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Guide to Jerranq
(an overview of the major regions of the continent of Jerranq on the world of Therra as of 5535 A.D. [21 N.S.])


This guide is not meant to be an in-depth definitive treatise concerning the continent of Jerranq. First of all, the continent is vast with diverse kingdoms and regions, and such a work would be too voluminous to be of any use. Instead, this document is merely an overview designed to give the adventurer in Jerranq at least some grounding in the politics and terrain of Jerranq. In-depth studies of the areas of Jerranq are left to individual gazetteers in the manner of the Onlor Gazetteer.

Please refer to the Map of Jerranq that accompanies this Guide.


The continent of Jerranq is vast, being approximately 7,500 miles wide as measured from the Near Coast to Vingariku Isle. This puts it on par with the land masses of Europe and Asia from Spain to approximately India. It is almost certain that Jerranq is not the only continent on Therra. This is borne out by the fact that another seemingly large land mass to the south, known as the Land of Dragons, which holds the Southern Wastes and the Barrier Peaks, is perhaps the northern tip of another continent.

Nevertheless, except for that land mass and the enigmatic Lost Island far to the northeast, no other continents or large land masses approach Jerranq. This has caused its inhabitants to believe that they inhabit the lone habitable continent on Therra. Whether this be true or not is left to future documents.

The continent of Jerranq includes Mindari Island, Vingariku Isle, and the entire Heynosht Archipelago. There is some debate whether Onlor officially belongs to the continent of Jerranq, since it was ripped from the continent and lies under its shadow. Nevertheless, to suggest that Onlor is a part of the continent would be to insult most Onlorans, who value their independence from the continent to the north.

Jerranq occupies most of the northern temperate zone of Therra, this being a close parallel to the latitude of Europe and Russia in our world. As such, the northern reaches are arctic and subarctic in clime (with the exception of the Blanthil Forest and Kingdom of Slumber), while most of the central region is temperate, comparing favourably with England, France, China, and the United States for climate. The southern portion, especially around the Heynosht, becomes subtropical in nature, comparable to Florida and the Caribbean.


Endless Ocean

So called because although it is one of the most explored stretches of ocean it is also one where no land, other than the Lost Island, has been discovered. Ships of the brave Vingariku have been said to have plied these waters to the east and northeast for over 4,000 miles if their tales are to be believed, yet not a single pinnacle or atoll was to be seen. Many folks believe the ocean eventually leads to the Elemental Plane of Water, and some Vingariku captains report seeing strange other-worldly beings in the far out waters of this ocean.

The Endless Ocean is also known as Quamaliku-tachani in the Morakki tongue, which means "the Place of Dawn's Birth" in reference to the fact that dawn comes up over the ocean horizon each day.

The waters in the northern portion of the sea are quite cold, though less ice bound than the Vorineer Ocean. To the south, the water becomes temperate as it reaches the waters of the Southern Ocean.

Near to the shore the waters are home to giant nautilus, giant sea turtles, and giant octopi. It is also said a race of octopoidal beings called Tako like in these waters.

Haven Straits

This small body of water is of great importance as it is the only passage between the eastern and western portions of Western Jerranq. It also divides Onlor from the continental mainland. As such the straits are heavily trafficked and heavily patrolled, and large creatures do not often pass through its narrow confines.

Inner Sea

Bounded by the continental mainland to the west and Vingariku Isle to the east, the Inner Sea is not entirely enclosed by land, as small inlets exist at the north and south tips of the Vingariku crescent. Vingariku guards these inlets very heavily and charges high tolls for passage through them. This allows them to maintain only a small garrison along their western coastline.

Trade does occur between Vingariku and the nomads of the Wylag Desert and from southern Hamasha.

The Inner Sea is generally placid and peaceful, though the occasional pirate plies its waters. In is said at least 3 sea dragons live in the Inner Sea, and these are revered by the Vingariku and are the subject of many folk tales.

Mezon Ocean

This little known ocean lies south of the Sea of Dusk, off of the west coast of Onlor, and stretches south and southwest for untold miles. The sea is rough here and unpredictable, and few ships venture far out into it, although an occasional recurring tale of great floating cities inhabited by strange beings trickle back to Onlor from time to time. Along the coast and near to Onlor the sea abounds with aquatic life, including whales wintering in the krill rich seas. The ocean is also shark infested in places and is known for the giant sea serpents that are seen occasionally off in the distance or whose bodies rarely wash ashore onto Onlor.

