly situated outside the walls amid some vast vineyards where Flupnirian wine is brewed. The temple here attempts to maintain a veneer of respectability, emphasizing the wine aspect of the Trickster god, but many folk suspect this is merely a front for less noble pursuits.

The Hastaffor temple is adjunct to the Arvorian Thieves' Guild; a clandestine operation that is occasionally subject to rousting when thefts get out of hand, but usually is situated somewhere in the portion of the city outside of the city walls.

Arvoria has a small community of magical colleges. These include a School of Conjuration, and a School of Abjuration.

There is also a medium sized church of Mordant here, which is basically an outpost of the main churches in Lochnirr.

Although the King of Wenestria does not station any of his navy here, the Duke of Arvoria is wealthy enough to afford a small navy of his own to protect against pirates and the like. It is also known that if necessary, the Schools of Abjuration and Conjuration can team up to have air elementals lift and fly specially made airboats, which are about the size of a small longship and can fly as high as its controller wishes.

Balmuth (V) [A4]:

Situated on the main road running alingside the Boldior River as it runs from Harp Vale to Renthaven, Balmuth is important mostly as a stopping point for trade passing to and from the western portion of Onlor. The unwalled village is home to 350 souls, most of them humans, and many more are situated in the farms that dot the surrounding countryside. There is a brisk farmer's market, as well as craftsmen who take advantage of the village's central location in the region. The folk here are very work-minded, and worship Pindar and Dhalis for the most part, though a shrine to Indolle is also here to minister to travellers and traders.

Bandur (V) [A2]:

A small Algolian fishing village, this place, with a population of about 700, is unwalled. The village does see decent traffic from trade travelling down the coast road from the northern posts to Algol City. There are some fairly high quality inns here, and most travellers make sure they stop here during their travels.

Bannash Crossing (V) [A2]:

Bannash Crossing is named after the ferryman who used to run a ferry across the Slontol River at this point. Eventually, his shack grew into a tavern, and then an inn, and over the centuries a small village grew up around that. The 250 citizens of the unwalled village are primarily human, and there is still a ferry, run by the Banash family, that crosses the river here. Bannash, who had a thing for elven lasses, decreed that elven females cross for free, and that tradition is still honoured here.

The villagers venerate Erinhoru mostly, with a shrine to Dhalis, as most of the livelihood of the place stems from farming and fishing the river.

Bar Hole (V) [B2]:

Bar Hole is a small, primarily halfling, settlement located at the junction of the road from Trade Post and the road from Quaend and the road from Jaynith. In addition, the village is astride the Orjiliarth, and this makes the place fairly well travelled.

Some 500 halflings live here, of mixed breeding, with no more than 25 humans calling the unwalled village their home. Interestingly, most of the humans have elected to dwell in larger versions of halfling holes, out of respect for the halfling population and traditions here.

Bar Hole is so called because the village is situated as a base of protection against raiders who might venture out of the High Forest or the hills and mountains to the north. Although the village is unwalled, the halflings here are well trained as a light militia and at least two human rangers are very friendly to the halflings and often use Bar Hole as a base when they sortie into the wilds looking for evil to roust.

Onlora is the main object of worship here. The humans worship Mordantism.

Beida (V) [B2]:

The small village of Beida is really just an inn with some houses and farms loosely collected around it. Its proximity to Arvoria makes it unimportant as a trading or marketplace, and river trade mostly diverts to the nearby city.

The village is unwalled and home to about 200 humans and a halfling or two. The primary occupations of its inhabitants are some farming and domestication of cattle, which are then milked and driven to Arvoria for slaughter.

The folk worship Yimik and Dhalis.

Bereth (V) [A4]:

This unwalled village of 600 souls is important as a crossroads and as the junction of the Berethinuil and Faetyrn Rivers. A goodly amount of trade makes its way up to Bereth from Relum and even eastern Wenestria, and then follows the road north, veering off to overland trade paths and wagon trails to reach Tulhorn or Harp Vale. In addition, elves travel down river to trade here, and there is a brisk market that sees many of the elven race. In fact, quite a few half-elves dwell in Bereth, serving as intermediaries between the two races. There are shrines to Indolle and Erinhoru here, as well as a small tree temple to Galasiria located within sight of the village.

Bosch (V) [B2]:

Almost as large as a small town, Bosch is home to 1,500 citizens. Bosch has made its name from its rich coral reefs that provide abundant exotic sea harvests, including fishing, shellfish, oysters, clams, even pearls. The populace here worships Hotor, although agriculture does take place along the Deep River. Bosch has small docks, suitable only for personal fishing craft. Hauls are taken to Trade Town or Arvoria for sale or transport.

Interestingly, the village is unwalled on its landward sides but has a wooden palisade facing the sea. This because once, about 200 years ago, a band of sahuagin attacked and managed to carry off many villagers before they were chased away. There is still a posted bounty of 100gp for every sahuagin head brought in, but since that last raid, no one has ever seen another devil of the deep again.

Brewer (V) [B2]:

As indicated by its name, this village is known for its brewery, perhaps the best in Onlor. The village, in fact, grew first as an inn located in a small halfling community. As its fame grew, more people began to settle here to help with the growing brewery. Now an unwalled village of 800 prospers here, with perhaps 500 of them being halflings.

The centre of the village is the Harr Brewery, run by a family of dwarven brewers called the Upshilkum family. Their recipe for beer and ale is a closely guarded secret, and many folk rumour that magic is involved. Suffice to say that Harr Beer is sought after as far as Imtorr and Jaggarth, and a local legend says that one of the family was in Jerranq and his group was attacked by orcs. The orcs killed all of the group except him, for when they found out that he was the maker of the beer they loved to drink from merchant caravans they had raided, they clapped him on the back and spared his life.

The Harr brew uses only the waters of the Harr River, and the folk here revere the Spirit Harr, who is said to be a daughter of Flupnir and Erinhoru. The folk also worship Dhalis for her grains and hops that grow to the north, Flupnir for his brewing lore and merrymaking, and Erinhoru for her clear water.

Although on the seacoast, this dwarf and halfling community is not ocean oriented. A few humans do fish however. The village is always filled with travellers stopping off at the Harbrew Inn for a pint or two.

Brochlannin (V) [A3]:

This village of 700 humans, most of them Mordants, is walled by a wooden pallisade and warded by several tall wooden watch towers. Occasionally, pirates and other ne'er-do'wells have attempted to land in the area, often to take advantage of the coves and seaside caves that make for good bases of operation for smuggling and piracy. On occasion, such folk have attempted to attack the village, and so the need for fortifications.

Brochlannin is named after the McLannin Clan, who originally hailed from northern Wyr, and these are a hardy folk who tend sheep, fish the seas, and grow grains and potatoes in the fields. They are also proud warriors known for wielding the Lanninblade, a two-handed sword with a distinctive hand-shaped guard and split-end pommel.

Aside from a chapel to Mordantism, there is a shrine to Aghorrit and to Hotor.

Chanse (V) [A2]:

A farming community, with a small palisade to protect from beasts coming out of the foothills, this community worships Dhalis primarily. As with Aldum, grains are grown in the fertile land between Chanse and Aldum.

While there is some good-natured rivalry between the two villages, the 650 citizens here get along well with their "All-Dumb" neighbors.

Chariss (V) [B3]:

This small unwalled village lies at the mouth of the Cenulwith, and its folk fish both the river and Relum Bay. Other than this the village is important only as a waystop on the coastal road east to the tip of Onlor. These 200 or so folk worship Hotor and are unused to large groups of strangers passing through.

Chastilnir (V) [A1]:

This is an isolated village of 650 folk, mostly farmers and fishermen, who live in this palisaded village. The market here serves as a clearinghouse for the many agricultural products grown and harvested all along the Contulm River Valley. A small wagon trail follows the wild Contulm River from here to Contu Lake where the main road picks up. Most of the folk here worship Dhalis. There is a grove nearby where a respected halfling cleric dwells. Her name is Shontella Leafoot and she has a burrow that serves as a high temple to Onlora. The surrounding countryside has a large population of small halfling hamlets and thorps.

Cheyell (V) [A1]:

Important primarily as a stop on the trade route around the Hadorr to Wenestria, Cheyell is an unwalled village of about 400 persons. The famous ranger Gonflo of Hadorr has a dwelling here, although he is rarely seen, as he patrols the foothills between Southfare and Kondul hunting the goblins that are his most hated foe.

The folk here live by farming and by fishing Contu Lake, although the tales of giant pike and gar keep the fishermen close to the lake shore. They revere Dhalis and Erinhoru.

Chindar (T) [B3]:

Chindar is the stronghold of the mighty Chindari Tribe, the strongest single tribe in all of the Heynosht. While the tribe is scattered in small clan settlements all along the western end of Indar Island, this is their spiritual and military centre. The great Chieftain of the Chindari, currently Findalku Little Foot, rules here with absolute authority, as the Chindari believe he is the spiritual vessel containing the mana of all of the dead ancestors of the tribe. The Chindari worship no gods, but practice ritual adept magic and shamanism.

The town itself is ringed by wooden palisades and surrounded by a moat filled with stakes and seeded with poison snakes. Criminals are often thrown into the moat as their punishment. The permanent population of the town is about 5,000 tribesfolk.

Although the Chindari often go to war with their Indari brethren in order to maintain their dominance of the island and to receive tribute, the Chindari are historically very friendly with Onlorans, for they receive most of their trade from that great Isle and this trade, in large part, is what has made the Chindari militarily and culturally dominant on the island.

The Chindari make no secret of their immense wealth, and this has caused speculations about diamond and gold mines in the centre of the island. This has also caused pirates and fortune seekers to attempt to attack the town, but in every case such endeavours have failed, often under mysterious circumstances, which have led to rumours of some sort of supernatural guardian. Prospectors are forbidden to travel the interior of the island, as the Chindari consider such lands tribal holy lands and the places where their ancestors dwell.

City of Wine (C) [A2]:

Named after its main industry, the fermenting of fine wines, this small city of 5,500 persons is surrounded by fields of grapes and other crops. The population is mostly human, with a few halfling farmer families present. The Duke of Grapes (as he is called) rules a Duchy that stretches to the Rapid River.

Most of the farms brew their own vintages, and every year a great wine tasting competition is held, with the priesthood of Flupnir judging which vintage is the best. Much income and honour accrues to the best vintage, and so the competition is fierce, and sabotage is known to have occurred in more than a few contests, and even armed conflict has occurred in two cases within recent memory.

The city is walled by walls of stone, but only in its central district, where the Duke and his soldiery dwell. The rest of the city has simply grown hobnob up and down the rolling hillsides and fans out like fingers between the fields of grapes. Viewed from above the whole would look like a brown amoeba amid a sea of purple and green.

Aside from farming and wine making, there is a strong glassblowing industry here, which compliments the winemaking nicely. In addition, barrelmaking is a well-honoured craft of the city, run by the Coopers' Guild, which makes its best barrels from a secret and exotic blend of woods from around the world and pitch made from foreign earths.

The River of Grapes also provides a living for many, as it is abundantly fished.

Many of the residents of the city follow Mordantism, and a large church to that religion exists here. However, the city has the peculiar circumstance of being devoted to an industry patroned by Flupnir. Because of this, even the Mordants here tend to regard Flupnir as their patron saint. A large temple to Flupnir actually exists here and is claimed by the priesthood to be the highest temple of Flupnir in Onlor, although there is no way to determine the accuracy of this statement and every other priest of Flupnir outside of the city would pooh-pooh their claims. The temple is prone to declaring impromptu citywide celebrations, which often results in a massive, drunken street festival that brings much of the normal city activity to a halt.

Because of its reliance on the River of Grapes, Erinhoru is also widely worshipped here by the Pantheists.

Other temples present include Aghorrit, Hastaffor, Mustiglior, Ringkol, Ularinn, and Vastalla.

The Hastaffor temple is more dedicated to the aspect of secrecy than thievery, especially with regard to the vintners and their secret fermentation processes, but certainly a small Thieves' Guild is likely attached to the temple.

There are no schools of magic here, although several wizards of small repute have settled within the city to enjoy the wines.

Daynbee (V) [A3]:

The village of Daynbee is isolated from most of the rest of Lochnirr, as no trail suitable for even a wagon exists leading to or from the village. The village, owing to its isolated location and proximity to the Onlor Mountains, is heavily fortified, with extensive earthen ramparts and a high wooden palisade. The 500 folk who dwell here are a hardy lot, highlanders for the most part who seem to be able to run across steep hills and tors without tiring.

Daynbee is known for its breed of sheep that produces an especially thick, easy to work with, and luxurious wool. Known as Daynsheep, the villagers here, when the sheep's coats are full, drive them south to the road along Manon's River and thence north again to Manon's Tor, where the sheep are sheared and the wool sold. Then the sheep are driven back again to Daynbee.

The highlanders here worship Mordantism and are fairly conservative in their beliefs and tend to frown upon Pantheonists and decadent city-dwellers.

Deepend (V) [A1]:

The village of Deepend, on the north shore of Alum Isle, is set at the base of a steep gorge that heads inland to form the hills and mountains of the central isle. Though certainly a river flowed through the gorge at one time, there is now only a small stream, which provides water for the unwalled village of roughly 300 Alumese. Atop one of the walls of the gorge is a watchtower, designed to keep a lookout over the northern approaches to the isle, and the villagers have trained carrier pigeons to relay messages to Alum Town.

The folk are primarily fisherfolk, and have little contact with outsiders, including even other Alumese, except for the tax collecters of the Hetman. They revere Hotor almost exclusively.

Dindilbae (V) [B3]:

One of the larger halfling settlements in Relum, Dindilbae is a contraction of the name Dindle's Bay, which is named after the halfling family Dindle, which owned the land in this area since ancient times. During a time of famine, the Dindle family had to sell some of its land, and homesteaders eventually formed a village from it, digging their halfling holes into the land and setting up farms and shops and the like. The Dindle family still has land outside of the village, on several farms, and breeds ponies and oxen for sale throughout eastern and central Relum. There are some 600 halflings dwelling here, almost all in holes. There are only a few above-ground dwellings, and fewer still sized for humans and elves, primarily just the single big-folk tavern and inn called the "Blustering Fool".

Despite its seaside location, few of the halflings like to get into boats, and so fishing is not done here.

The village is also known for its Ringkol temple, and the temple maintains a tradition of crafting some of the finest halfling-sized instruments in Therra. No self-respecting halfling bard would be caught playing on anything other than a Dindilbae!

Aside from the Ringkol temple, there are shrines to Onlora and Dhalis.

Drust (V) [B1]:

Straddling the Drust River, this village is actually spread out on both sides of the rivers. Drust is useful as a waypoint for river trade making way from Kinarr to Kirloth and the village adds its own fine beers brewed from the barley and hops grown in the flatlands surrounding the village. Kine and sheep are also raised here in abundance, and Drust is also known as a centre for horse breeding and raising. Such horses are called Drusts after the village and are trained in other locations, usually towns or cities.

The village is home to 500 persons, about a fifth of whom are halflings. The Drust humans are mainly Mordants, and there is a chapel here and a small nunnery.

Elinteer (V) [A2]:

Yet another important stop on the trade route from Jerranq to Algol City and beyond, this town also receives trade coming to Aldum from the fertile farming area between Chanse and Aldum. This trade often plies the Upikar River, which is why this town is important for such wares.

The 1,100 folk here also do fishing and practice farming along the Upikar Valley region. They worship Dhalis and Erinhoru, and a proportion of the population practices Mordantism at a small chapel here.

Enitria (T) [B1]:

An out of the way town that is on the road from Kondul to the coast, Enitria is the centre of a Duchy that runs north to the foothills and south to the coast, including Posh and Lentil. The Duchy also extends eastward to just past the Harr River to include Brewer and Xalthe.

This unwalled town is built on the both banks of the fast flowing Cherrod and on a series of islands within the river, and a series of wooden bridges allows passage across the water.

The 2,700 citizens of Enitria engage primarily in farming and lumbering of forests to the north of the town. The lumber is hauled overland from the forests to the town, where several large lumber mills use the powerful Cherrod's currents to drive their saws. Processed lumber is then shipped to other locations for manufacture into whatever is being made. Due to its emphasis on lumbering, to which halflings are ill suited, only a few of the short folk live in this town.

Temples to Dhalis and Aghorrit are located here, along with a shrine to Erinhoru and a shrine to Indolle. There is also a small chapel to Mordantism here as well.

Entirsome (V) [A1]:

An important little port, as it receives coastal traffic from the Sea of Dusk and land traffic via the coastal road, this stone walled village of 2,000 people is always bustling. Its port is smallish, but can accommodate at least half a dozen merchant galleys at once, and inns and other accommodations are easily found. The halfling population here is small, as the little folk do not enjoy the company of so many big folk hustling and bustling around.