Oto Sea

Not quite an inland sea, for this body of water is accessed far to the north through a chain of small islands offshore to Nygoto, this sea is filled with trade passing between Thaneer, the Far Coast, and Gerilong. This trade is less heavy than that passing through the Sea of Antoria, since the nations bordering the Oto are more rural and often hostile with one another. Nevertheless, trade does pass in small boats and even in rafts.

Also common are the longships of the Thaneeri barbarians, who raid the Far Coast and even Nygoto and Gerilong. These raiders prefer landings to piracy but have been known to take a particularly tempting ship or two from time to time.

The waters are generally placid, except in high winter when storms roiling from the north churn the waters, and the current makes entry into the Oto from the Endless Ocean very hazardous, as the wreckage and skeletons of many ships off of Nygoto attest.

Large creatures are not common in the sea, due to its isolation from the oceans, though walrus and seals are quite commonly observed and hunted. Sea otters and giant fish also abound.

Dwelling on the waters of the sea are the Raft Dwellers, known as the Hakoanio in the Morakki tongue. These folks are a breed of Morakki who dwell upon large rafts and sail the sea trading with the various lands bordering it. This folk makes no claim to any land except for the Far Isle, though they suffer other folks to dwell there at their leave (although it is not clear whether they could expel the inhabitants of the Far Isle if they so chose). No one is really sure how numerous the Hakoanio are, for if they gather together in large groups it is in hidden places, and the Hakoanio destroy and rebuild their giant rafts every 3 years, which makes it impossible to take any sort of census.

Sea of Antoria

So called by the Western Lands because the Empire of Antorium controls much of its waters, the Morakki have their own name for the waters here that fill the huge bay between Antorium and Xydlont, bound by the enigmatic isthmus of Pilong.

The sea is heavily trafficked, by trade vessels coming to and from Antorium and between Antorium and Xydlont. Due to the Pilong curse, all trade between the west and east must pass through these waters. The warships and galleys of the Empire patrol the sea, as do the trimarans of the Xydlonti, and occasional trade disputes between these two do erupt into naval warfare. In addition, pirates and privateers often enter the waters to prey on trade ships.

Because of the heavy traffic, large creatures are rare in these waters, having been driven off or hunted out long ago. Fish and such abound and aquatic elves have several trading outposts in the shallower waters here for those times when they must trade with or treat with the land dwellers.

Sea of Dusk

Named so because of the fact that to Jerranqi the sun seems to go to rest under the horizon of this ocean, the Sea of Dusk is often rumoured to be the resting place of the souls of all who die at sea, this because the sunsets turn the sea red as if of blood. The sea itself is vast and no ship sailing west has ever reported any land mass beyond Mindari Isle. However, certainly no known ships have gone beyond several thousand miles to the west.

The Sea of Dusk is known for its calm demeanour; storms are infrequent and blow over quickly. In fact, more of a danger are the frequent doldrums that are said to haunt the far out reaches of the sea. More towards land the sea is not well travelled along most of its length because the Mindari are an estranged people and there is no commerce between the wild lands to the north and the civilized lands to the south, except for raiding humanoids.

Only that area between Near Coast and Onlor sees even moderate traffic, and that is mostly confined to the area near the Straits of Haven.

The sea is home to an abundance of aquatic life. Giant creatures are known to dwell there, and it is said that a spawning ground for dragon turtles is hidden somewhere far to the west. Sea elves and locathah are known to dwell in the eastern portion of the sea, and giant squid is plentiful here during winter months as they follow the krill down from the north. At these times sperm whales and dolphins can be found hunting the squid.

Southern Ocean

The Southern Ocean is large, covering the area from east of Onlor to south of Vingariku and stretching southward and southeastward from there. The sea is known for being warm, for most of its clime is subtropical or tropical in nature. As such, it is also known for its fierce typhoons that occur during the spring and summer months.

Like most of the surrounding oceans of Jerranq, this sea has been explored for about 1,000 miles with no land having been sighted, except for a few small sand bars and coral atolls and even a few small rocks that are the tops of undersea volcanoes.

The ocean is quite well travelled around the tip of Xydlont and through the Heynosht Archipelago, as trade from the Morakki lands cannot pass overland to the Western Jerranqi lands due to the curses of Pilong.

The ocean here teems with life, much of it colourful as befits a tropical ocean. Sahuagin are know to dwell here, and rumours of a great city of sahuagin persist, though the supposed location varies depending upon the teller.

Morokanth have been whispered of in sailor's tales, and dolphins are plentiful, as are sharks, and the wars between the dolphins and sharks of the Southern Ocean are legendary and the subject of many local fisherfolk tales. Larger creatures can be found here in winter, mating in warmer waters here before migrating back to the north during summer. Legends around Xydlont tell of an evil creature called a krakken which is supposedly a monstrous intelligent squid that plies the waters nearby.

Off of the Xydlont Coast are said to lair the devil rays or ixitchaxitl, who sometimes come near to shore to kidnap unwary land dwellers for food, slavery, or sacrifice - or maybe all three.

Vorineer Ocean

This cold northern sea is only travelled near to shore, and then only rarely. The home of various large sea creatures and whales during the summertime, chunks of ice and ice floes can choke portions of the sea during high winter. The ocean portion that is known to Jerranqi is storm-tossed and frigid. Narwhals are rumoured to play its deeper, more westerly areas. Few if any Jerranqi have sailed beyond 500 miles from its shore.

The Vorineer also includes the entire sea to the north of the continent. This portion is almost always ice-clogged and passage by ship is thought to be impossible. Rumours persist that a land of ice lies to the north of that portion of the ocean.

In the great bay between the Mordasht area and the Kingdom of Slumber, lacedons, koalcinths, and other horrors do lair in these waters close to land. Nevertheless, it is said that a strange evil race dwells in the dark trenches of this deep ocean.


Bolidor River

One of the four premiere rivers of Onlor, the Bolidor flows out of the eastern portion of the Onlor Mountains and cuts through deep canyons before finally tumbling down the eastern foothills and making across the coastal lowlands and out into the sea. Where it crosses the lowlands it forms the boundary between Relum and Lochnirr. However, because the area is sparsely populated, and due to the swift flowing passage of the river, it is not much travelled by craft.

Where the river flows through the Chunil Forest, as it emerges from the mountains, it is said to be haunted or blessed by fairy folk who will exact a toll of some sort from passersby. The toll is often said to be subtle, for example, a dagger might go missing from its sheath, and it would be said that the fairy folk of the river took it as their toll. As such, travellers along the river tend to carry a shiny but valueless trinket or two in the hopes that it will be that item that is taken as a toll.

Border River

Cold and fast, this river sources from the West Mountains and travels north until it joins the Death River. So named because at one time it formed the border between what are now the Lost Kingdoms and Vilgum, the river sees almost no traffic though its flow is clear and relatively unpolluted until it joins the Death River.

Chulette River

The Chulette River emerges from the Aynayjor Mountains and crosses the southern portion of Thaneer before it is joined by the Morette River. Although the river is used by some of the dwarf clans of Aynayjor to trade with the Thaneeri, traffic is sparse.

Death River

Named more for the lands it flows through than its own nefarious nature, this river is, of course, polluted and unfit for much of its length due to the masters of the lands through which it runs. The river spouts from the glacial peaks of the Grashtilim Mountains and collects into a raging torrent by the time it plunges into the Wolf Lands and curves westward though the Death Marches and thence to the Vorineer Ocean.

Very little traffic plies the river, as it is plagued by rapids and its currents are treacherous. Even in ancient times the river was known to be wild, and so the dwarven bridges that spanned it at many points were kept in good repair by the forces of evil and, now, by the forces of Vilgum who seek to retake the Death Marches.

Haggend River

The Haggend River rises from the West Mountains and flows along the southern border of Bleton before making for Anhcal Bay in the Norgorian Sea. About midway along its length the river stagnates into a bowl-like area called the Near Swamps. The waters make their way sluggishly through the swamps and then tumble down steep slopes and rolling hills to the river valley below and continue on towards the sea.

Because of the swamps, the river is very placid from those marshes to the sea and as such, traffic plies its length, bringing trade from Bleton, Iligor and the Near Coast to the rest of the Western Lands of Jerranq.

Imbar River

One of the mightiest rivers in all of Jerranq, the Imbar begins at a sacred spring in the Imbar Divide, gathers up small rivulets from those same mountains, and then heads south, providing borders for Jaggarth, Imtorr, Wyr, and Vosh-gerr before finally cutting through the latter and making its way into Cholnorian Bay. The river's source is a sacred place venerated by the Wolf Riders who dwell in the Divide, and the portions that flow through civilized lands are heavily trafficked.

Where the river cuts through the forests of Vosh-gerr there are known to be side channels and pools inhabited by freshwater nixies and naiads, and travellers are advised to stay away from such areas and keep to the main river.

Lake Omar

This lake is the largest in Jerranq and was the centre of Wolf Rider culture before they were driven into the forests and mountains of Imbar. The northern areas of the lake are now polluted, but the southern area is still pure and jealously guarded by the nomads, who sometimes come across the lake in wolfhide canoes to raid and pillage their enemies.