Indolle, Hotor and Dhalis are primarily worshipped here, but shrines to many other popular deities can be found here too, as well as a temple to Mordantism.

The wise Enchanter Modrokk the Plum (he dresses in purple and eats only plums and prunes) dwells here and it is rumoured that he has a charmed dragon turtle of large size and fierce demeanour to protect the harbour against outside invaders. Whatever the truth of this, many folk swear they have seen sudden clouds of steam burst from the ocean at the strangest times.

Etter (V) [A2]:

The village of Etter lies at a bend in the River of Grapes. As typical along the entire river length, lush fields of grapes grow around the village, along with tomatoes and other fruits and vegetables. The unwalled village is home to about 200 humans and perhaps 50 halflings. The folk here worship primarily Dhalis and Erinhoru, again as is typical of dwellers of this region. However, the site is also a holy place to Mordantism on Onlor, as this is supposedly the place where an early saint of the church cured the sick by bathing them in the river water. As the story goes, the river turned to wine and the wine cured the afflicted. Now, a church to Mordantism stands here tended by a high priest, and Mordants often make pilgrimage here to be cured in the river.

Faeslodge (V) [A4]:

The village of Faeslodge is built around a small lake called Alwithil-mintheril-quivenestri, which means "Lake of the Earth's Lifesblood" in Sylvan. Apparently, this lake is the nexus of several important Faerie Crossroads and also is believed to have a tenuous link with the Elemental Plane of Water. As such, many fey of the aquatic variety can be found in the lake at various times, though most of these are travellers passing through. It is believed that this crossroads was present before the Isle of Onlor was moved by its goddess. Rumours tell of a fearsome guardian of the portal leading to the Crossroads, one that is not malevolent, but wards use of the mystic ley lines from those who are not fey. Other rumours say that bards and druids can sometimes convince the guardian to let them pass. Of course, the portal is underwater, and the mystic paths apparently connect to various underwater locations (fresh and saltwater) and so some means of breathing underwater and swimming are well advised.

The village itself began when Horgarr Thandum fell in love with a nyad who had come through the portal and whom he had met while hunting. The nyad had to return to her homeland for a time, but promised Horgarr she would return. Horgarr built a lodge and waited for her, but she never returned and he died a lonely old man. Hence, the saying in these parts "Waiting like Horgarr" which means waiting or hoping for something that will never come.

Horgarr did, however, build a large lodge and used it as a base from which to hunt and trap. Eventually, when he became too old, he began to rent the lodge to nobles and other wealthy hunters. In time, the lodge changed into an inn and a small village grew up around it. Horgarr even had the road from Bereth extended to provide the nobles with easy access to his lodge.

The village, unwalled, now holds approximately 400 souls, almost exclusively humans. They worship Firlott primarily, and hunting and trapping are still the most popular means of livelihood here. The lodge burned down in a fire many hundreds of years ago, but a new inn was built in its place.

The lake is in the center of the village, and boats ply its placid waters, often with their occupants hoping to catch a glimpse of some fey creature. On rare occasions, dangerous creatures from the Elemental Plane of Water have emerged here.

A shrine to Erinhoru sits on the lakeside, and a fairly powerful priestess of the Lady of Rivers usually mans the shrine, ministering to both the villagers and the fey of the lake.

Fanstor (V) [A4]:

Fanstor is built upon the crest of a high tor that overlooks the sea. The village has grown along the steep sides of the tor and down to the banks of the Fanscuil River, and those who dwell on the tor-side are called "Slopes" and jokes in these parts run to various speculations regarding the differing length of each a Slope's two legs.

The 500 citizens of the village are mostly Mordants, and the wooden pallisade that wards the place surrounds the base of the tor, with another stone wall warding the crown, where the well-to-do folk dwell.

The villagers raise sheep and goats and the women specialize in weaving, especially the tartan cloth and patterns favoured by the Lochnirrans. As such, there are shrines to Dhalis and Pindar here.

Along the eastern side of the tor there is a small valley, possibly a watercourse at one time. Here there are no buildings and the Fanstori have built two tracks of wood. Periodically, the braver of the Fanstori build small wooden platforms to which they affix wheels and race down the steep slope, barreling at breakneck speeds before crashing into the hedgewall built at the bottom to stop the racers. The hedgewall is not exactly soft, and it is a point of pride to show one's scratches and cuts after emerging from the hedge, though a few one-eyed Fanstori can attest to the dangers of this endeavour. Nonetheless, great fanfare accompanies the winners of these races.

Fathom Keep (V) [A2]:

This large keep is set upon the northernmost verges of Fathom Isle and is, in fact, the northernmost territory claimed by any nation of Onlor. There are some 500 soldiers in the keep proper, and a village has grown around it, to supply the needs of the soldiers and to help support Algol's claim to the isle. These are humans, mostly farmers and fisherfolk, and their village is surrounded by a stout curtain wall of stone. Algol does not keep a large navy here, for they do not wish their presence to be seen as a threat to Iligor. Only a few small ships are docked at Fathom Port, these to chase off pirates.

A temple to Aghorrit is here, along with a shrine to Hotor and HIndarr-quag, as the village is subject to squalls and storms running towards the Haven Straits from the oceans to the west and north.

Far Trek (V) [B1]:

So called because the first humans on Onlor traveled this far from Lochnirr and then stopped and settled. Because of that, the settlement was known as Far Trek, and over time the place has blossomed into a village of about 850 folk, mostly farmers who work along the Kittum River Valley. The halfling population is about half of the total villagers, and they grow tobacco here that is blended into fine smoking herbs. Onlora and Dhalis are worshipped here.

Fincoll (V) [B1]:

This village is home to 400 humans and a like number of halflings, the latter of which mostly live in holes to the east where the foothills begin. The village is unwalled and thrives on fishing from Lake Kinarr, and a few fishermen have grown quite wealthy fishing the nolio fish. In addition, trappers and loggers from the South Hills sometimes bring their wares here and then float them across to Hacherr.

The folk here worship Erinhoru and Onlora.

Firfell (V) [A3]:

This small unwalled village sits at the apex of Relum Bay, where the the wide mouth of the Avanstrum River washes into the sea. The village is notable primarily for its isolation, being the only settlement of any size along the coast between Chariss and Mothinn's Rest. The villagers, some 450 of them, are mostly human and tend to revere Hotor, as they make their livelihood mostly by fishing.

It is known that some friendly sea elves dwell in the stony shelf of the bay near to Firfell, and the folk there sometimes trade with them, though never at night, for the Firfell villagers believe the tales of the haunting of the bay. Some of the young men of the village also take to diving for coral, abalone, oysters and pearls, and these are polished and formed into mother-of-pearl or other jewelry and sold to passing traders.

The elves of the nearby forest also trade with the village, often using them as intermediaries between they and their aquatic kinsmen. These elves sail rafts down the Avanstrum and call in at Firfell.

Flavinj (V) A1]:

The isolated village of Flavinj occupies the southwestern portion of Alum Isle. The unwalled village is home to 250 stalwart Alumese, most of whom make their way by fishing or raising goats in the highlands. Few outsiders visit Flavinj, other than the Hetman's tax collectors, and its position is not strategic enough to invoke even a posting of soldiery. The Flavinj like it that way, and are brusque with outsiders who do not have their trust.

Near to the village is a large, dark cave that is said to be the old lair of some particularly evil pirates. These pirates were lost at sea, but now, say some of the locals, their spirits pilot a ghost ship that spends the day within the darkness of the cave and emerges at night to overtake and sink any ships it can find. Most locals will not go near the cave and will warn strangers away from it.

These folk worship Hotor.

Gadivar (V) [A1]:

Hardly rivaling Entirsome, Gadivar has only a small set of docks and is mostly a waystop for the coastal trading route. Its population numbers 300 humans. Ships often dock off shore and take a jolly boat in to rest and resupply. Gadivar also sees the end of the river line coming down the Lesser and the Final Rivers.

An earthen rampart and a wooden palisade wall the village. A few spots of stone construction hint at grandiose ambitions by the lord mayorship, but apparently the funding has never been intact to make much progress on the walls, and the place is peaceful enough that there is little need for such edifices anyways.

Gadivarans mostly fish for a living or tend goats and cattle along the windswept rocky shores. Hotor and Yimik are revered here and there is a small shrine to Mordantism as well, tended by a single priest.

Gindararn (V) [A1]:

This village of 350 is important as a waystop for river barges and rafts meandering down the Lesser River to various ports and other destinations. The village is unwalled and fairly peaceful, but makes its money from a very reasonable toll on all commercial river traffic. Both Dhalis and Erinhoru are revered here, and farmlands along the river valley grow various crops including corn, potatoes, and melons.

Glosteer (V) [A3]:

Another small Lochnirran coastal village, these folk primarily fish and tend sheep. The village is located high upon the sea cliffs, but a winding path leads down to a small beach where the fishing boats are kept. Catches are taken not into the village (except what is needed personally) but are instead loaded onto a communal large boat perpetually docked several hundred yards into the small bay. When the boat is full, a group of fishermen sails the boat to Lochnirr City to sell. The proceeds are then split evenly among the fisher families.

The population of Glosteer amounts to about 400 people, and they mostly follow Mordantism with perhaps a third of the folk worshipping Hotor.

Goodeaves (V) [A4]:

Hard on the eaves of the Relum Forest, and nestled next to the Reuel River, this unwalled village of 600 souls contains a mixture of humans, half elves, and elves. A portion of the village is technically within the forest, the northwestern edge merging into the tree dwellings of a colony of elves. Goodeaves sees relatively little pass-through traffic, for although there is a road travelling on to Piland and Bereth, most trade takes the coastal road.

Goodeaves is an important point of trading between the elves of the nearby forest and humans. In addition, several expert elven bowyers reside here, plying their craft.

Most of the human population is engaged in farming the fertile grasslands between the village and Leaventide, and as a result, Dhalis is revered here. The elven population venerates Gasaliria of course, and a small temple to the Forest Goddess exists here.

Goodsail (V) [B2]:

Goodsail is so called because it is a centre for the production of sails and masts. Lumber from the High Forest is cut, branded, and floated down the Undil River where agents in Goodsail pick up the logs and have them cut. Several large lumber mills are here, drawing power from the river, and hemp grown in the surrounding fields is woven here into canvas and sewn into sails and stored in large warehouses here near the ports.

Because of this, Goodsail is almost a small town, with a population of about 2,000. It is unwalled. The ports present are fairly large, as ships needing repairs in the form of new sails or masts must put to here. Of the population, about 250 are halflings and they primarily grow the hemp in the fields. Of course, some halflings also glean their fields and use the hemp to make pipeweed with a mild narcotic effect. This weed is called sailweed and is equivalent to marijuana of much less potency than modern day cannabis.

Pindar, Hotor, Dhalis, and Onlora are worshipped here.

Gulome (T) [A2]:

An important port, though less so than Vindar, Gulome is walled by stone walls and is home to approximately 3,500 citizens. The Lord Mayor of Gulome's county extends to include Agueldop, Entirsome, and Gindararn, although his proximity to the King makes him more subject and beholden to the kingship than most other counties.

Gulome has a decent sized port facility, and overflow from Vindar often finds its way here. In addition, a small Algolian naval detachment is here along with the King's personal ship, a grand galley said by some to be pushed along by air and water elementals bound to the ship.

The townsfolk here are fishermen and farmers, though a few families raise cattle. However, it is a matter of common knowledge in the area that cattle raised by these families are always blue! This does not affect the cattle themselves in any way nor the quality of their meat and milk (which are also blue) and no one can figure why these cattle are coloured blue, but it is known that if a normal cow is brought into the herd, its colour slowly starts to change to blue. The families themselves are silent on the matter, though no one can ever remember a time when the cattle were not blue, and some think it is a gimmick to sell more beef and milk and others some sort of curse or mark of godly displeasure. Whatever the cause, some folk swear by the better taste of blue meat and blue milk while others blame their minor afflictions on the same.

The town contains a temple to Hotor and a small temple to Dhalis, and shrines to Aghorrit and Indolle. A small chapel to Mordantism is here as well.

Gulont (V) [A1]:

Located on the Terruath River and the road from Onglum to Vinch, Gulont is important for its trade location and because it wards the approaches from the marshes to the south into the heartland of Algol. As such, formidable walls of mortared granite wall the village and there is a sizable standing army of several hundred men here serving under the livery of the King of Algol and the Lord Mayors of Onglum and Gulont. A company of halfling slingers also serves, and small bands of rangers often use Gulont as a home base for their patrols into the Hadorr, South Hills, and West Marshes.

The total population of the village, including the garrison, numbers 2,000 and they worship Aghorrit, Dhalis, Indolle, Pindar, and Firlott primarily.

Gulont is also known for its woodcraft, as logs from the South Hills and Hadorr are processed here.

Hacherr (T) [B1]:

A small town located along the north shore of Lake Kinarr, Hacherr is the centre of Hacherr County, which includes the small village of Fincoll and all of the Lake.

Hacherr is unwalled and fairly rural in character, although it does see its fair share of travellers and trade as the main road between Central Algol and the Western Peninsula runs through this town.

The population of the town numbers about 3,000, of which only 100 or so are halflings. The folk fish Kinarr, especially seeking the nolio fish, and livestock and crops are raised and grown in the area between Hacherr and the coast to the north.

Temples to Erinhoru and Dhalis are here, as well as shrines to Ularinn and Melinna.

Hadeep (V) [A2]:

A rugged wooden-walled village of 450 hill folk and perhaps a dozen halflings, this village serves as a waystation for trade coming from the trappers and miners further up into the mountains. While the Slontol River is too treacherous for logging and raft-based trade, the river does serve as a good navigational tool, and so trade passes through here. The folk here are alert for the occasional incursion of unpleasantness from out of the mountains, and are rather surly and stand offish at times but also very brave.

The families here are renowned for their hunting ability and much fine furs and game comes from this area. The village folk revere primarily Firlott.

Harp Vale (V) [A4]:

This quaint little village of 800 is a mixture of humans, half elves, halflings, and a sprinkling of elves. The place is not walled, though it is hidden from distant observation, as it is nestled between rolling green hills and abuts Harper's Forest. The village itself is peaceful and its inhabitants bucolic, as they are isolated from most of the common avenues of danger that other Onlorans experience, notably the sea and the mountains. Instead, Harp Vale is a place of poetry, contemplation and notably a place for the infirm or disturbed to take their ease. There is not a specific sanitorium here, but there are inns and rest homes catering to those in deed of pampering. In addition, a Vastallan nunnery is here, and it accepts long-term guests who are willing to either make a donation or help run the nunnery's winery and farms.

Every month, the village hosts a festival and plays and poems and songs are performed, often for the first time, and during these fests, even some of the fey of the nearby forest emerge to give their approval or critique.

In addition to the Vastalla nunnery, there are shrines to Ringkol and Onlora here. There is also a temple to Contrunal, specializing in study of the fey and of poetry and music. Many bards practice their craft here, and a few of the older ones have settled in the Vale and offer to teach young bardlings for a fee.

The folk here are friendly to strangers, and slow to anger, but they dislike blustery or unpleasant people, to whom they usually recommend Monash or Zenstil as places to visit.

Harria (T) [B2]:

Sister town to Kondul, Harria was also founded from the gold rush, with people trying to pan gold from the Harr River and mine it from the nearby mountains. Folks remained after the rush due to the beautiful setting of the place and the sustenance derived from Lake Harria.

A pleasant location, Harria is home to almost 4,000 souls, including approximately 200 elves and perhaps 100 halflings. A small group of gnomes also lives within the town, whose walls are made of beautifully carved wooden logs.

Harria is run by a Lord Mayor, elected similarly to Kondul's...a lifetime post (see Kondul for details).

Lake Harria is placid and bountiful, and rumours of it being bottomless or holding a great treasure within contribute to its romantic aura.

The College of Singers is located in Harria, perhaps for its serenity. This college is home to bards, and some believe that bardic magic was first discovered here. The High Bard of Song, named Tholloscolnin Harrmony, dwells here. It is true that the college was here long before the town itself.

A temple to Ringkol is here, this being the highest temple to that goddess in all of Onlor, and even the lowliest taverns in this town are filled with artists of superb calibre.

Other temples present include those to Erinhoru, Flupnir, and Meredros. The Meredrans here are known as the Knights of the Gulls' Song, an offshoot of the Order of the Gull. All are said to have found truth in song and the order is almost monastic in its approach, like the Knights Templar of Earth. Jondran of the Lake, a, elderly paladin of whose singing voice it is said can cause an orc to cry, leads these twelve knights.

It is known that rangers in the Forest of Harr often come here to relax.

Aside from its claim to song fame, the folk of Harria also make their living fishing the lake, harvesting trees from the forest, and mining iron and small bits of platinum from mines in the hills. Also, some of the folk here have trained dogs to sniff out truffles in the nearby forests, and these rare delights are then sold to merchants who take them to other markets as delicacies.