Lower Antorian River

A continuation of the Upper Antorian River, this portion is much more placid and navigable from its formation at The Breaker down to the sea. The Lower provides the border between the Upper Marches of the Empire and the Vosh-gerr Marches. Its length is heavily trafficked with river craft of all kinds, both for commerce and for travel.

It is known that at least one tribe of lizard men, quite civilized and friendly with the local populace and given leave to settle by the river by the Emperor himself for serving in his armies, dwells along the river bank towards the northern portion of its run.

Morette River

This river emerges from its steep canyons into the plains of Thaneer. Heading south, it is joined by the Chulette River and finally makes its way to the Oto Sea.

The Morette is navigable along its entire length and is used by the folks of Thaneer for travel and trade.

Old River

This small river sprouts from rocky springs and empties into the Inner Sea. The river is slow and navigable and used, like the Veyshanka, for trade. Many are the Vingariku Ta'abbas (small one man foot craft made of wood from the Aslabokka tree found in Vingariku) that come up the river with small bundles of goods to sell.

The river is so named because Hamasha legend says that this river is all that is left of what was once the mightiest and oldest river in all of Jerranq. The War of the Gods broke apart and drained the river, until only this small bit remained.

Otelume River

This river emerges from the Vayshan Mountains and crosses Gerilong before joining with the River Siir. It is known for its tremendous salmon spawning during the springtime, and it is said that the rare rainbowed salmon, if aided to their spawning grounds, will bless their benefactors with long life and healthy children.

Ontell River

Once forming an important boundary between the Lost Kingdoms and the Near Kingdoms, the holdings of the former have overrun this land and the border between the two factions now runs far to the south. As such, this short river serves no useful function as a border or means of trade, since it is too fast flowing and rapids-choked to provide commerce. In ancient times the dwarves of the nearby mountains would send iron barrels tumbling down the river as a means of trade, and logging would use the river to take cuttings down to the flatlands as well. Now, salmon and other fish do spawn along the river, providing food for the creatures that dwell in the western spur of the mountains.

Relarth River

See the Onlor Gazetteer for more details. This river forms the boundary between Wenestria and Relum, and it is often used for trade by the halflings of the Wenestrian hills who seek to trade with the coastal humans and with the elves of Relum.

River Calum

The River Calum winds its way amongst the rolling vales between Wyr and Imtorr, and in fact forms the border between the two nations. The river is pure and mild flowing and traffic plies its length from the Imbar River to the Norgorian Sea at its mouth.

The river is known to breed giant frogs which are sometimes a source of danger to the local populace but also provide food.

River Halgorr

This long river is important for trade and traffic running up and down the length of Vosh-gerr. The river is named for Halgorr Riverdancer, who is the child of the famous warrior Osgothilos and the spirit of the river. Halgorr became a great mage and healer and his renown eventually overshadowed his mother's and the river became after identified with him.

River of Harmony

This small river cuts eastward to the Southern Ocean. It forms the boundary between Imperial Xydlont and the Eastern Wastes, and the river was so named in the hopes that its spirit would protect Xydlont from the nomads of the wastes. It is true that the river is deep and fast flowing as it tumbles down the descending plains that drop to the sea, but raiders from the Wastes do cross it at many points, especially in high summer when the river is at its lowest level.

River of Life

So called because it is the most important river in the Xydlonti Empire, this long river forms an extremely fertile river valley running through the heart of the steppes of Xydlont. It is along this river valley that most of the population of Xydlont is settled, and the river supports vast farmlands and rice paddies.

Small junks and other craft ply the river, which is placid for most of its length through the steppes, and as such the river is used for both commerce and as a thoroughfare.

Every year the Xydlonti hold a special ceremony honouring the river, and they toss into it the petals of the lotus flower. It is regarded as a greater virtue to toss in the flowers closer to the river's source, so that the petals are in the river longer and cover more of its length. At this time the river will sparkle with the pink, lavender, and yellow petals of the lotuses.

River Siir

The River Siir tumbles down the Mountains of Siir and makes its way west to the Oto Sea in northern Gerilong. Along its length are many rice paddies, and the residents along the river revere it and have built extensive irrigation systems. In addition, the folk are able to predict the cyclic flooding of the Siir and adjust their crops and dwellings accordingly.

The inhabitants of the river valley are able to navigate the Siir from about 250 miles downstream after it leaves the mountains, and they do so in large boats of reeds and glazed mud.

River of Tears

Named by the elves because in ancient times it was the site of an ambush of fleeing elves by the forces of the Deceiver, this large river flows from the eastern spur of the Grashtilim Mountains, across the open plains bordering the Vale of Tears and the War Plains, then through a deep canyon/gorge separating the Wild Peaks from the Aynayjor Mountains, and thence to the Oto Sea along the northern border of Thaneer.

As it tumbles from the Grashtilim Mountains, the river is polluted with the refuse of the inhabitants of those mountains and from the curses of spirits of the dead elves that haunt the Vale. However, after feeding from the runoff from smaller rivers as it passes through the gorge, the pollution is diluted and by the time it emerges in Thaneer the water is potable.

The river is certainly not navigable, except for stretches in the Vale and Thaneer which can be plied by rafts and small river craft. Little or no trade comes up the river.

Legend says that at night, anywhere along the river, if one listens closely one can hear the lamenting songs of those elves slain in those ancient evil days.

River of Thought

Springing from a point near the source of the River of Life, the River of Thought wends its way through the vast forests of northern Xydlont before emptying into the Sea of Antoria. Because of the wild terrain through which this river passes, it is not much travelled. It gets its name because legends say that a race of contemplative beings lives in the forests surrounding the river and that these beings gain insight by gazing into the river's waters and reading every ripple.

Slontol River

See the Onlor Gazetteer for more details. The Slontol forms the boundary between Lochnirr and Algol and is swiftly flowing as it emerges from a northern spur of the central mountains.

Upper Antorian River

This river, part of a larger system called the Antorium River, springs from the southern Aynayjor Mountains and heads almost straight southwest, defining the border between Jaggarth and the Upper Antorian Marches, the current northernmost extent of the Antorian Empire. This river is fast flowing and dotted with treacherous rapids, such that it is of little worth as a mode of commerce but provides a good ward for the Empire's northern borders. At the river's bend, where it turns into the Lower Antorian River, there is a huge rock pinnacle called The Breaker, and the river divides around this feature and plummets down a 500' fall before wending its way as the Lower Antorian River. Some locals believe The Breaker was an evil being turned to stone by the spirits of the river.

Veyshanka River

The mighty Veyshanka wends its way down tall falls out of the Mountains of Siir and crosses the land of Hamasha before emptying into the Endless Ocean. The river is wide and slow after it emerges from the hills and is used by the Hamashites for trade from the ocean to their inland villages and vice versa.

Western River

See the Onlor Gazetteer for more details. Forming the border between Algol and Wenestria, this river eventually feeds into the West Marshes. River traffic rarely passes through or near the marshes, due to its unsavory reputation.

Wolf River

Springing from Lake Omar and plunging down the sloping steppes to the Death River, the Wolf River is wide and relatively placid once it reaches the steppes. At one time worshipped by the nomads of these lands, it has now been polluted by some of the filth and corruption from the Death River coming upstream and is taboo and regarded as accursed by the Wolf Riders.


Aynayjor Mountains

The second mightiest mountain range in Jerranq, the Aynayjor was mostly a wild land in ancient times. When the dwarves were driven out of the Grashtilim Mountains, many determined to make their next homeland far enough away from the Deceiver's lands that they would not have to flee again. They chose the Aynayjor, and this choice was blessed when the mountains proved to be a good source of gems and precious metals, though only small veins of mithril were found.

The northern half of the mountains, astride the War Plains, is wild and in places overrun with evil creatures, but dwarves hold firmly all the range south of the Far Coast and Upper Antorian River and have outposts even further north.

The peaks of the range are of moderate height, the highest of which have snow tipped caps year around.

The Empire of Antorium does claim that spur of the mountains which cuts like a crescent across Antorium's northern borders and has an extensive fortification network to block the approaches to the Imperial Homeland.

Barrier Peaks

Little is known of these tall peaks, taller than any mountains on Jerranq. They are only barely explored by Jerranqi who manage to cross the South Wastes. It is said that supernatural guardians and dragons guard the few passes into the lands beyond.

Blanthil Forest

Once the fairest woods in Jerranq, the Blanthil, kept sylvan even in its northern clime by the power of the elves, was overrun by the forces of the Deceiver under the command of Lolth in ancient times and became a place of haunted, twisted trees, bugbears, ghosts, and some whisper, of evil elves. When Demogorgon wrested control of the place from Lolth and drove her and her folk underground, the mad Maug twisted and warped the land even more, until it became known as the Woods of Terror.