Some of the truffles in the forest are hallucinogenic, and some merchants have found a market for these as well. It is known that the Flupnir temple here prizes the hallucinogenic truffles greatly and, in fact, claims all such found for the temple. Occasionally, a merchant caught selling the truffles to other than the Flupnirians are the victim of severe prankster reprisals. The hallucinogenic truffles are sometimes called "Flupnir's Bullocks".

Hekar (T) [B3]:

High atop the central range of Indar Island is the fabled town of Hekar. Built of a strange gleaming white stone, the construction of the town is clearly beyond the means of the native Indari tribesfolks. It is not clear who actually built the town, and the few visitors allowed into the town have not been able to glean any information therefrom.

What is known is that Hekar is also called the Place of Spirits. It is considered holy and neutral ground on Indar, and no tribe may claim the town nor may they take up arms within its walls. Legends tell of dire consequences befalling those who have done so.

Occasionally, a tribesman form the lowlands will receive a mystic calling and will make jakkanil (or pilgrimage) to Hekar. Those who arrive are said to undergo some sort of ritual, and those who succeed never return to their former lives, but remain in the town. Those who fail are often found weeks later dismembered on some beach or impaled on a tree limb.

Apparently, those who remain in the town study some sort of religion or art whose purposes and methods remain a closely guarded secret to this day. Tribesmen who dare get close report strange sounds and sights, especially around dawn and sunset.

It is not known how many people actually dwell within the town, but Hekar is designated by most cartographers as a town because of its size. In other words, were it normally populated, it would hold a population of between 4,000-5,000 persons.

Heytra (V) [A23]:

Situated along the coast of the Haven Straits, Heytra is a smallish village of about 400 souls, only a few score of which are halflings. Earthen ramparts and a wooden palisade, due to its proximity to the Upikar Woods, ward the village. The folk here primarily survive by fishing the Straits, although there are no port facilities here; the fishermen simply drag their boats up onto the shore at night.

These folk practice either Mordantism or worship Hotor and tend to be a bit superstitious, this to the infrequent sightings of various sea creatures passing through the Straits, and legends of a strange being called the eye of the deep that is said to charm fishermen into diving to their deaths into the watery depths.

Hightown (T) [A2]:

Nestled high amongst the hills and tors of the foothills of the Onlor Mountains, Hightown grew up around the great castle of Mazur, erected by the Duke Mazur during ancient times. Before that, Hightown was just a trading settlement that dealt with the mountain men from higher elevations.

With the castle came administrators and then traders who sought to purchase the bounty of the mountain men. Now, the town is home to about 3,000 hardy folks, many of them mountain men come down to enjoy a more civilized existence. The town is ringed by stone walls topped by a wooden palisade, as its isolated location makes it vulnerable to periodic raids from the mountains and wilderness.

The Duchy of Mazur extends north to Vortan's Fort, and east to the Onchor Woods and Mazur's Hold, and the Duke's troops are rugged highlanders known for their endurance, ferocity, and their ability to fight in hills and rugged terrain.

Most of the population here is human, although gnomes do visit occasionally. The residents make their living by hunting, trapping fur, or raising goats and sheep in the hills. A breed of sheep dog, called the mazurka, originated from here and the kennels that breed the mazurka are all located in Hightown.

Signs throughout Hightown warn visitors to avoid disturbing the various apple tubs and barrels that may be seen careening down the Rapid River from time to time. Inside the makeshift vessels are young mountain men proving their manhood.

Mordantism is prevalent, and a small church is here, tended by the Bishop of Mazur and a small band of clergy. Nearby is a monkery devoted to contemplation of matters Mordant and a small convent whose nuns specialize in the art of healing.

Pantheist temples to Aghorrit, Firlott, and Yimik are also here, and a shrine to Hindarr-quag is run by a single cantankerous extremely elderly storm priest who receives support from the odd mountain man or two who must respect the fierce storms of the mountains to the south.

Near to Hightown, atop a tall tor, is a ring of stones that is the sacred grove of a mountain druid who comes down from the high mountains to his grove a few times per year. Reports of animals congregating at the site are frequent, and woe to the hunter who brings down any animal within sight of the grove.

Horst (V) [A3]:

This small village at the mouth of the Cardash is important as a waystop on the road from Lochnirr City to western Lochnirr. It is walled by a wooden palisade and possesses a small port facility. The 500 folk here live by fishing and raising cattle along the placid river valley. Some growing of cotton and hemp takes place in the fertile river valley between the rolling hills and heaths. The folk here worship Dhalis and Hotor, but a small Mordant church is here as well.

Hunthold (V) [B2]:

On the border with Relum, Hunthold is the easternmost village of Wenestria. The place is so named because many of its inhabitants are involved in hunting in the outskirts of the Forest of Relum and the hills to the north. Game is plentiful and most of the populace of 300 worships Yimik or Firlott. In fact, a powerful priest of Firlott holds a hunting competition here once per year. The competition is designed to test even the most experienced hunter's mettle, as it must be done without armour or any weapon other than a spear, and the larger more dangerous prey is adjudged the most worthy. The winner receives the title of Master Hunter of Onlor and is given a year's lodging and support of the temple here. The folk of Hunthold always respect their prey and never hunt wantonly.

Kine and sheep are raised along the Enstenearth River area. The village also sees much traffic coming down the Relarth from Trade Post and then portaging across to the Enstenearth and thence to Trade Town, and these traders like to stop here for the night and to perhaps engage in a little business. Hunthold is fairly isolated with respect to overland travel, so most of the populace has experience in rafting or boating. Although few halflings live in this palisaded village, several small thorps and hamlets of halflings are satellites of the village, so the little folk are not an uncommon sight in Hunthold.

Iltar (V) [B1]:

The small village of Iltar is important only for its location on the coast road from Wardria to Kolheria. The village is walled by a wooden palisade for protection from the sea, although raids are almost unheard of here. The villagers fish and work the fields and domesticate hogs and kine and are generally friendly, prosperous folk. The citizenry of the village numbers 300, fifty of which are halflings, and Dhalis and Hotor are worshipped here.

Imsoul (C) [A2]:

With a population of about 6,000 folks, the proud City of Imsoul retains many distinctions. First, it is the seat of the Duchy of Imsoul, which runs west to the border with Algol and includes all lands west of the River of Grapes.

Imsoul was also the first human settlement in Onlor; humans made their first landing here at a small promontory now known as Chyoros Rock. Because of this, the highest church to Mordant is located here (see below for more details).

As it typical of cities in Onlor and of Lochnirr in general, most of the population here is human. There are perhaps a dozen or so halfling families within the stone walls of the city.

The folk here make their livings by fishing the Haven Straits, farming the valley formed by the River of Grapes (the entire region from the Rapid River west is really the only fertile portion of the entire Kingdom, and thus demands on this area to supply areas east of the fertile lands are strong), and by trade, as Imsoul is really the only port of call for ships going to and from Jerranq which wish to trade directly with Lochnirr.

Being the first human settlement, Imsoul is a conservative city, and there are not a large number of religions represented here. In fact, Imsoul has the distinction of being the only city on Therra outside of Lancre's Canton in the Kingdom of Slumber where Mordantism is the most popular religion.

The high church to Mordant is located here, run by the Vessel of Mordant Pfilian Margrantic, Arch Scion of the Church of Mordant, a very powerful and elderly priest. The church is a magnificent edifice, rivaling the ancient churches that were destroyed by the Amorian Empire, and pilgrimage is made from all over Onlor and from Jerranqi Mordants to worship at the cathedral.

There are also pantheistic temples located here, including churches of Aghorrit, Cotrunal, Dhalis, Hotor, Indolle, Meredros, and Vastalla. In addition, near the riverbank is located a shrine to Erinhoru.

There are no schools of magic in this city, unlike other cities on Onlor, simply because the priesthood is so prevalent here and mages are powers representative of the old empire. In fact, although in no way persecuted, mages are looked on as strange persons to be given a wide birth, and any mage making a display of his magic will find himself getting the cold shoulder from much of the populace.

There is no Thieves' Guild here, but freelancers do have a loose association that often can be seen worshipping at the Mordant Church.

Jaynith (V) [B2]:

Located in a shallow baylet within the Blue Bay, this small fishing village is home to 250 fishermen and their families and spouses. The port here is non-existent, as fishing boats are generally just hauled up onto the sand or docked a ways out in the bay.

The village is unwalled and the fisherfolk are primarily Mordanti, although a single priest tends a small shrine to Hotor.

Jewel (V) [A2]:

A mixed halfling and human settlement, the village of Jewel boasts a population of about 300 humans and 100 halflings. The lush River of Grapes valley is quite fertile and fields of grape vines and tomatoes and squash cover the valley. As Jewel is near the foothills, a 10' curtain of loose stones mortared together with mud and straw walls it.

The village is named after the remnants of an ancient megalith that stands smack in the centre of the village. The megalith is roughly humanoid shape and about 8' tall. In its hands it holds a huge jewel, thought to be a ruby by those daring to examine it closely enough. If it were a ruby, it would be worth at least 50,000gp. However, no attempts to wrest the jewel from the hands of the megalith have ever ultimately succeeded. At times a wag has stolen the gem, but within a month or two the thief is dead or disappeared and the ruby always returns to its place on the megalith. Most thieves cannot even get that far, as the statue has been known to come to life and seems to be resistant to most forms of magic and weaponry.

The villagers know that as long as the ruby is not touched, one can get as close as one wants to the ruby or the megalith without provoking a response. As such, the villagers are quite used to the whole thing and many people now simply take its existence for granted. If a stranger were to ask about "the jewel", he might get the response "what jewel?" until he explains further.

Because of the jewel's presence, dwarves sometimes make pilgrimage to this village from around Onlor, and in fact aside from a temple to Erinhoru to revere the spirit of the River of Grapes, and Dhalis, there is also known to be a Flupnir trickster who can often be found in town and a temple to Neengrum run by a cantankerous old dwarven priest named Khalis-tum. However, about half the population of Jewel is Mordants and worship at a small church dedicated to that religion.

Kalanvar (V) [A2]:

The walled village of Kalanvar is set high upon a cliffside overlooking the Haven Straits. The folk are not tied to the sea in any meaningful way, as there is no natural harbour accessible from the village. However, the halflings of the village, who make up approximately a third of the 550 population, specialize in training dogs to hunt for a rare truffle that grows in the region under moss-covered rocks and amidst the roots of trees. These halflings have also branched out into training war dogs for use as mounts by small folk, and the kennels of Kalanvar are as well known in Onlor as are the kennels of Hightown.

The human population specializes in craftwork such as smithing and carpentry, as well as some farming of the thistle-blown grasslands that descend to the Slontol. Shepherding is also popular, with sheep dogs being provided by the kennelries.

A portion of the human population worships Mordantism, and there is a small chapel to that religion here. The remainder, and the halflings venerate Pindar and Melinna for the most part.

Kaloria (T) [B1]:

Kaloria is an important town as a stop for trade coming overland from Algol to the central coast of Wenestria. The Duke of Kaloria rules a swath of land that stretches north to the foothills, encompassing the isolated village of Klatum.

Kaloria itself is basically a provincial farming town. The place is unwalled and ringed by farms, which surround a central area of shops and marketplaces. The population of 2,500 includes about 250 halflings who live in quaint, well-tended holes. The halflings here pride themselves on their flower collections and have a competition once per year to judge the best garden. Other residents dislike the bees that the flowers bring, and some of the flowers are big enough to bring by the occasional giant bee or giant wasp, which must then be driven away quickly.

The crops grown around the town include nuts, squashes, grains, apples, peaches, etc. Many of the farms boast huge orchards.

There is a very well respected temple to Dhalis here, whose high priestess is possibly the most powerful in Wenestria. It is said that by merely glancing at one's crops, one is assured of a good harvest. Also here is a temple to Ularinn, one to Hindarr-quag, and one to Erinhoru. A single priest who also hawks wares in the main marketplace tends a shrine to Indolle.

The town does see some trade plying the Endar to and from Wardria.

Kilast (V) [A3]:

Located on a trade route from Eastern Lochnirr to Hightown and the Onlor High Pass, Kilast sees merchant travel passing through its precinct. The village folk here are farmers and shepherds and cattle raisers and are mostly devout Mordants. The village is unwalled and home to a population of about 500 humans.

Just outside of town, about 5 miles to the southeast, are the barrows. These are a series of strangely shaped mounds with no discernible entrances. Local legend says that someone or something is buried in barrows within the mounds, and on foggy days or during nights the area is avoided. Occasionally, someone goes missing from Kilast and the villagers blame the mound spirits for taking them.

Kileeb (V) [B1]:

This small village is a stop on the road between Midgetown and Marshtown for those who cannot make Marshtown by nightfall, since few merchants like to sleep in the open this close to the marshes.

There are some good inns here, taverns that are generally full of nightlife, and a temple to Hotor, as the roughly 300 permanent citizens here primarily fish the seas and then sell their wares in Marshtown.

Since it was originally built as a fortress, the town itself is warded by a wooden palisade and moat, while a keep that abuts the river houses some 150 soldiers and is surrounded by formidable stone walls.

Kirloth (C) [B1]:

The City of Kirloth is Algol's second city, with a total permanent population of about 18,000 souls, mostly human, although halflings can be found in the area just outside of the tall, strong city walls, which enclose most of the city proper. The Lord Mayor of Kirloth's county extends to include the village of Pontoon to the west and east to about 10 miles outside of the village of Drust.

Although not as important a port as Lenjigarr, given its distance from Jerranq, Kirloth is important for trade that travels between Wenestria and Algol, and its large ports service this route as well as being a stopover point for ships that continue from Lenjigarr towards Wenestria.

Being a large city (by Onloran standards), Kirloth contains many temples and shrines. These include temples to Aghorrit, Cotrunul, Dhalis, Erinhoru, Flupnir, Hastaffor, Hindarr-quag, Hotor, Indolle, Melinna, Meredros, Mustiglior, Pindar, Ringkol, Ularinn, and Vastalla.

The Vastalla Temple here is actually a large convent and hospital, dedicated to cure the ill, and it is known that the Highest Priestess Alganna de Kondul can bring the dead to life if their souls are pure and worthy of Vastalla's aid. However, Alganna is nearing the end of her life, and her longtime apprentice Veristy has gained considerably in power as she prepared to take over duties.

The Flupnir and Hastaffor temples are secretive and underground here and rumoured to be allied, which makes for some very interesting jobs being pulled by the small Thieves' Guild. It is certain that both temples rove the city, having no permanent place of residence. The Guild is officially not condoned by the Lord Mayor and his sheriffs, although no concerted effort has been made to smash the Guild directly, as those who have done so in the past find themselves incurring the attentions of the Flupnirians, much to their embarrassment and eventual regret.

There is a small church to Mordantism here, run by a high priest and tended by a small clergy and some nuns.

The Magical Schools of Abjuration and Transmutation on Onlor can be found in Kirloth, and as such, paper from Southfare is continually being imported to Kirloth. The demand for sepia and feathers is also fairly high here, and middlemen make their livings acting as brokers between those with feathers and the wizards who desire them.

On an island about 5 miles southwest of the city, sprouting up from the sea on a small island, is the great Tower of Hangullo. The tower is about 150 ft tall and 40 ft in diameter and made from a completely black stone that no dwarf can recognize. All sorts of rumours abound regarding the Tower and its origins. It is believed though that the island and the Tower predate Onlor, and that perhaps it was the abode of a god or demigod or Gods' Age hero. One rumour even says that Onlora wanted to drag her island even further away from Jerranq, but that this tower stopped her, as she could not knock it down.

Some persons have claimed to have entered the Tower, as there is a door made of the same strange metal, while others report it locked. Diviners can determine nothing about the Tower from their magicks, and it is now official policy of the Lord Mayor of Kirloth to leave it alone. Occasional patrols from Kirloth do come by on occasion to check out the island and to make sure no one is dwelling thereupon.

Klatum (V) [B1]:

This is a very rural and isolated village of about 300 persons, half of whom are halflings. The folk here do not see a lot of trade and are fairly self-sufficient, farming all that they need and raising their cattle and sheep. The village is unwalled, but a central refuge is ringed by earthen ramparts, a moat, and stone walls in case of trouble from the hills to the north. The Klatumi are suspicious of strangers, who usually have no good reason for passing through or lingering here. Dhalis and Melinna are worshipped here, although there is also a respected Vastallan nun who lives in a sort of small nunnery here with four adolescent assistants.

Kolheria (T) [B1]:

The Duchy of Kolher commands almost the entire Southwest Peninsula of Wenestria, including the villages of Muster and Low End. Important as a waystop for ships plying to or from Wenestria and Kirloth, there are docks here and inns and taverns to cater to sailors. A few military vessels are also stationed here, supplemented by the force at Klar Island.

Kolheria itself is unwalled, although stone walls and a filled moat formidably guard a keep at the centre of town. The 2,000 inhabitants mostly get along fishing or farming, although small farms also domesticate livestock. There are few craftsmen here, due to the proximity of Wenestria City.

Fishing in Kolheria is a bit of a misnomer. To be sure, normal fishing does go on, but the word "fishing" in Kolheria is also a euphemism for whaling. This euphemistic term is not due to any qualms about hunting whales, but because of a machismo amongst whalers to pretend it isn't much of a struggle for them to bring back "fishies" (i.e. whales).

On occasion, these whaling vessels will spot dragon turtles straying from their mating grounds about 600 miles away. In these cases, the sensible whalers will put to, while an occasional wag will go out and seek his fortune. Those that bag a dragon turtle can sell the parts for a tremendous profit, to gourmets, collectors, and wizards alike, and his fame will certainly be assured.

The shell of a small dragon turtle still stands at the edge of the docks, brought in by the now missing Captain Chanois.

Temples to Aghorrit, Dhalis, Mustiglior, and Hotor are located here.

Kondul (T) [B2]:

One of the two towns located under the eaves of Harr Forest, the town of Kondul sprang up as a result of a gold rush in the hills and mountains to the north. Folks from all over came to this area to pan the Kondul and to mine. The rush started about 300 years ago and petered out about 100 years ago. When the prospectors left, a town had sprung up to service the rush, and when the folks decided that they could make a living lumbering, hunting, and working new mines, the town lived on.

There is really not a Duchy of Kondul, due to the fact that the place was a wilderness at the time Dukedoms were formed in Wenestria, but the Lord Mayor of Harria and the Lord Mayor of Kondul are often called the Dukes of Harr, and most folks treat them as such. Even the King, by tradition, now addresses them as Dukes. Lord Mayorships were the titles formed because most of the prospectors were Algolians, and so their titles came into use. The post is a lifetime one, but gained from election.

Kondul has a population of about 3,000 persons. Few halflings dwell here, about 50 or so.. There are also at least 100 high elves that dwell here, mostly in normal buildings.

The folk here make their living from lumbering, mining, and hunting. Trees lumbered are taken to Enitria and milled there. Animals hunted in Kondul are often sold in the town or sold to merchants who then take their wares to hungry markets all over Wenestria. Of special prize is the Harr hart, whose meat is said to be especially succulent and whose heart is said to promote virility if consumed.

Mining is rarely done for gold these days, but other ores, including iron, pyrite, tin, and occasionally silver and copper are found in the hills and are sold at market here for transport to smithies and foundries in the lowlands. Some smithies are located in town and do their work here. The elven silver and copper smiths produce items of rare beauty.

Due to its location, the town is walled by strong stone walls and maintains a wary garrison, especially patrolling to roads to Harria and to Enitria.

Temples to Indolle, Aghorrit, Malaktum, and Pindar are here, and a small convent of Vastallans maintains a presence.

Lador's Rest (V) [B1]:

Named for the inn that formed the nucleus of this village, Lador's Rest, the inn, is still known all around Onlor for its fine food, fine beer, fine wenches, and hot perfumed baths. Of course, the Lador family charges well for its fame, but still the place is always hopping as merchants travel to and from Wenestria and Algol passing between the West Marshes and the highlands.

The village that has sprung up around the inn is palisaded, as the village straddles wilder lands on either side. Some 350 humans dwell here, along with about 200 halflings who mostly dwell in the hilly eastern portion in their halfling holes. Onlora, Indolle, and Ringkol are worshipped here, and it is believed that a priest of Flupnir lurks in the village and all sorts of failings and misfortunes are blamed on him.

Leaf Port (T) [B3]:

This small port town serves as a lonely way stop for those few ships that ply the southern half of the Isle. The town is unwalled and home to a population of about 3,000 folks, mostly humans and about 100 halflings.

Occasionally, inhabitants of Fortun Island travel here, and the folk here have a rather large prejudice against the Fortunans. Many establishments have signs saying "Fortunans Barred".

The inhabitants don't get much mileage out of the rocky scrub that is the land between the forests and the seacoast, but goats are raised here and fishing is the primary means of survival. Of course, trade also arrives down the Relarth in river rafts and along the coast road to and from Wenestria. There is also some coming and going between Indar Island.

The small Relum navy is based here and in Leaf Port East. Pitifully small, the navy consists of three longships and an elven vessel made from a single mighty living tree.

Temples to Erinhoru and Hotor are located here, as is a small hospice run by a group of elven Vastallan nuns.

Leaf Port East (T) [B3]:

Similar to Leaf Port, the sister town is unwalled and has a population of about 2,500 (called Easters to differentiate them from the residents of Leaf Port proper). It is in much the same circumstance as its sister town, with some better arable lands where cotton and hemp are grown. Rope making is a well-known craft practiced here, and a Ropemakers' Guild here is known throughout Onlor.

The majority of the folk here fish or service trade coming from trading vessels and along the coast road. Giant squid are known to ply these waters during winter, and a few intrepid sailors will often hunt these creatures using poisoned bait which must then be carefully flushed out of the creature's system before it is processed. This poison is an herbal toxin manufactured by elves in Relum. As a by-product of this trade, Leaf Port East is a great place to purchase sepia.

The remainder of the Relum navy (those not in port at Leaf Port) anchor here. This includes several rigged-up longboats and a single galley with some ballistae upon it.

The folk here worship Hotor, Pindar, and Dhalis.

Leaventide (V) [A4]:

Although relatively small population-wise, the 900 residents of this walled village by the sea, at the mouth of the Berethinuil River inhabit one of the main trade centers of Eastern Relum. The population is mostly human, with a smattering of halflings and some elves who prefer the village life to life in the forests. The folk engage in trade, both that coming up and down the coastal roadway, and from the elves who ply the Berethinuil in rafts and barges. The humans also are prodigious fishermen, mostly trapping crabs and lobsters in the shallow seas.

Shrines to Indolle and Hotor are here, tended to by priests of each religion.

Of particular note was the abode of a well known and powerful elven wizard named Nemis who eschewed his kin's sorcerous leanings and endeavoured to espouse the scholarly pursuit of wizardry as the proper way to channel elven inherent magic. Nemis ran an almost-school training any elven student who showed a true interest in the pursuit of wizardry. This eventually grew into a proper wizards' guild, called the Order of Blood and Thought, which eventually accepted other races into its fold, though membership was primarily elven and half elven. Rumours suggest that Nemis had truck and counsel with the great silver wyrm of Onlor Octonneor de Lurgente and that the latter had given into Nemis' keeping a spellbook rumoured to contain many rare and exotic arcane magicks. It is also suggested that Nemis was given custody of a powerful artifact by the dragon when the great wyrm left to fight at Mordasht during the War of the Gem, and that while the dragon was recovering from his wounds after the War, the artifact was stolen and Nemis abducted.

It is a certainty that no one has seen or heard from Nemis since NS 6, and while his former students keep the workings of the Order going, it is said that others of the guild have been sent far and wide, and even into the netherworld to seek out their master.

Lebidor (V) [B3]:

The lonely unwalled village of Lebidor is located at the eastern edge of the Relum coast. The 200 humans that dwell here are mostly fishermen who worship Hotor. Trade does pass along the Relum coast road as well, and the folk here love to tell of the story of Halgranta (see the section on Relum Bay). The village is known also as the home of the half elf bard Agrippa, perhaps the most well known bard in Onlor. He dwells in the out of the way Lebidor because it allows him to compose and he says the tragedy of the elven lovers of the Halgranta tale inspire him. Elderly now, Agrippa does not travel much, but many bards come to Lebidor from time to time to audition for Agrippa for an apprenticeship or in the hopes that he will teach them his newest composition. Once every two years Agrippa holds an open call for any and all to come to show him their acts and compositions, which he then judges. When this happens, other folk come to hear and the whole turns into the Festival of Agrippa.

Lenjigarr (C) [B1]:

Lenjigarr is the largest port in Algol, and, in fact, the largest in Onlor. The Algolan navy has its main base here, led by Admiral Hildop Qunasit, an aging half elf who emigrated from New Coast many years ago and rose to his new position. Brave and dashing, Hildop is known for taking risks and succeeding against the odds.

The port here is large and bustling, and the city comes right up to the shoreline. The whole is ringed by stone walls, although buildings and the like have overspilled what was meant to enclose a population half its size and sections of the city now flow down the hillsides into the valleys below where the farms and crops and lordly manors begin.

The human population here is about 15,000 although the halfling population is quite small, most of the little folk dwelling in small hamlets in the area between Vinch and Lenjigarr. The County of Lenjigarr includes a wide-ranging area encompassing Gadivar, Nathome, and Vinch.

Temples located here include edifices dedicated to Aghorrit, Cotrunul, Dhalis, Erinhoru, Hastaffor, Heleniarr, Hindarr-quag, Hotor, Indolle, Malaktum, Melinna, Meredros, Mustiglior, Pindar, Ringkol, and Vastalla.

The Thieves' Guild here is a secret organization that is rumoured to be based outside of the city walls in a cave near the seashore. The Guild has no sanction, although as long as they don't get too out of hand they are unlikely to be hunted down.

A mid-sized church to Mordantism is located here, serving the small minority of Mordanti as well as Mordanti farmers living in the outlying communities.

There are small annexes to the wizardly colleges located here. Enough to provide training to apprentices and academicians alike in the specialties of Enchantment and Divination. In addition, a School of Conjuration is located here, specializing in the summoning of water-based creatures, and a shrine to Retuyar-tul is located within this college, manned by a single priest.

Lentil (V) [B2]:

Named after the beans grown here in the fields surrounding the village, Lentil is also a stop on the coastal trade road that travels from Wenestria to Relum. The village is not much of a port however, although a few of its folk do fish the Blue Bay or harvest lobsters and clams along the shallow seabed.

The village is unwalled and home to about 300 humans and another 50 or so halflings. The folk worship primarily Dhalis, though a small chapel to Mordant is located here.

Lochnirr (C) [A3]:

The capital city of the Kingdom of Lochnirr, the city boasts the largest population in Lochnirr, some 8,000 citizens, almost all of them humans. The King of Lochnirr has his palace here, actually a wooden long house of splendid design.

The Duchy of Vrodence extends from Lochnirr City east quite a ways and includes the remote village of Daynbee.

Although not nearly as important a port as Imsoul, far to the west, Lochnirr is the only port of any size along the central and eastern Lochnirran coast, and so sees some trade to and from Jerranq.

The town is thickly walled, designed to repel invaders from Jerranq, and boasts a large contingent of soldiers and many siege weapons. The Lochnirran navy is based here for the most part, these being sleek long ships with small catapults and ballistae mounted upon them. However, the Lochnirran navy is the second smallest on the Isle (after Relum) and it is doubtful that these small ships could put up any serious resistance against a Continental effort. They are more useful for chasing off the occasional pirate and dealing with sea creatures that might menace the coastal areas. The remainder of the Lochnirran navy is based on Drenik Isle to the north.

The Lochnirran citizens fish, raise livestock, especially sheep and kine, and do some farming of the lands south of the city, mostly for hardy winter berries and potatoes and other tubers like turnips. The city sees much overland trade travelling the coastal road and its folk also engage in crafts of all sorts, including metal working, glass blowing, brewing of ale, honey mead, and fine scotch.

Aside from its status as capital of Lochnirr, the city is also known for its excellent schools of war. Flying in the face of the traditional Lochnirran distrust of mages, a Wizardly School of Invocation is located here, and its mages are also trained specially to integrate their talents with those of a fighting army. Many graduates of this school become war mages (refer to the Miniatures Handbook for details).

Most of the residents worship Mordant, and a large church is located here, run by the Bishop of Vrodencium. The church emphasizes the lore of Aghorrit, and sponsors the Knights of Lochnirr, a fierce group of worthies who specialize in the lochnirr axe, a huge single bitted battle-axe with a distinctive curved blade.

Aside from the church of Mordant, the city boasts the a few Pantheistic temples, including churches of Aghorrit, Hotor, Indolle, Meredros, Pindar, and Vastalla.

There is no known Thieves' Guild, although bands of thieves do operate within the city and the outlying lands.

Lonely Cove (V) [A4]:

Set in an isolated cove the faces the sea and is warded on its landard side by steep cliffs pockmarked with caves, many of them submerged during high tide, Lonely Cove has ever been a stopping point for smugglers and pirates and ne'er-do-wells. It is too far away from any central authority to be effectively patrolled, and as long as those using it as a base do not endanger the locals or their commerce over much, it has proven far easier to let them stay than to force them to leave. The current scourge of the area is the pirate MacManara, a Lochnirran wanted on piracy charges back in Lochnirr City, but virtual ruler of this village of 400 souls, all of them human.

The coastal roadway does not even enter the village, but rather runs along the top of the high cliffs and passes within sight of the cove. Instead, access is by sea or by a winding narrow pathway that decends to the cove, sometimes entering tunnels as it reaches the bottom.

The village is walled, for sahuagin have raided in the past, though only occasionally, and rival pirates have sometimes attempted to assault the village to oust its current leader and take over. The village boasts several pitch-tossing catapults mounted on a large wooden sea wall that guards the approach to the cove.

The folk here worship Hotor for the most part, and the non-pirates and smugglers engage in fishing, ship repair, sail making, and net making for a living.

Low End (V) [B1]:

Low End is fortified by a strong stone wall and a moat to protect it from raids from the sea, although such are extremely rare during any person's lifetime. Low End's 200 inhabitants are mostly fishermen, though some herding and farming goes on as well to supplement the fishing. Only a few halflings live here. Hotor is the primary focus of worship here.

Manon's Tor (T) [A3]:

Founded by Lord Manon Macnirr, the Duchy of Macnirr includes the entire region south of the hills as far west as Thistle and Kilast and includes Glosteer.

The town is walled by stout stone curtains and is home to about 4,000 souls, most of whom are human.

Manon's Tor is located atop a huge tor, almost 250 ft above the rest of the valley in which it is located, and is accessed by a spiral roadway made by dwarves which runs around the tor and up to its top.

Not on any major trade route, since the coast road that passes through Glosteer is a more direct route to the city of Lochnirr, the town is rather provincial and its folk speak with a thick, Lochnirran accent (which sounds much like Scottish). The valley around the tor is fertile as far as Lochnirran land goes, and some rough crops of potatoes and other hardy plants are harvested there. In addition, much livestock is raised in and around the town, including sheep.

There is a wool making and a dye-making industry here, as a nearby plant makes perhaps the best bright red dyes in all of Therra, and clothing and other products are often imported to the rest of Onlor and Jerranq as well. As an adjunct, lumbering is also done to the north, and logs are then floated down to the base of the tor where lumber mills process the wood.

The folk here are Mordants through and through and a large church is located here. There are no established temples to any of the Pantheistic religions here. Like many Mordants, the folk of Manon's Tor distrust mages, and any ostentatious display is likely to get a mage into a shoving match or worse.

Marshtown (T) [B1]:

Located up against the western edge of the West Marshes, Marshtown is of necessity well fortified and heavily walled with mortared stone. A large body of troops is stationed here, and the Lord Mayor keeps them busy with patrols into the Marshes proper. The County of Marsh includes Kileeb and, technically, the Marshes themselves, although that is a rather moot and unenforceable technicality.

Marshtown is home to 3,000 hardy folk, who make their living growing rice in nearby flooded fields and fishing the Westmarsh Bay, which stretches between Kileeb and Marshtown. Folk also gather reeds from the edge of the swamp to make baskets and the like, for which Marshtown has become famous. There is also a large apothecary here, run by Jastro the Younger, who specializes in hiring expeditions to enter the Marshes in search of rare herbs and plants, which he then sells to alchemists and the like.

The folk of Marshtown revere Hotor and Dhalis and the garrison here supports a temple of Aghorrit and a shrine to Meredros.

Maskir's Farm (V) [A4]:

What was once a large farm and ranch dedicated to growing various crops and domesticating kine, oxen, and horses and mules, has grown into a small unwalled village of 300, mostly humans but including some halflings. A farmer's market is held here every week, with some of the livestock being auctioned to large lot buyers who then drive them west to the big cities to sell at a profit. Almost all of the inhabitants farm or ranch, and they dwell on steads scattered around the region. The village mainly serves as a gathering place, with an inn, tavern, temple to Dhalis, a roadside shrine to Indolle, and a few shops and the like. Maskir's actual farmhouse is long gone. No one knows what became of it.

Matavilch (V) [B2]:

Matavilch is another unwalled halfling dominated village, as is common in the central portion of Wenestria. Here, some 400 halflings and about 100 humans make their homes. The folk worship Onlora and Dhalis, and agriculture is the primary way of life in this backward one-horse village. Travellers pass through here only occasionally, as a better and more efficient trade route stays south along the coast to Goodsail and beyond.