When the Deceiver was defeated, Demogorgon, wounded severely in his battle with the scion of Orcus, was taken into Slumber by the Gods and the driving force of corruption within the forest was removed. In the ensuing two decades since, small contingents of elves, encouraged by Princess Imerika and the Heroes of the Gem, have taken to recolonizing the eastern border of the forest. The cleansing process, however, goes slowly, as the evil that haunted the forest was so malignnant and so firmly entrenched that many evil creatures and plants still thrive throughout the forest. Even now brave adventurers and elven warriors raid into the forest to slay evil things or drive them away.

The Blanthil Forest still retains its moderate climate, for the power of Galisiria remained inbued into the land, even when it was corrupted and twisted by Demogorgon. As such, the summers there are mild, and only the very verges of the northern edge of the forest receive snow in winter.

Grashtilim Mountains

The majestic Grashtilim Mountains, once home to the centre of ancient dwarven culture, were one of the first areas overrun by the Deceiver long ago. As such, the entire range became thoroughly steeped in evil, and tribes of humanoids thrived throughout its lengths in numbers uncountable. During this time these mountains were renamed "The Mountains of Ill Repute". Since the fall of the Deceiver, the dwarves of the south have united and are struggling to reclaim their ancient homeland from the still-entrenched forces of evil.

The primary humanoid races here are orcs and goblins. When the Deceiver was active, large bodies of hobgoblin soldiery also manned various forts and strongpoints in the mountains, but these have largely been dispersed. At least three dragon known to ancient lore are said to dwell here, these being Hrakarng the Mighty, an ancient red dragon, Dulgolt of the Shivering Magnificence, a huge white dragon, and Bagolasht, an exceptionally powerful black dragon known to haunt the area near the Vale of Tears. None of these three wyrms were reported slain in the War of the Gem and likely have returned to their lairs.

The area of the mountains just north of the Wolf Lands is said to be ruled, in large part, by a long dead wizard of surpassing power and malevolence, now a lich of fearsome repute, to whom even the Maug gave grudging respect. This lich did not take part in the War of the Gem and has not been heard of in the years since the Deceiver's fall.

Even the less inhabited areas of the mountains, which run from the Wolf Lands to the ruins of Mordasht, are home to many evil and dangerous creatures, many of which are not even known of in the Free Lands to the south.

The frost giant servants of the Deceiver constructed a huge wall across the mountains near the Dead Coast, and this was the sight of several horrific battles during the march of the Free Folk upon Mordasht during the War of the Gem. The massive remnants of the wall remain, scorched by magicks of all sorts, and doubtless many creatures have taken up residence amidst the titanic blocks and pieces of rubble that remain.

Imbar Divide

This small but important range of old mountains with rounded, worn tops is the was the dwelling place of the proud Wolf Riders, nomads who once lived in the Wolf Lands before the forces of the Deceiver drove them from their lands. Since the fall of the Deceiver, many of the Wolf Riders have moved back to the Wolf Lands to reclaim their ancestral homelands. Nonetheless, several large tribes have, over the long years, become attached to the land and now consider the Divide their home.

The mountains here are home to a variety of wolves, including winter wolves that have migrated from the Grashtilim Mountains to harass the nomads.

At the source of the Imbar River the nomads have built a temple to the river and to their ancestors and regard the place as holy.

Mountains of Siir

One of two principle ranges of the Morakki lands, the Mountains of Siir are older, weathered peaks which only bear snow in winter and autumn. The mountains are pleasant and only lightly inhabited by wild or dangerous creatures.

At the top of Mount Siir, in the centre of the range, is the great Kamaki-Osho, which means Font of Knowledge. Here is said to be a group of monks devoted each to the absolute perfection of a branch of knowledge or skill. Many warriors have gone in search of the Kamaki-Osho to obtain the greatest mastery in the martial arts, but it is also said that even finding the place will kill nine of ten supplicants, and that the masters demand as payment something from each supplicant that the supplicant values more than life itself.

Vayshan Mountains

The Vayshan Mountains are younger and taller than the Mountains of Siir and are home to wilder creatures.

The great purple peak of Nakamtha is said to hold a castle made of clouds inside of which dwells the great Ki-rin Natawashi, who comes to the aid of decent folk when evil rises in the lands. It is said, in fact, the Natawashi wounded the Maug Geryon severely during the War of the Gem outside of Mordasht, though his great horn was melted by the foul ichor of the Maug and has never healed.

The eastern area of the mountains is said to be the haunt of the great serpent Ing-When, who is said to be 200' long and possessed of a breath that withers and decays even the rocks themselves.