It is known that a halfling druid of no small repute dwells in the nearby woods and helps to keep the village safe from dangers from the hills to the north. This druid is known to befriend bears, and no villager will hunt or allow to be hunted any bears within several days' travel of the village.

Mazur's Hold (V) [A3]:

Located on the Lochnirran side of the Onlor High Pass (also known as the Dwarven Trade Road), Mazur's Hold was built by the Lochnirran Duke Mazur to guard his side of the Trade Road. Nestled high in the Onlor Mountains, the hold is walled by a 12 ft tall stone wall buttressed by earthen works and supplemented by wooden fortifications. The Hold is designed to withstand raids from bands of humanoids living in the Onlor Mountains.

Just outside of the Hold is the Tomb of Mazur, said to contain great treasures but guarded by magical wards. The citizens of the Hold often come outside the tomb to pray for intervention by the spirit of Mazur and to leave offerings, which are collected by a Mergurr priest who has a temple in a nearby cave.

The folk of Mazur's Hold number about 400, including a couple of dwarves, a gnome or two, and some halflings. A mountain druid has also been known to stop by to gather information or to seek a supply or two. Mountain men and gnomish traders occasionally drop by to purchase or trade. Most traffic, however, is from merchants making the journey across Onlor High Pass into Wenestria and back again.

The folk here worship Mordantism for the most part, although temples to Lothar and Weshta-grum are here and worshipped by a minority. The townsfolk survive by mining and trapping. The Master of Mazur's Hold bears the Sword of Lord Mazur, which he bequeathed to those who rule his Holding. It is rumoured to house the spirit of Lord Mazur, and some claim to have seen it leap into battle on its own, its master's hands merely following along to the sword's whims.

Messinje (V) [A4]:

This small village is unwalled and serves as home to a mixed group of humans and halflings, though the former dominate in numbers. The 250 residents get by farming for the most part and revere Dhalis. The village has little truck with Renthaven, due to their feeling that the robbers of Renthaven stifle trade and prosperity in the region, and the folk of Meesinje are likely to blame Renthaven for every little ill or woe that befalls them. Currently, the villagers are promoting the idea that trade can pass through the village and then up the Andsprit to trade with the dwarves of the Balin Hills before making a short trek across country to Silton. However, the proximity to Lonely Cove may quell the popularity of this route.

Midgetown (T) [B1]:

Named for its proximity to the West Marshes and the swarms of midges that occasionally arrive here from the Marshes, this unwalled town of 4,000 includes a sizable population of halflings, numbering about 500 of the little folk.

The County of Midgetown is small, including Drust and the coastline almost to Kileeb. The folk here make their way mostly by fishing, and many boats can be seen plying the waters near the town come sunrise. Some crops are grown in farmlands that stretch between the town and the village of Drust.

Temples to Hotor, Onlora, Aghorrit, and Erinhoru are here, along with a shrine to Dhalis from whence a priestess can bless the crops of the surrounding farms.

The halflings of Midgetown have a strange custom, which they claim keeps the worst of the midge swarms away from the town. This involves placing a special herb found in the region inside a cored apple and then hanging them from the trees. The mixture of the herb and the apple does seem to produce a bizarre pungent aroma possibly assisted by the fermentation of the apple. This custom is so prevalent in the halfling part of town that the aroma almost hangs like a haze around the area, and any halfling from the place will have the smell in his clothes for weeks after he leaves town.

The actual swarming of midges here from the Marshes, when no such swarms occur in Kileeb or Marshtown, is a puzzlement to those who ponder such matters. One rumour persists that an evil entity called the Lord of the Flies was killed here long ago, when only halflings and gnomes lived on the island, and now the midges seek to take revenge on their master's death.

Miton (V) [B1]:

This village surrounds the Castle of Mite, a fortress built here by Algol to guard its bay. The castle is very well built and formidable and houses a variety of siege engines that are dwarf and gnome designed.

The port here is divided into two parts. The more sheltered portion nearest the castle is home to a good portion of the Algol warfleet, which uses this as a naval base. The rest of the port belongs to the villagers and is a way station for ships travelling to and from Wenestria and Algol.

The village is also walled, with earthen ramparts and a wooden palisade.

Some 1,000 soldiers garrison the castle, and an additional 500 men man the fleet. The village houses another 1,000 folk, who mainly thrive on trade, fishing, and raising hogs and other livestock on the island. The folk worship Hotor and Yimik and, of course, Aghorrit is worshipped in the Castle. The Castellan is, himself, a Knight of Algol, and as such, a small temple to Meredros is here as well. A hospital and temple dedicated to Vastalla is present to minister to the soldiers.

Monash (V) [A4]:

A far-sized walled village of 800 residents, mostly humans, which sits astride the Driven River between the sea coast and Harper's Forest, this settlement is an important stop on trade coming to and from Eastern Lochnirr. The village is known for its saltworks, for large fields of it are present in the seaside cliffs and shoreline surrounding the village. Chunks of it are extracted, chopped into bricks, and carted away to sell far and wide over Onlor. Such salt deposits extend along the coast all the way to near Silton.

In addition, many residents fish for a living, and a few tend livestock in the inland hills and valleys leading up to the forest.

Local legend says the salt is from the tears of the goddess Onlora, who wept at the sight of the gods destroying the world. Whether this is true, salt from this region is called "Onlora's Tears".

A shrine to Hotor is here, though it is only sporadically tended by itinerant priests of the religion. A small Mordant church is here as well, catering to the small but vibrant Mordant community.

Mordant's Bay (V) [A2]:

The small, unwalled village of Mordant's Bay is nestled between the shoulders of two high hills, which embrace the village protectively. As such, there is a small but secure harbour that is rich in fish, and the humans of the village engage in fishing, supplemented by crafts and handiworks, including embroidery and weaving, often of Mordanti themed items.

The village is so named because legend tells of a group of Mordanti settlers in the early days of Lochnirr who sought to expand westward into what was, in those days, unknown halfling lands. The group had rough going, made unwelcome by the halflings they encountered, and were in danger of starving one particularly savage winter when their leader, Sonjon Irith, received visions of Mordant himself which supposedly led him to find this sheltered bay. The colonists settled and prospered and named the village and the bay in honour of their patron.

Today, the village boasts over 500 residents. Halflings are forbidden to dwell in the village, due to the circumstances surrounding the village's founding, but despite this hostile tradition, the villagers of today are friendly with halflings, and the little folk may enter and trade in the village, but may not spend the night in its confines. To this end, there is a small lodging house just outside of the village that caters solely to halflings.

In the center of the village is a bronze statue to Sonjon Irith, and the locals kiss it for good luck or leave flowers at its base.

A church to Mordantism is here, along with a shrine to Hotor.

Mostul (T) [B1]:

An important port for Algol militarily, as this is the prime location to guard the Alum Straits, a small naval contingent is located here. The County of Mostul basically follows the coast about 25 miles in width and for about 25 miles in each direction from the town. The town itself is home to approximately 3,500 persons, counting the various farmers and halflings who dwell outside of the town's stone walls.

The folk here fish and tend crops in the centre of the peninsula and see some trade from ships heading south to Wenestria.

Temples to Aghorrit, Hotor, and Dhalis are here, with shrines to Onlora and Hindarr-quag present as well. The latter is worshipped because of the occasional storms that whip up through the Straits. A small chapel to Mordant is also located here.

Mothinn's Rest (V) [B3]:

This small village is merely the outgrowth of an ancient inn that caters to travellers along the coastal roads. The inn was founded by its proprietor, Hargin Mothinn, and it has passed down from parent to child since then, still remaining in the Mothinn family. It is fortunate the the Mothinns are half elves and are long-lived.

Now, the village boasts some 200 citizens, many of whom are half-elves or human. The inn and tavern is still the focal point of the community, which engages in farming the lands between the inn and the forest.

Shrines to Indolle and Ringkol are here.

Muster (V) [B1]:

Located halfway between Kolheria, Wenestria, and the village of Low End, Muster is remarkable only for its location at a road juncture. Many merchants often cut across the land directly from Wenestria to Kolheria and vice versa, so the road to Muster is only lightly travelled. The 300 folk here are mostly peasant farmers who till the fertile lands around here, and of the population, roughly 75 are halflings. The village is unwalled and Dhalis and Onlora are worshipped here.

Nabonn (T) [B1]:

Nabonn County extends far to the south and includes the villages of Cheyell, Nontip, Runtor, Lador's Rest, and Westfell. The town is walled with blocks of stone, as it resides at the edge of the foothills near to the Hadorr Woods, set upon a plateau that faces the lowlands some 500 ft below. Some 2,500 citizens reside within the walls. Most of them are human, but approximately 150 halflings dwell within its confines.

The town sees some travel by caravans coming down from Southfare but has little river traffic, as the Terruath River is not navigable until Nontip. The main means of life for these citizens involves some mild lumbering in the woods outside of the Hadorr Woods proper (the folk like to keep friendly relations with the elves of Alwel), domestication of animals, including horses, and at least four mines in the nearby hills from which iron ore, copper, tin, and silver are taken. The town itself has a couple of foundries and smithies where iron is formed into steel, which is then formed into implements, armour, and weapons. Much of the ore, however, is simply shipped raw to the larger lowland cities for refinement and crafting.

Temples to Aghorrit, Malaktum, and Pindar are prevalent here, with shrines to Dhalis and Vastalla present as well. A single elderly nun who is rumoured to be a powerful priestess services a small chapel to Mordant.

Nadr (V) [B1]:

Although the Nandom Canal was meant to benefit the town of Nandom, the small settlement of Nadr also prospered. What was basically a small inn and a couple of houses along the road from Lenjigarr to Onglum became a major trade stop due to its position at the midpoint of the canal. Now, the unwalled village of 2,000 folks trades up and down the canal, arranges warehousing of goods, and there is a huge market established here. The village does charge a toll for using the canal, as does Nandom, and the two villages are in a sort of uneasy relationship, as each needs the cooperation of the other in order to trade.

Indolle is heavily worshipped here, as is Erinhoru, and a small chapel to Mordantism exists here as well.

Nandom (V) [B1]:

This village has benefited greatly from the Nandom Canal, dug by a grateful dwarf who was aided by the town and its citizens. While the village was a fishing village prior to the canal's construction, the canal allowed trade to shorten its journey to the sea by way of river travel. Otherwise, trade down the Terruath must portage north to Lenjigarr, which is about 70% longer in miles.

The village bustled with its new trade, and stone walls were constructed to ward off pirates and other undesirables. The village now boasts over 2,000 citizens, almost a full town by Onloran standards, and worship to Indolle and Hotor is prevalent here. A strong fishing tradition still remains, and Nandom's extensive port and docks are home to large merchant vessels and a host of smaller fishing boats.

Nathome (V) [A1]:

Meaning "Dwelling by the Thome Lake" in Halfling, this unwalled village of 800 persons is important as a stopping point for river trade coming down the Lesser River. Much of it offloads here and then travels overland to Wenestria through the Hadorr Woods. The village is also important for coastal overland travel, as the coast road turns inland from Entirsome and passes Nathome before returning to the coast at Gadivar. Many folk comment on this strange twisting of the road as evidence of ancient political maneuvering, but strangely, attempts to build a road along the coast between Entirsome and Gadivar have always failed, sometimes under suspicious circumstances.

It is true, however that the rocky stretch of coastline between Entirsome and Gadivar has been a crabman mating ground since ancient times.

Nathome is noted for its floating dwellings, some of which are connected to the land-based village by wooden bridges and others that are houseboats that float lazily along the surface of the lake. One halfling even lives in a big wooden cylinder that floats on the water, supported and steadied by 2 large outriggers. Inside, the place is said to resemble the finest halfling holes.

The people here worship Erinhoru primarily, as most of the residents derive their living from river trade or from fishing, for Thome Lake is full of wonderful freshwater bounty. An occasional wag will warn of giant pike or gar, but none has ever been seen by reliable eyes. A small floating chapel to Mordantism is also present here.

Neshton (V) [B3]:

High up in the hills between Relum and the High Forest, Neshton was originally a fort designed to protect the Onlor High Pass running from Lochnirr to Wenestria. Dwarves built the trade road as gratitude to the halflings who let them convert Marrowmelt and the other dragons in ancient times, and they also built the fortress of Neshton, which is surrounded on 3 sides by sheer drops of over 300 feet. Its walls are thick and well crafted and some 35 ft high and pierced with battlements and towers. Needless to say, even accounting for the odd smatterings of evil dwelling within the Mountains of Onlor, the place is a bit of overkill, but no one was willing to tell the dwarves this.

Around the fortress has grown a small village, mostly catering to the trade coming down the High Pass and to some lumberjacks, hunters, trappers, and miners. Gnomish clans and a few dwarves nearby use the town to trade and interact with humans. The population of Neshton includes a garrison of 50 Wenestrian soldiers, about 150 human villagers, a few gnomes and dwarves, and no more than 25 halflings. Aghorrit is worshipped here, along with Firlott.

Newvil (V) [A2]:

The northernmost settlement of any size on Onlor proper, this village is so named because it was only recently founded by a group of halfling and human farmers who wanted a market and services closer to their farms that dot the Slontol River Valley near its mouth. The village is situated on the western side of the wide delta the comprises the mouth of the Slontol River, and some of the village has grown onto islands within the river, connected by bridges both stone and wooden. A ferry service provides portage across the river a half mile upstream from the village, which is walled due to its exposed position to the seas and lands of the north.

Despite its newness, founded in NS 2, the village already boasts a bustling port and one enterprising captain has started a passenger and cargo service between the village and Western Iligor. One ship per week embarks from the port, and another returns half a week later.

The folk here have sponsored a small temple to Dhalis, and shrines to Hotor and Onlora are here as well.

Nontip (V) [B1]:

Nestled against the eaves of the Hadorr Woods, this village is located very close to the palace of the Elf Queen of Hadorr, and as such has very good relations with the elves and serves as a centre of trade between the two peoples. In fact, some of the elves live in the village proper or in tree houses within sight of the town. Halflings are found in small proportion here, as the "little folk" of the area actually dwell within the woods proper. Nontip is the best place in Onlor outside of Tendarrow for humans to find bows and arrows of superior quality (Nontip arrows are only half as likely to break after having been fired).

The village boasts around 750 citizens and is ringed by a wall of stone in its centre as a place of refuge from raids by occasional humanoids from the foothills and mountains nearby. The citizenry worships Galasiria, Erinhoru, and Dhalis.

Nort Cay (V) [A4]:

The village of Nort Cay is an interesting story fairly unique to Onlor. It was founded by a half orc, a lieutenant of a war ship in the service of the Deceiver that was blown off course by a squall that raged through the Haven Straits. The ship came ashore along the central Lochnirran coast and the troops, most of them half orcs from the Lost Kingdoms, were immediately set upon by the fierce humans and outraged halflings of the region. The beleaguered half orcs fled north, into the mountains, and east, away from the centers of population. They soon found however, that their scattered brethren in the Mountains of Onlor were just as unwelcoming of them, for they feared that these half orcs, well armed and armoured, would attempt to take control of the orc tribes of the mountains. Eventually, the half orcs were driven to the confluence of the Omstomnil and Bolidor Rivers, now reduced to a mere dozen troopers along with a few orc females they had taken as booty during their clashes with the orcs of the mountains.

At the confluence, these half orcs, so exhausted by their ordeal, and some say infused with the presence of the goddess Onlora, broke spiritually and actually lay down and wept and begged some kind god or goddess to forgive them their wickedness and to grant them either peaceful solace or a clean death. The Goddess Onlora, it is said, heard their cries and took pity on the wretches, and she sent to them through visions a halfling druid who, vehemently opposed to the wars with the Deceiver, took the half orcs in and sheltered and protected them. Of course, this druid did not serve Onlora directly, but he still followed her guiding visions, perhaps unaware even of their source.

Under the druid's protection, the half orcs built a settlement, and repelled countless assaults from both humans, elves, and orcs. But when the animals of the mountains continually arose to protect the settlement, the elves, and later the humans began to understand that these half orcs were somehow protected by the land itself, and they desisted.

Eventually, over a matter of centuries, the half orcs of Nort Cay (a bastardization of "An Orc Camp") bred and made tenuous trade links with the other inhabitants of Onlor and the village now serves as a somewhat intermediary for trade between the coastal kingdoms and some of the orc tribes of the mountains. While this doesn't necessarily sit well with the goodly folks, the orcs of Onlor are such a remote threat, and the village is presumably still under the protection of Onlora, so that the half orcs are allowed to exist peacefully.