West Mountains

Tall and sharp, the West Mountains run from the Lost Kingdoms in the north to Bleton in the south,. Originally home to a large dwarf kingdom which traced direct lineage to the original ruling clan in the Grashtilum Mountains, the wars of the Deceiver eventually overran these mountains and the dwarves thof the West Mountains were destroyed or driven out.

During the reign of the Deceiver, extensive fortifications were built in strategic places across the mountains and large troops of evil humanoids, including hobgoblins, were located here. Ogres were also plentiful, as were giants, including hill and mountain giants.

Since the Deceiver's fall, the mountains have been largely reclaimed by the dwarves, who have fought several brutal wars against the humanoids entrenched in the mountains. The dwarves also successfully reclaimed Ironaxe Clan from the drow who had captured it.

Even though the dwarves have returned to the West Mountains, a great many of their number have marched north to battle to retake the Grashtilim Mountains. As such, many of the evil humanoids who infested the mountains still remain, though in smaller bands and clans rather than in large organized forces. Ogres and giants still also raid across the peaks and valleys. Rumours persist of a dragon of some sort living on one of the highest peaks, but this has never been confirmed. There is also a rumour of a fortress of particular strength and evil built on Mount Jagdalga, the highest peak in the range. These rumours placed a powerful evil wizard or even a maug as the owner of the structure, but if such a structure exists it was untouched during the War of the Gem and may still exist to this day.

Wild Peaks

Aptly named, the Wild Peaks are rugged and sparsely inhabited mountains far removed from civilization. As such, they are home to creatures more wild than malignant, and to scattered bands of cavemen and occasional rogue humanoids.

Great wolves, deer, and mammoths can be found in these mountains, along with smilodons and huge rocs.

The mountain druid Canarstruil Nagganhome was said to dwell and care for these mountains, and to guard jealously any incursion of minors or settlers, but no confirmed sighting of the Hierophant has been made for well over 140 years.



This small land of Morakki is along the coastland south of the Vayshan Mountains and its western border abuts the grey mists of Pilong. Amabong is a pastoral nation, mostly inhabited by Morakki farmers and woodsmen, and much lumbering and milling is done here, for the folk of Amabong have had the most Western influence of any of the Morakki and they revere the spirits of nature less than their more Eastern kin.

Thriving trade occurs between Antorium and Amabong, and good relations exist since there is no possible land attack threat from the Empire. Trade also occurs with the great kingdoms of the Steppes of Xydlont, though that border is better guarded as Xydlont has already taken Amabong lands southeast of the River of Thought.

The Amabong are ruled by the Akanata-tum, whom they believe to be a divine proxy of the Slumbering Gods, a demi-god himself. The Akanata-tum never dies, they say, but is reborn into a chosen child's body when the old body passes away. Thus, when the Akanata-tum dies, the priesthood of Kanata-tum searches the land for the reincarnated spirit. This child is then taken into the palace and raised into leadership.

It is said that the new leader can recite facts that only the prior Akanata-tum would have known and it is a fact that the priesthood of Kanata-tum has access to divine magic.

The folk of Amabong dwell in small villages and towns for the most part, these being of wood rather than of stone, but the central city is crafted of giant stone blocks and the Akanata-tum dwells in a huge ziggurat within the city.


The centre of what was once a large, powerful, and prideful empire that sought to reclaim the ancient glory of the Amorian Empire, Antorium is now emerging from a period of contraction and decline. Most of its provinces have long since seceded from the Empire, which now includes only Antorium proper, the Upper Marches, and the Far Coast.

Nevertheless, while the Empire is now as large as some of the larger nations in Jerranq, its previous position as centre of the vast empire helps it retain its position as the centre of much culture and trade in Jerranq, and while Antorium no longer dominates, it does rival. In addition, since the Empire was relatively untouched during the War of the Gem, it recovered quickest from the famines and plagues that spread across the lands following the War and was able to take a leading role in the economic recovery of most of Western Jerranq.

The Empire is run by the Emperor, who is beholden only to a senate which has the ability to veto the Emperor with a 2/3rds vote. The Imperial throne is hereditary, but a unanimous vote of the senate can, at the death of the previous Emperor, install a new Imperial line to the throne. Other factions hold power within the Empire, including the great merchant houses and the various religions popular within the Empire. In addition, the Imperial armies themselves are a political force to be reckoned with, and the Emperor must continually balance his own desires and ambitions against those of the army, the merchant houses, the senate, and the churches.

Most of Antorium is flat lowlands, quite fertile and used for growing grains and barley. In fact, Imperial Ale is regarded highly throughout Jerranq. While as is typical for Therran culture, most of the populace is engaged in agriculture, Antorium is the most urbanized nation in Jerranq, and large cities, even metropolises, dot the land, mostly to the north and along the coasts.