The village is walled and heavily fortified, as befits its rugged location and its ancient enemies. Some 700 souls dwell within, the vast majority of them half orcs, though a fair number of humans, likely with distant orcish blood also dwell here. These humans often serve as front men for the half orcs, dealing with outsiders and travelling as merchants to procure goods for the village. The village is not claimed by any kingdom, and is regarded as its own city state, claiming the land in a day's march around it. Leading back to their orcish origins, the village is ruled by a strongman, called a Chief or a Boss, and this title is nominally hereditary, though sometimes decided by a wrestling contest or, in rare cases, a duel.

The village has experienced almost 50% growth in the two decades following the War of the Gem. This due to the large numbers of half orcs born in Jerranq as a result of rapine that occurred during the War, and some of these who had heard of this village emigrated here.

The village boasts a temple to Aghorrit and one to Onlora as well as a shrine to Erinhoru, and the sight of half orcs bedecked in flowers celebrating the goddess is one to behold, though it is best not to laugh in front of them, for these same beflowered half orcs keep their double bladed axes close at hand.

Omlio (V) [B1]:

Omlio is a quiet little village located at the juncture of two roads, one from Wardria to Kolheria and another from both to Wenestria. Its location on these roadways makes the village passed through by many travellers, and so the Omlians are used to strangers and are friendly and boisterous. The halflings are also less reclusive than usual. The village is unwalled and is home to about 700 permanent residents, including about 150 halflings.

The folk here earn their keep by farming the fields in the fertile lands east to the Kittum River. Domesticated animals are herded generally along the rocky cliffs west of Omlio. Indolle and Dhalis are worshipped here as is Mordantism by a small portion of the population.

It is generally known in this part of Wenestria that a Diviner named Jalafstafar lives here and is known as the Oracle of Omlio. He takes between 5-6 apprentices into his service and is rumoured to be over 180 years old. The villagers are not afraid of him, but do treat him with careful respect and awe. Many supplicants come to his tower seeking information and/or service, but his prices are high as his constitution has waned over the years and so his spell castings tend to wear him out quickly. The Oracle will also train wizards for a hefty price as well.

Onglum (T) [A1]:

A smallish, unwalled town which bears a fortified keep on a small hill at its centre, Onglum is the seat of Onglum County, a small demesne which includes the South Hills but no other villages, only scattered thorps and settlements here and there.

The population of Onglum is about 2,500 souls, with a large contingent of halflings, some 500, included in that total. Onglum does receive trade form the hillfolk of the South Hills, especially woodcarved items. The town also sees trade along the road from Gulont to Hacherr.

The folk of Onglum mostly farm the land north of the town, where wheat and barley are grown in abundance and cattle are raised as well.

Every year there is the great Onglum marathon, held in honour of a messenger during the battle of Agueldop, who ran through enemy patrols from the area where Onglum now stands to a location 25 miles to the north marked now by a stone plinth. The winner of the race receives a special house in Onglum where he may reside until a new winner is declared. He also receives a special laurel wreath and 150 pieces of gold. Women have traditionally been forbidden to compete, but a tradition of them running alongside the course, just to show that they can compete well against the men, has sprung up. About 25 years ago a Flupnir contingent decided to hold their own race about 50 yards form the main race, and now a motley collection of jokers runs its own much slower and more drunken marathon in tandem with the actual race. Needless to say, the jokers gain almost as much attention as the real racers, much to the chagrin of the latter.

Temples to Dhalis, Ularinn, and Yimik are located here, with shrines to Ringkol, Flupnir, and Vastalla present as well.

Penstria (T) [B1]:

Set atop high cliffs that overlook the seacoast, Penstria is about as close as a town can be to the coast and yet have nothing to do with the sea. Its cliffs are some 500 -700 ft tall and no easy way exists to access the water for miles in either direction. Rather, Penstria is important because it is at the crossroads of two major trade routes through Western Wenestria, and so Penstria is known for its lively inns and taverns. The Duchy of Penstria includes all of the lands between the Kittum River and the Endar River.

The 2,600 folks who do dwell here on a permanent basis, most of them humans, make their way by raising livestock and farming in the triangular river valley area between the Kittum and the Endar Rivers. In addition, there is an Engineer's Guild in the town that is famous throughout Onlor for its members, who build the finest siege equipment and less military feats of engineering and carpentry.

The town itself is unwalled, deriving its protection from the sea cliffs, but there are rumours of tunnels and large underground chambers capable of withstanding a prolonged siege.

The god Pindar is highly revered in this town at his temple, and there is a temple to Dhalis and one to Yimik as well. A small church to Mordant services the small Mordanti population in the town and the outlying regions.

Also, keen eyed folks looking over the cliffs at night sometimes report seeing strange lights at the base of the cliffs where they meet the water. Sometimes the lights actually seem to be slightly submerged, and sometimes not. There are many wild theories regarding the cause of these lights, but no one so far has been willing to attempt a descent of the cliffs at night to investigate.

Piland (V) [B4]:

Close by the Hendridge Higlands, this unremarkable village of 400 sits at the mouth of the babbling Andin River. The village is surrounded by a wooden pallisade, for local legend says that a coven of fierce aquatic creatures with four eyes and sharp mandibles and ferocious claws called the Vodaynoi dwell in sea caves that are too close to the village for comfort. Nevertheless, the folk of the village, humans almost exclusively, engage in fishing and farming in the narrow strip of land between the coast and the Highlands. The village also, of course, sees traffic along the coastal roadway.

The citizens revere Hotor for the most part, though no shrine is present.

Plowton (V) [B2]:

Located by the side of the Leyton River, the folk here love to tell the tale of the halfling sheriff who wed the local river spirit, always with a tear in their eyes. The inhabitants are mostly halflings, with a total of about 300 of the wee folk and half that number of humans. Plowton is a farming village and its fields of cotton and grains stretch for miles in all directions, punctuated by outlying farmhouses. The village itself is unwalled and dotted with halfling holes.

A large chapel here is dedicated to Erinhoru and the halfling Leyton, and marriages are often performed here in order to be blessed in the Leyton River. In fact, paramours from all around Wenestria will often trek here to take their vows.

The halflings and humans here worship Onlora and Erinhoru, although a shrine to Dhalis is also important.

Pontoon (V) [B1]:

A small village at the very western tip of Onlor and off of the main trade routes, Pontoon amounts to a small rural fishing village. Fishing is the main industry here and the village is ringed by ramparts and a palisade due to its exposed location. The village does boast the highest temple to Hotor here, which thrives even in this isolated location. The natives here are on friendly terms with some nearby merfolk and aquatic elves, and they leave gifts on the beaches on certain holy nights of each month. The gifts are always gone the next morning.

The 250 inhabitants of the village, mostly human, worship primarily Hotor.

Pordem (V) [B1]:

This small village is situated at the headwaters of the mighty Western River. Although the River is largely unused for bulk trade, since it empties into the West Marshes, which is impractical for trading, it does provide really the only means of easy travel to and from the lowlands in the form of a path that wanders along the river course. Like many mountain villages, Pordem derives its wealth from furring and trapping. In addition, some mining occurs, primarily for copper and iron. Other more exotic veins are mined by nearby dwarf and gnome clans. Pordem boasts a small group of halflings, numbering about 120 and its human population is approximately double that. The village is nestled in a valley isolated on all sides but its river side by tall cliffs. The river side is crossed by a rampart and palisade.

The villagers are unused to strangers from the lowlands, who will be regarded with some curiosity and suspicion. However, mountain men often come from the higher elevations to trade during the rough midwinters. Dwarves and gnomes are also familiar sights here.

The people are rugged and earthy and worship Weshta-grum, Firlott, and Lothar. It is known that a mountain druid dwells near the town, and sometimes the villagers come to him with gifts to exchange for aid or advice.

Posh (V) [B1]:

About 300 villagers, many of whom make their livelihood by harvesting oysters from the nearby beaches, inhabit the small village of Posh. Fishing is also a popular means of earning a living, as trade up or down the small and swift Cherrod River is non-existent. Posh does serve as a local marketplace for the wares of the Endori people, who disdain the bigger towns and cities nearby. Hotor is primarily worshipped by the villagers.

Pwilt Holes (V) [A3]:

The largest halfling settlement in Lochnirr, Pwilt Holes is home to almost 800 halflings and perhaps 20 humans. The halflings herd domesticated beasts for the most part, especially ponies and goats. The others are engaged in cheese making and Pwiltshire cheese is enjoyed all over Onlor and even appreciated in Jerranq for its robustness. The village is unwalled, but protected by high hills along most of its sides except for two passes, one to the south and one to the north.

The highest priestess to Onlor in Lochnirr has her temple here, and the halflings pretty much worship the goddess exclusively.

Quaend (V) [B2]:

A quiet halfling community in the rolling uplands leading to the foothills around the High Forest, Quaend boasts a population of about 600 halflings of mixed breeds and a small human community of about 50. While the village is not walled, due to the halfling distaste for walled communities, the halflings here are capable warriors, well trained in the use of slings and shortbows. These halflings worship Onlora and Pindar, and are primarily involved in harvesting agriculture, especially potatoes. The humans are most often lumberjacks who float their cuttings down the Undil River to Goodsail.

Renthaven (V) [A4]:

The easternmost settlement in all of Onlor, Renthaven sits at the wide, roaring mouth of the Bolidor River. The village gets its name from its origins, having been founded by a group of indentured servants who fled from a cruel landlord in Western Lochnirr and founded their settlement here. The folk of Renthaven, some 600 humans, are fiercely independent, and only barely consider themselves subjects of Lochnirr. They routinely despise nobles and those who put on aires, and there is also rumoured to be a thriving thieves' guild centered here that specializes in robbing from the rich to pay the poor. The other villages and settlements of the area do not appreciate the bandit's charitable motivations, and as a result 'Haveners (as they are called) are frequently run out of other villages in the vicinity.

A temple to Hastaffor is here, one of the few open temples to that god in all of Therra. In addition, a shrine to Hotor serves those citizens who make thier livelihood fishing the sea.

Respite (V) [B3]:

So named because at this place about 80 years ago the elves of Relum gave aid to a family from Jerranq that was being pursued by demons sent after them by an angry wizard, the family decided to settle here with about a dozen of their kin. Over the years, Onlorans of one sort or another have gathered here, and now the village is home to about 250 persons. These folk do not hunt or lumber out of respect for the elves of Relum, but do fish the Cenulwith and forage for berries and nuts in the forest. The elves also trade with the villagers and bring them delicacies from the deeper forests like mushrooms and truffles. The village is unwalled, both because of the nearby elvish presence and because the folk figure "what good are walls again demons?" Many of the houses bear arcane wards drawn or painted on their sides or lintels.

The folk are not particularly religious and are a bit stand-offish, suspicious of strangers simply because they fear that the Jerranqi wizard is still after the original family, now swelled to about 30 members. None of the original refugees is still alive.

Riverbend (V) [A4]:

Set at the point where the Driven River emerges from the shadows of Harper's Forest and makes a wide turn to the north, this unwalled village is home to 500 residents, mostly human with a smattering of half elves. The majority of these folks are engaged in farming and craftwork, and there are temples to Melinna, Dhalis, and Pindar here, though they are small in size.

The folk also fish the Driven River, taking from it a fish known as a "drunkfish", due to the reputed intoxicatory properties of the river. Of course, the local authorities frown on anyone molesting or harming the harper birds of the woods.

Rodrich (V) [B4]:

The largest village in the area, its 900 residents dwell behind thick wooden walls set upon earthen ramparts. The population of mostly humans conducts trade with the elves of Relum via the Reuel River, and fairly uniquely, the merchants of the small port of Rodrich also have forged friendly relations with some of the islanders in the Heynosht Archipelago. As such, islander goods often disembark here before passing through to markets in Onlor and even in Jerranq proper. Likewise, Rodrich ships take Onloran goods to the islanders.

There are temples to Hotor and Indolle here, and a shrine to Hindarr-Quag.

Romnea (V) [A2]:

Named after a dryad that dwells in the area, this unwalled village is home to over 150 halflings and about 300 humans. In the center of the village is a large park or garden, at the centre of which is a huge oak tree. Within dwells Romnea, an ancient dryad who has been around as long as anyone or any story can remember. The dryad is friendly to the village folk, as she allowed them to settle here long ago in return for their saving her life when her tree was threatened by the ravages of the now dead red dragon H'Cholmosh.

Despite Romnea's gratitude and her willingness to have a human/halfling settlement around her 300-yard grove, she is still shy and reclusive, and most of the village's inhabitants know that they are not to come too close to the tree uninvited. It is also true that occasionally Romnea becomes enamoured of a particularly attractive male and attempts to charm him. Unlike most dryads, however, Romnea will only keep a paramour for a short time before reluctantly allowing him to leave, usually with a magical gift of some sort as a small token.

Often, small faery creatures can be spotted in the grove, although they are quite reclusive.

The village folk love Romnea, whom they believe grants fertility to their surrounding farmlands. Indeed, Romnean tomatoes, peaches, and berries are some of the largest and most succulent in Onlor. The village will allow no harm or dishonour to befall Romnea. In addition, certain druids sometimes make a pilgrimage here to speak with the dryad.

The village folk worship Dhalis and Galasiria primarily.

Runtor (V) [B1]:

Runtor is the first stop south of the Hadorr Woods for those caravans that have crossed the woods from Nontip. It is also a staging area for caravans heading in the opposite direction. Runtor is ringed by a wooden palisade and is home to about 900 people. The folk are hardy and used to occasional trouble from the foothills and/or woods. Relations with the elves are decent, but Runtor does engage is logging, and on occasion this causes problems with the elves of the southern portion of the Hadorr.

The Runtori propitiate Dhalis and Indolle with a portion of the citizens devout Mordanti. For the most part the villagers farm the Western River valley for produce.

Shinult (V) [A2]:

This largish village of 1,500 souls is primarily involved with the fishing trade. The central portion of the village, located on a small hill, is protected by a wooden palisade, which provides refuge when raiders arrive from the oceans. The village maintains a small militia and many of the folk here worship Hotor. Those who do not are Mordanti and follow the high priest of a small church located here.

Shunt Meadow (V) [B2]:

Another primarily halfling settlement, Shunt Meadow is so named because near to the village is a meadow surrounded by a copse of trees. This meadow, it is said, was the site of some ancient wrongdoing, and is supposedly haunted by ghosts and malign faerie spirits. The villagers stay away from the meadow, especially at night.

About 200 halflings dwell in this typically unwalled halfling community. They are peaceful folk who farm in the areas not near the meadow. The folk worship Onlora and are quick to warn strangers of the snakes in the Deep River.

Silton (V) [A4]:

The walled village of Silton is home to 350 persons, most of whom fish for a living, supplemented by farming of the acending grasslands that eventually meet the Balin Hills. So named for the silt-clogged mouth of the Muddy River, the village also boasts a lumber mill and sees some logging coming from the hills down river. The folk hereof worship Hotor.

Southfare (T) [B2]:

The County of Southfare extends to include Romnea, Chastilnir and Pordem. The town itself is ringed by a wooden palisade and a water-filled moat and is home to about 2,600 humans and perhaps 200 halflings, who dwell in holes on the hilly eastern part of town. The town serves as a clearinghouse for the furs and meats hunted by mountain men from here to the Forest of Onlor, and these mostly come to dwell in tents nearby during the heart of the winter months. The population survives on this fur trade and from the raising of goats, sheep, and kine, spinning of wool, and lumbering the nearby forested hillsides. In addition, perhaps the best papermill in Onlor is located here, along with the finest makers of vellum. As such, many wizards and priests make journey to the town to purchase fine paper for their scrolls and spellbooks.

There are shrines to Firlott and Lothar here, which are mostly empty except during the winter, to service the needs of the mountain men. Also, a temple to Pindar and Yimik are here always, as is a shrine to Dhalis. The small garrison of soldiery here worships at a small temple to Aghorrit.

A visitor to this town will note that many of the establishments here are named after a silver dragon (for example, the Silver Drake Inn, the Argent Wyrm Tavern, etc.). This because it is known by the knowledgeable here that some 50 miles to the east by northeast, in a rugged ravine, is a huge cave occupied by the great silver dragon Octonneor de Lurgente. It is said that Octonneor fought in the Great Wars at Blanthil when he was but a young drake, and if this is true, then he is over 4,000 years old. Octonneor himself will not say, though his recollections of facts of that time do seem to be amazingly accurate. The dragon also flew in the final assault on Mordasht during the War of the Gem, and it is said he was grievously wounded and now spends much of his time sleeping and recovering from his wounds and exertions.

It is also said that Octonneor's treasure is legendarily large, but, of course, he keeps it out of sight and no one has actually been able to verify this claim. The silver dragon does occasionally leave his cave, both to hunt the occasional wild animal for food, to hunt the occasional wild orc for sport, and even more rarely, in human form to travel to a town for information or to purchase some material component. Of course, the dragon could also come into town disguised and no one would be any the wiser. When Octonneor does come into Southfare as a human undisguised, he looks like an old wizardly man with shining silver hair and a long silver beard; his looks are very distinctive. On occasion, persons have made their way to Octonneor's cave to petition the dragon for aid or information. He is said to have a huge library of lore and will only give such information for a steep price...often a service of some sort.

Southreach (V) [B3]:

The village of Southreach is aptly named, for it is a lonely little village isolated at the southern tip of a peninsula that boasts only two other small settlements. The village bears a road to it from Mothinn's Rest, but is not on any trade routes. The people of Southreach are therefore unused to strangers and are a bit clannish, most of the 400 residents being human, with a small population of half-elves.

Recently, a druid named Ghalintery has risen to prominence in the village, and he has constantly espoused a relationship with a nearby clan of "sea men" as he refers to a tribe of merfolk he claims dwells in the nearby waters. Slowly, it appears that the villagers are agreeing to forge this alliance with the mermen as a means of obtaining riches from the sea and promised trade with the undersea denizens of the adjacent ocean.

Half the population of Southreach currently follows druidism and worships no deity. The other portion, accustomed to their centuries old livelihood of fishing and farming, venerate Dhalis and Hotor respectively. There is also an old shrine to Ularinn here, now cracked from the War of the Gem and fallen into disuse.

Sturonar (T) [A2]:

Located at the juncture of the Slontol River and the road from Bandur to Imsoul, this town has a population of approximately 3,000 folk, including a good number of halflings and a small colony of gnomes who have chosen to live in this pleasant setting rather than their ancient homelands in the mountains. Many of the folk here make their living by logging the Upikar or farming in the verdant fields to the north along the Slontos River Valley.

The town is ringed by earthen works and a wooden palisade, and the Lord Mayor of Sturonar rules the county, which includes Shinult, Bandur, and Hadeep. Sturonar sees a decent amount of trade coming along the road from the ports of Algol into Lochnirr and vice versa, and the Lord Mayor employs a company of rangers to patrol the Upikar against bandits. It is said these rangers alone are on good terms with the elf king of the Upikar.

Temples to Dhalis, Onlora, and Indolle may be found here, along with a small church dedicated to Mordantism.

Tangerth (V) [B4]:

Similar to Lebidor, Tangerth is a lonely unwalled village of about 200 humans who engage primarily in fishing. Being close to the Forests, elven visitors are not uncommon here, but usually they are simply passing through. No port exists here; the fishing boats are simply dragged up onto the beaches. Tangerth is known once per year for its jellyfish invasion, where thousands of them wash ashore or litter the coral waters. Occasionally, a giant jellyfish or man-o'-war is spotted as well. The folk here worship Hotor and are very proud of their stuffed coral masher (about 15 ft long) that hangs from a wooden frame.

Teln (V) [B2]:

Teln is an unwalled village inhabited by about 300 humans and 200 halflings. The folk here are primarily farmers who send their trade down to Arvoria for sale at the marketplaces there. Some tobacco is grown here as well as cotton. The people here revere Dhalis, and it is known that a powerful Vastallan nun runs a nunnery here, and supplicants from far and wide do come when in need of healing.

Tendarrow (V) [B3]:

The westernmost village of Relum, Tendarrow is well known for its bowyers and fletchers. While better bows may be made by elves deep in their forests for their own personal use, arrows made here by humans who claim to be elf-taught are undoubtedly the best in Onlor. Bows can be custom made here to accommodate any pull and enchanted arrows can sometimes be purchased here as well. Trade in bows and arrows has also attracted makers of crossbows, and these can be found in the village. The bows are made of a special yew taken from the outskirts of the Relum Forests, and the strings are made from the sinews of specially bred (some say enchanted) sheep that graze around Arrow Lake. In addition, the glallum, a waterfowl that is only found at this lake, is believed to have the best feathers in the world for fletching arrows. Even elves from Relum often come to buy the glallum feathers for their own arrows.

Of course, the population of this unwalled village, about 350 humans, engages in more than just arrow craft. Arrow Lake is fished and well stocked, and honey mead is brewed from great honeycombs of bees raised in fields nearby. At least a few giant bees have been seen from time to time, and folk sometimes search without luck to find their giant beehives, since giant bee honey and royal jelly is reputed to have all sorts of special properties. Agriculture is also performed south of the village down to the seacoast.

The folk here worship Pindar mostly, but Dhalis is also revered.

Thistle (V) [A3]:

Named after the plants that grow in the fields surrounding the village, Thistle serves as a trading post between humans and the elves of Onchor. Absolutely no lumbering or hunting takes place in Onchor by these villagers, for they would never wish to displease their elven neighbors. The unwalled village is home to about 400 humans and another 100 halflings, who often make journeys into the woods to socialize with the faery folk.

The residents make their way by fishing the Straits and by growing cotton and grains along the thin area of land between the seacoast and the woods. These people worship Mordantism and Dhalis. The halflings revere Onlora.

Thrum (V) [A2]:

The isolated village of Thrum is home to about 300 humans and a sprinkling of halflings (perhaps two dozen). Located atop a series of ridges that run to the Straits before dropping in cliffs to the sea, the people of Thrum get by raising livestock. The folk here are not used to seeing strangers, who tend to stick to the road between the City of Wine and Thistle, and are fairly provincial and superstitious. Most are devout Mordants and regard Pantheists with a bit of distrust. The village is unwalled and named for a type of bird that is indigenous to the area between Adabais Cove and the Onchor Woods. This bird is a seabird and makes a distinctive "tttthhhrrruummm!" sound. The villagers believe that these birds are messengers from the gods and do not take kindly to abuse of them.

Trade Post (V) [B2]:

Trade Post is unique in that it is claimed by neither Lochnirr nor Wenestria, but is sort of a joint venture between the two. The village is therefore unaligned and owes allegiance to a Lord Mayor elected by its inhabitants once every ten years.

Unlike Neshton, Trade Post was built long after the Trade Road had been constructed, as traders found they needed a place of rest and refuge after their ascent into the mountains.

Located near the head of the Relarth River in lands punctuated by deep gorges, the village is walled by thick stone and wooden walls. The 250 human inhabitants are a doughty lot, and the village also serves as a place where the various mountain men can trade their furs and raw gems. Dwarves and gnomes also show up here to trade with caravans passing through.

The folk here worship Lothar and Indolle.

Trade Town (T) [B2]:

The westernmost town of Relum, Trade Town was built by the elves to trade with the human lands to the west. This was more essential in older times when the frontier of Wenestria was far to the west of its current borders and thus the town's location was a necessity. These days, although less strategically important, the town still serves as the point of trade between the two kingdoms.

Beautifully carved wooden palisade posts, most of them in leafy motifs, wall the town. About 2,800 folks live here, the majority of them humans, but about 200 halflings and approximately 150 elves also dwell here.

The townsfolk grow crops along the Enstenearth River valley and take trade down from Hunthold by river raft. Crops grown include strawberries, grapes, and delicious purple olives often called, vulgarly, as Onlora's teats (the halflings do not prefer this name...they call them Onloramfara, which does translate to Onlora's teats, but the halflings insist the connotation is much more respectful in their language).

The town contains temples to Indolle, Erinhoru, Onlora, and Dhalis.

The famous grey elven mage Quarwanthil dwells in Trade Town, finding it reclusive enough to suit his desire to study unmolested but near enough to things so that he can procure materials necessary for his studies.

It is known that Quarwanthil is a specialist in dimensional magics, and this is backed up by constant rumours placing him in various parts of Therra at very close times. Some say that he is often gone travelling the dimensions more often than people think, but that a simulacrum of himself is left behind in his stead. No one really knows his age, since it is believed time passes at different speeds on some planes, but tales of the elves place him in stories at least 4,000 years ago.

On occasion, Quarwanthil will take apprentices and teach them his dimensional magics.

Tulhorn (V) [A4]:

The unwalled village of Tulhorn sees its share of trade coming down the Bolidor or the river road that follows it. The place is known for its construction of a tulhorn, a musical instrument made from the cured hide of a giant toad and local reeds that produced a strange, throaty chirp, like that of a cricket crossed with a frog. The residents of the village, all 200 of them, are humans for the most part, with a dozen halfling families dwelling here as well. These folk farm the surrounding land and hunt frogs, for the creatures provide poisons, meat, and the materials for the tulhorns. The humans mainly follow Mordantism at a chapel here, with other revering Erinhoru at a small shrine, and the halfling venerate Onlora at a shrine led by a priestess of the goddess.

Udarch (V) [B2]:

Located by the frothing White River, the unwalled village of Udarch is evenly populated by halflings and humans, both of which worship Erinhoru and Dhalis. The total population of the village is 400. Udarch is only important as a stop on the road to and from Relum.

Undine (V) [A4]:

Set on the coastal road between Leaventide and Zenstil, Undine is named after a bound water elemental that must serve as protector of the small bay in which the village is situated for another 3000 years. This elemental was pledged to serve after a well-known ship captain named Thayver saved an important priest of Hotor who was endangered by sahuagin in the nearby seas. The grateful priest rewarded the captain by sending an elemental to ward his home and his family and his descendants for 3500 years. When others learned of the mystically protected bay, they chose to come and settle here, and now the village boasts over 300 residents. It is also one of the few unwalled settlements on the sea coast in this part of Onlor, for the elemental acts as a far better protector than any mere walls.

A temple to Hotor is here, a fairly large one at that given the village's size, to honour the undine and the importance of the village to the Oloran religion of the God of Seas. Other folks of the village, who engage in farming rather than fishing, worship Dhalis or Ularinn and there is a shrine to both within the village.

Vannirbir (V) [A3]:

The walled village of Vannirbir boasts 500 residents, most of whom make their living from the sea, though during the salmon spawning season they also fish the Dahsery River to harvest the long, silver fish. Most of the residents are devout Mordants, and pray at the chapel located int he village. Outside the village, a priest of Hotor tends his flock in a small seaside shack made of driftwood.

Venison (V) [A2]:

Named after the prized deer that dwell in the nearby woods and foothills, Venison is known for its preparation of such meat, and its wares are shipped as far as Antorium. Despite their exploitation of the beautiful beasts, the folk here, humans and halflings, revere and value the deer, and brook no poaching. There is a specific limit on the manner of hunting and the number and type and age of deer huntable. Folk here worship Yimik and Firlott.

The village itself is comprised of about 300 citizens and is unwalled, although the junction of the two rivers converging at the village site provides barriers of defense on three sides of the village.

Vinch (V) [A1]:

Vinch's latest claim to fame is as the birthplace of the previous queen of Algol. Her summer "palace" (actually a well-appointed long house) is here, and the new queen uses it for her own summer domicile as well. The town holds a summer festival in her honour, well attended by the humans and halflings of the area. The folk here, numbering about 1,500 persons, do not live behind walls, being nestled in the centre of Algol, and most make their living from farming grains that grow in the cool sea-breeze fanned fields running from Vinch to the seas to the northwest.

In addition to foodstuffs, Vinch is known for its Spinners' Guild, a society of women, many of them old and widowed, who live for the art of weaving and looming. Vinch clothes and tapestries are highly regarded even in the jaded precincts of Antorium. Melinna, Pindar, and Dhalis are worshipped here in large numbers but a small chapel to Mordantism exists here as well.

Vindar (T) [A2]:

A large, bustling coastal town set on a rocky ridge just above wide, sandy beaches, Vindar makes a decent natural port at its location at the vertex of a small bay. Being the closest major port to Algol City and the northernmost major Algolian port (and therefore closest to Jerranq), Vindar is always filled with ships and merchants. Extensive warehouses form a belt separating the port area from the rest of the town and the mouth of the Algol River is also pierced with docks, as river traffic is loaded and unloaded here.

The population of Vindar is about 5,000 with the majority of its folk being human, although the occasional halfling can be spotted here and there. The town is walled by stone walls, and a jetty has also been built with a tower at its end which serves as both a lighthouse and as a platform for siege engines should the need arise. A decent portion of the Algolian navy also bases here.

The Lord Mayor of Vindar is of the Onlore family, one with prestigious pedigree all the way back to the original founding of Algol. The County of Vindar encompasses Elinteer and Aldum.

Indolle has a large temple here, this being a focal point for trade in Algol, and Erinhoru also commands a temple. Shrines exist to Dhalis and Hotor, and an Aghorrit school of war is here, sort of a naval academy as it mainly teaches naval combat tactics and techniques. A small nunnery to Vastalla is also located here, though the high priestess is said to not even be able to quench poison from a person's body.

The famous sea hunter Baha Ellivlem used to put into port here often before going out far at sea to hunt large sea creatures, which he then hauled back to Vindar for processing and sale. Baha is something of a legend in these parts, but went missing at sea some 15 years ago. Rumours say the hunter, gaining in years, wanted to die in the belly of the same creatures he hunted, though no mention is made of what befell his crew. Others tell that his spirit lives on commanding a ghost ship that plies the Mezon Ocean hunting sea creatures and humans alike.

Vinyerd (V) [A2]:

Off in the middle of lush and beautiful country filled with rolling meadows and fertile fields of grapevines and other crops, Vinyerd was named by a halfling who was none too literate and misspelled the name "Vineyard". Unfortunately, the name stuck, and the citizens here are quick to point out that their village is not called Vineyard.

The village is also engaged in the herding of sheep and kine, and fine wool comes from this area, although not as prized as the wool from Daynbee.

Vinyerd is unwalled and home to approximately 300 humans. Most of the populace follows Mordantism. Of the Pantheonists, most worship Dhalis, although there is a rumour that a Flupnir priest roams the fields, usually hidden from sight but causing all sorts of mischief. Some others believe that the fields are haunted.

Vortan's Fort (V) [A2]:

Named after its ancient founder, Vortan, this fort has, over the centuries, grown into a small village. A wooden palisade guards the whole thing, but the central area is the actual fort and is comprised of stone walls supplemented by wooden towers. The village is home to 400 hardy Lochnirrans, and the terrain around it is mostly rolling hills and high tors.

The folk here raise sheep and cattle and grow the occasional grain suited to hillier and milder climes.

The Fort often sees the remnants of apple tubs ridden down the Rapid River by young mountain men out to prove themselves. Otherwise, most travel through the Fort is on the way from or to Hightown.

The villagers mostly worship Mordantism and a well-known church is located here.

Wardria (T) [B1]:

The Duchy of Wardria stretches from the border of Algol in the north to about halfway to Iltar and Far Trek. A mostly wild area of rolling hills and small bits of woodlands, the only community of any size is Wardria, which boasts of a population of about 4,000. At least 400 of the population are halflings. The town itself is walled by stone and surrounded by a dry moat, owing to its proximity to the West Marshes and the foothills of the Mountains of Onlor.

The folk of Wardria engage in fishing this part of Algol Bay, which they pretty much have to themselves. The shallow bay here is noted for its crabs and lobsters, although occasionally giant varieties of the same cause the fisherfolk some consternation.

The Algol Bay is so placid here that once every year sailing races are held in Wardria, the winner receiving the Wardria Cup, a golden chalice, for a year before pursing it for the next race.

On land, the Wardrians farm the many fertile valleys and dales in this rolling region, and along with grapes and squash, Wardria is known for its beans and potatoes, which are sold at a large farmers' market every week in the town square.

The town does see quite a bit of travel, as all land trade between Algol and Wenestria must travel through the town. Also, some river traffic up the Kittum River comes as far as Wardria before being offloaded. As such, and to protect its tax interests, Wardria maintains a strong presence along the road from Lador's Rest to the town itself. There is even a small band of rangers in the employ of the Duke, known as Wardria's Warders, or simply the Warders.

Temples to Indolle, Dhalis, Hotor, Aghorrit, and Erinhoru are here. A small nunnery of Vastallans is here as well, along with a small church to Mordant. The halflings here also have a small shrine to Onlora.

Watch (V) [A1]:

A small village of Alumese, Watch is so called because it is the best place to watch the straits from the north, and so protects the approach to Alum Town. A small Alumese fleet is based here, as is a decent sized fishing fleet, for the folk here mostly fish. The villagers worship Hotor, and the whole community is protected by a wooden palisade.

On a rock at the very eastern tip of Alum Isle, within sight of this village, is a 75' tall stone lighthouse powered by priestly Continual Flame dweomers which are then reflected into a powerful beam that shines along the Straits and can spot ships from as far away as 25 miles.

Wenestria (C) [B1]:

The City of Wenestria is the largest and most important community in the Kingdom. Home to the King of Wenestria, this city of about 20,000 is walled and surrounded by a deep moat. The Duchy of Wenestria, the personal fief of the King, extends over a large area of land and includes the villages of Omlio, Iltar, and Far Trek.

Wenestria is known for its amazing parks. Three such are located within the city walls.

One functions as a sort of zoo, and exotic and colourful plants and animals from all over Therra live there.

Another park contains amazing topiaries fashioned by a family of elven mages. Depending upon the direction of winds, the topiaries are designed to move in various ways, acting out a story. The story varies depending upon the wind, and when the wind blows in a seldom seen direction, crowds can be found watching the topiaries move and wriggle.

The third park is a crystal garden. Three dwarven priests of Neengrum tend thousands of crystals, molding their growth into spectacular shapes. Often, the priests can be seen adding just the right mixture of minerals and water to a crystalline growth to give it the exact shape and colour needed. Of course, the elves and fans of the topiary gardens joke that the crystal park also tells a story, but needs an earthquake to tell it. Do not let the dwarven priests hear you say this.

Not a lot of halflings live in the city proper, as they prefer the surrounding countryside. Many halfling thorps of a few dozen holes dot the landscape within 25 miles of the city, so halflings shopping and trading within its walls are nothing uncommon.

The port of Wenestria is large and always bustling, as trade from as far as Relum makes its way along the coast road and to Wenestria to be loaded on ships heading for Jerranq. The kingdom also maintains a large naval presence here.

The Knights of Wenestria hold their headquarters here, in a small keep of their own just outside of the city walls. This group is loyal to the king and is composed of approximately 15 knights and about 300 men at arms.

Temples within Wenestria City include those dedicated to Aghorrit, Cotrunul, Dhalis, Erinhoru, Hindarr-quag, Hotor, Indolle, Melinna, Meredros, Mustiglior, Pindar, Ringkol, Ularinn, and Vastalla.

Interestingly, Wenestria has no established Thieves' Guild (at least none that anyone is aware of). The current king has an intense dislike of thievery and is not an admirer of the roguish sort.

There is a smallish church to Mordantism here, tending to a flock of about 500 Mordanti citizens in the city proper and perhaps thrice that number in the outlying regions.

There are some small wizardly schools here. Principally, the School of Abjuration and of Evocation are located here as well as one to Divination.

Westfell (V) [B1]:

Hard by the vast West Marshes, Westfell is, by necessity, well fortified and well armed. The village itself is located atop a rise, almost a plateau, which overlooks the marshes from a height of about 400 ft. As such, the village provides a great watch over the swampy expanse.

The village is populated by about 500 citizens and another 200 of the king's best horsemen under the command of Sir Arduri Hackamil, knight of Algol. Another 50 or so marshtroopers led by a coterie of half a dozen rangers often makes forays into the Marsh to look for impending threats.

Few halflings dwell here, finding the rocky terrain inhospitable and the marshes gloomy and sinister. Strong patrols use the village as a base and trade does occur along the road from Lador's Rest to Marshtown, although usually only by well-organized caravans, as long stretches of the road are unguarded south of the South Hills.

The folk here worship Meredros, Aghorrit, and Erinhoru.

Whitewash (V) [B4]:

The walled village of Whitewash is named after the frothing Foamy River, which bursts into the sea in a roiling wall of foam. The 450 residents are human, and many make their way as dyemakers, for a Dyemakers' Guild is located in the village, and all sorts of exotic dyes of every hue are blended and extracted here. Cuttlefish are plentiful along the seas near the village, and fishermen harvest these for their meat, for the dye extracted from their shells, for their sepia, and for their cuttlebones, which is used in place of ivory.

The hardowrking folk here revere Pindar as patron of the dyemakers, and Yimik as father of the cuttlefish.

Xalthe (V) [B2]:

This halfling village is inhabited by about 1,000 halflings. About 100 humans are intermixed with them. At least two dozen high elves also make their home here, dwelling in graceful buildings of wood and stone.

The folk here make their living by lumbering and woodcraft and by tobacco growing. Xalthe halflings are known for their carving skills, and pipes are their specialty. A Xalthe Smoker is highly regarded throughout Onlor.

The population here worships Onlora primarily and the village is unwalled, consisting mostly of halfling holes and a few thatched stone and wood buildings.

Xyrvar (V) [A3]:

Set in a small natural bay sheltered from the open sea by tall cliffs dotted with caves, Xryvar is home to about 350 fishermen and their families. The community is unwalled and has only a small set of docks large enough to accommodate the smallest of merchant vessels. However, some ships large enough to make the crossing of the Straits do dock here on occasion.

As is usual in Lochnirr, most of the folk here worship at a small Mordant church. However, as fishermen, the remaining minority of these folk worships Hotor. They are no strangers to passers-through, as trade along the coastal road must pass through the village. Although no halflings live here, halfling cheesemakers from Pwilt Holes are common here selling their Pwiltshire cheese to merchants passing through.

To the north of the village, about 15 miles offshore, are a series of islands, 3 smallish rocks and a larger island that is about 4 miles square that contains trees and a sandy beach. Upon this island the wizard Keshneel the Isolated has built his tower, a high structure some 100' tall and about 30' in diameter. It is said that savage charmed sea monsters guard the approaches to his island and that oddly shaped flying things can be seen flapping into the tower at its top. Occasionally, villagers and passing vessels witness strange lights coming from the island or the tower. The only contact the villagers have with the wizard is that on rare instances his apprentice, an elderly man named Kamimil, will take a boat to Xyrvar and their purchase supplies of the strangest sort from passing merchants. The wizard's tower first appeared 330 years ago, and it is not certain if the same wizard has lived there the entire time. Certainly the apprentices have changed over that same time.

Zenstil (V) [A4]:

Lonely Zenstil is set upon a high promontory overlooking the ocean. At its center is a tall stone lighthouse, said to have been built by dwarves in ancient times. The dwarves of the Haggarmonzil Clan of the Mountains of Onlor still send dwarves to man and maintain the lighthouse, which burns on fish oil and sends forth a focused beam of light that serves to ward ships away from the rocks and reefs that litter the sea near the village. When a wall was built by the dwarves to protect the lighthouse from pirates and ne'er-do-wells who might welcome a ship run aground and soldiers of Relum stationed here to man the walls, a village grew up around supporting the troops and the lighthouse staff. The folk here now number 350, including 50 soldiers of Relum, mostly elves and half elves from the forests who take this duty for a few years to learn duty and dedication...values often foreign to most elves. A family of a dozen dwarves mans the lighthouse, with the rets of the population being humans and half elves.

The normal folk of the village make their way by catering to the trade coming to Messinje from Maskir's Farm and Undine, and from crops grown in the valleys that run like the furrows of a great plowed field from Zenstil down to the Bolidor River Valley.

Malaktum is worshipped here at a small shrine, as is a small shrine to Heleniarr, which is set in a cave near the village and is manned by an entity known only as the "Crone of the Cave". The Crone is regarded as a mysterious entity, dangerous but sometimes useful, and it is believed that she is either very long lived, or she chooses a replacement to succeed here. Her oracular powers and her ability to brew potions are widely respected.

Zin (V) [A2]:

The village of Zin has a population of 400 and serves as a point of trade between the mountain folk and Algol City. Many gnome and dwarf clans reside higher up the Algol River at its source in the mountains, and they are often reluctant to journey all the way down into the lowlands and enter a big city like Algol City. Therefore, they prefer to raft/portage their wares down the Algol as far as Zin, whose hill folk are rustic and whom they trust after many years of friendship. The folk of Zin serve as intermediaries, with merchants from the lowlands meeting here to pick up the mountain wares and bring them down to the cities and towns below.

Zinfolk (as they are called) look upon lowlanders with a sort of arrogant pity, for they view most of them as crowded, paranoid, rushed, and often corrupt.... exactly the way most Onlorans view Jerranqi.

Zinfolk primarily worship Firlott and Jeztarth. Their town is well palisaded and the Zin are formidable hill fighters.


The flora and fauna of Onlor is rich and diverse; so much so that a full listing of native creatures, animals, and plants is not includable in a supplement that intends to present a general overview of the Isle.

With that in mind, however, a few indications of the types of creatures to be encountered can be given.

Onlor is relatively isolated from the rest of Therra and is under the protection of the goddess Onlora. As such, most of the creatures inhabiting the Isle come from two sources:

1) They were native to the land when it was wrenched from the continent by Onlora, or

2) They migrated to the Isle

Both of the above do not allow for any significant large creature populations.

The main inhabitants of the Isle, the humans, halflings, dwarves, gnomes, and elves are dealt with in the text presented in the previous sections of this supplement.

Animals abound on the Isle, especially in the rugged central wilderness. These include most animals of the type you would expect in a moderately climed environment.

Deer, rodents, beavers, bats, and bears are all present. The Isle has a native great cat, called a jumugar, being close in size and temperament to our earthly cougars (or mountain lions). Wolves are common to Onlor, and a few wargs have been bred here as well. Eagles, hawks, and other mountainous birds are also known.

Giant insects are rare, although a few giant bees and wasps do exist and there are known to be giant spiders and scorpions in the highlands and high forests. Giant bats are also seen from time to time. Giant rats are extremely rare in urban areas but are seen in the wild hills.

Humanoids are also very rare, almost never seen in the populated lowlands. However, the various survivors of raids and the like have managed to infiltrate the central mountains and foothills of the island, and so, now, small bands or clans of orcs, goblins, kobolds, and even an occasional hobgoblin haunt the wilds. These are clearly incapable of congealing in numbers to form an army and probably spend most of their time fighting amongst each other for the limited resources of the high mountains. At their worst these humanoids occasionally raid into the foothill communities to steal livestock.

Most other evil monsters are almost unheard of. Ogre families are known to exist and are believed to be native to the Isle. Certainly, also, the West Marshes hold some evil creatures of a fantastic nature, but it is extremely rare to find creatures such as a hill giant or a behir inhabiting Onlor. On occasion an evil flying creature will take up residence here, thinking there are good pickings, but were there to be more than, say, a single chimera nest on the island it would be a phenomenal coincidence.

No evil dragon has ever been known to lair on the island. In fact, only a single good dragon is known, that being a silver dragon. To be sure, at times evil dragons have overflown and even ravaged areas of the Isle, but they have all been slain or eventually moved on. A dragon attacking more than once every 300 to 500 years would be cause for major concern.

As far as anyone knows, there is no underdark on Onlor. Caves and cave systems do exist, often dug by the gnomes, but many of the evil creatures that live below the surface of the continent do not dwell here (as far as is known).


Onlor is primarily an agricultural exporter. Much of its lowland area is devoted to cultivated fields, and as such most of what is sent out of Onlor to the population centres of Jerranq is food. Of course, some other trade does exist, including arrows from Relum, beer from Brewer, and wine from the River of Grapes region.

Conversely, much of the trade into Onlor is of manufactured goods, weapons and armour and artwork and jewelry and other luxury items from Jerranq.

This said, trade between Onlor and the continent is much less than might be expected between two such proximate and populous neighbors. This because of the inherent distrust of Jerranqi by Onlorans and because of the disdain of Onlorans by Jerranqi. Because of the Onlorans' independent streak, Onlor has always prided itself on its self-sufficiency from the Continent. This is a good thing as far as the nobles of Onlor are concerned, because economic inroads are often the first step to a military absorption or conquest.


As is apparent throughout the text of this supplement, there is really no religious oppression or persecution in Onlor. This because the Isle was colonized by the humans as a refuge from the religious oppression of the ancient Empire, and this spirit of religious tolerance lives on even today.

Most of the inhabitants of Lochnirr worship the Church of Mordant, and they are proud to be members of the oldest church on Therra. Pantheonists in Lochnirr are often looked upon as misguided unfortunates who do not have enough wisdom or spiritual fortitude to grasp the "entire picture" and can therefore only handle the worship of a single god at a time. All told, Mordants probably make up about 60% of the Lochnirran population.

The rest of Onlor is primarily Pantheonistic, although it is still not uncommon to find Mordants and a Mordant Church in towns and villages around Wenestria and Algol. In those kingdoms, Mordants make up probably 5% to 10% of the human population. The Pantheonists of these kingdoms look upon the Mordants as those who cannot seem to muster the proper willpower to focus their beliefs and commit completely to one deity.

Other than on the Isle of Indar (where ancestor worship and shamanism are prevalent), Mordantism and Pantheonism are the dominant religious beliefs of Onlor. Druids do exist, but in small numbers and they do not have enough clout to project their beliefs upon others. Evangelism has died out with the defeat of the Deceiver.


The following is a brief and general chronology of the Isle of Onlor. Of course, each region of the Isle has its own unique history and chronology, but such regional timelines are beyond the scope of this supplement.


Pre-history As the Gods' War rages, the peaceful goddess Onlor-Timna seeks to protect her beloved and unwarlike peoples (the halflings) from the ravages of the gods. To this end, she calls all of her people to a portion of the continent of Jerranq and rips off the chunk of land, carrying it over sea to the Isle's current location. The goddess then imbues the island with much of her power and essence. The halflings of Onlor pass the rest of the Gods' War in peace
01-1027 The halflings continue their idyllic existence, unaware of the Deceiver. Even the first great war with the Deceiver is unknown in the Isle.
1028 Gnomes arrive on ships, refugees from the slaughter in the foothills of the Grashtilums. The halflings make peace with the gnomes, and the latter teach the halflings of the Deceiver and of the arts of war.
1029-1034 Gnome migrations continue
1035 Thwalihir, the elven maiden, and a huge contingent of dragons alight upon the mountains of Onlor. The frightened halflings and gnomes muster to attack the invaders but the elven songstress sings of love and peace and tells the halflings and gnomes that these dragons are good of heart.
1036 Dwarves land in Onlor and work to convert the dragons into the metallic and gem dragons
1055 The dragons, led by Marrowmelt the Golden, leave Onlor with the dwarves and Thwalihir. Some of Thwalihir's elven companions remain on the Isle.
2199 The Empire of Amoria is founded
2025-3000 Migrations from the Empire to Onlor begin. First to arrive are the druids, who have broken away from the Empire. Next are elven refugees from forests in the southern Empire who supported the druids.
3001 The Emperor declares Mordantism to be illegal and persecution of Mordants begins in the Empire.
3002-3050 Massive migrations of Mordants begin. Humans arrive at current day Imsoul in 3002 and found a settlement there. Halflings come to drive out the humans, but elves convince them that the humans are worthy of a life of peace on the Isle.
3051-3265 Human migrations and the human birthrate cause a population swell. Humans begin to settle the lands outside of Lochnirr, which was given to them by the halflings. Tensions begin to mount and war between the halflings and humans becomes imminent.
3266-3267 The Empire, under Magrolany II invades Onlor along the northern coast of Algol. The halflings, unused to combat against powerful mages and heavy cavalry, are slaughtered and on the verge of collapse when a human army of Lochnirran highlanders supported by gnome warriors and elven archers arrives and defeats the Imperial army at the Battle of Aguellar. The elves employ the power of Onlora within the Isle to negate the Imperial mages. The Imperial Expeditionary Force returns to the continent and the Emperor recognizes the sovereignty of Onlor.
3268 In gratitude to the humans who saved their island, the halflings grant rulership of the lands of Algol and Wenestria to the sons of King Vrodence of Lochnirr. Treaties are formed and signed between the halflings and the humans.
3269-3456 Missionaries of Pantheonism come to Onlor and attempt to convert the populace. The non-humans are converted easily, since they favour certain gods and their aspects, and the humans are also converted in large numbers in Wenestria and Algol, where newer refugees and settlers from the Empire are more receptive to the new religion.
3463 As the Empire, plunged into Civil War, is ravaged by the armies of the Deceiver, Onlor sends a force over the Straits to aid the crumbling Empire, but to no avail. Few of the force return alive to Onlor.
3464-3883 A time of peace in Onlor. Friendly relations are established with the Morakki occupiers of the Continent and trade is frequent.
3884 Marrowmelt and the dragons land in the mountains of Onlor to gain power from the Mere before flying against the Deceiver's forces. They leave a few days after they arrive.
4065 The wave of wild magic passes through Onlor, but its effects are diminished by Onlora's presence. Little effect is noted, although Flupnir temples on Onlor still mark the exact day with celebration.
4357 The Empire of Antorium invades Girorium Island. Alarmed, the leaders of Onlor sign pacts of allegiance with Iligor and Wyr.
5504 A maug attacks Algol City, killing many thousands and plunging much of the city into ruin.
5509 An invasion force of orcs lands in eastern Lochnirr and marches into the central mountains of Onlor. Their destination is unknown, but Morg and the Heroes of the Gem rally a force of mountain men and gnomes and dwarves and defeat the orcs.


I hope you have enjoyed your brief tour of Onlor. I believe Onlor makes a great place from which player characters hail, since it is the right type of place for low level adventures and shares enough cultural mores with modern day persons that it is easy for us to relate to how characters from Onlor are likely to think and act and feel.

In addition, the temperament and beliefs of the Onlorans are very conducive to folk who want to break the bonds of their parents' station in life and see the world. While a more oppressive and stratified and tradition-bound society might discourage adventurers and those seeking to remove themselves from their station in life, Onlorans admire such qualities.

As the halflings say..."May the Mere reflect you always!"


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