The Imperial road network is legendary, all such are raised, drained, and paved, and are maintained by convicts and slave labour. These roads also run through the Upper Marches and Far Coast. In other nations, these roads are less well developed and have fallen into disrepair in many places.

Imperial citizens have many rights and privileges under the Empire and are free from conscription except in Imperial emergencies. The Empire does employ slaves, along with convict labour, but all such slaves are captives from wars. The Empire does not officially purchase slaves from dealers nor does it make raids to gain slaves, though this practice is sometimes violated in the provinces.

Pantheism is de rigeur in the Empire, and Mordants are rare and often persecuted or harassed. The Empire in all ways seeks to regain the lost glory of Amoria, and this extends to its architecture, religion, and culture.

Most citizens of the Empire are haughty in their dealings with Cuinilots ("barbarians" translated roughly) and very proud of their Empire, and continually dream or even plot of renewed expansion of Empire one day. They are also convinced that when the Deceiver made his final war upon the Free Folk, it was the Imperial armies that once again rescued the Cuinilots.

The army of the Empire is fairly large, for the Emperor's purse is fat from tariffs on trade passing to and from Morakki lands, most of which must pass through Antorium or at least take portage in the seaports. The army is made of legionnaires, hoplites who are well trained and serve a term of 25 years before retiring with a pension and plot of land. Hoplites are well armoured and use long spears and gladii. Peltasts provide mobility and skirmishers for the Empire, as well as missile fire, for these are armed with cuirbolli and use slings and pilum. The Empire employs only light cavalry, mostly for reconnaissance or to pursue retreating foes, but has substantial war chariots crewed by 3 men which provides its shock troops.

The Imperial navy is also quite large, composed mostly of massive battle barges that lack speed but possess tremendous firepower and are very difficult to sink. Since the Empire engages in conquest by land for the most part, these barges were meant for the defense of the substantial Imperial coastline, and they are well suited for that task, operating almost as monitors.

Antorium is mostly populated by humans. Elves and dwarves present are usually passing through, although there is enough call for crafted items and engineering projects to cause a fair number of dwarves to actually dwell within the state. The Empire has always maintained friendly relations with the dwarves of the Aynayjor Mountains, due both to a shared affinity for structural projects and organization and because of a history of shared opposition to Mordants, Druids, and elves.

The isthmus of Pilong is a place of superstition and fear for the Empire, as it is a cursed land where most who enter do not return. No roads run out of the Empire to Pilong, but a strong line of fortresses and walls guards that way, since in the ancient past Morakki armies have suddenly emerged from that land.


Nestled in the cradle of the Haggend River, between the forests of southern Vilgum and the West Mountains, Bleton is a prosperous hereditary kingdom that retains good relations with Iligor to the south. Bleton had a claim on the southern third of the West Mountains during the reign of the Deceiver and kept strong watches and patrols on that quarter, but with the Deceiver's fall and the reclamation of the West Mountains by the dwarves, the king has rescinded all claim to the mountains. Bleton also supports (financially and militarily) some of the northern kingdoms of the Near Coast as a buffer against incursions from north of that quarter.

Most of the population of Bleton are farmers, though there are more than a few large towns and cities in the kingdom. Earls and counts rule the counties of Bleton, these being given to families by the king and sometimes revoked and rewarded at the kingly whim.

Quite a number of dwarves driven from the West Mountains chose to dwell in Bleton, as close to their ancient homelands as they dared, in the hills and highlands that dot the kingdom, and Bleton has benefited greatly from these dwarves' trade and knowledge. Although many of these subsequently moved back into the West Mountains, a portion remained to enjoy their prosperity in the kingdom, and the kingdom maintains close and friendly ties with the dwarves that did relocate back into the mountains.

In addition, substantial elven populations dwell in the various forests of Bleton, and these have sworn loyalty to the king, though the wiser of the kings of Bleton let the elves manage their own affairs.

The warriors of Bleton are known for their crossbowmen and bowmen, and often are hired as mercenaries by other nations for use in foreign wars. Bleton's navy is quite small, as their only coastline is a small bit of coast to the east.

Dead Coast

The ancient homeland of what is now the Morakki peoples, this land was blasted in ancient wars and never quite recovered. The flatlands and the rolling hills leading up to the Grashtilim Mountains are a jumble of craters, torn rocks, slag, and thorny scrub.. Most rivers in the area are polluted and unfit for consumption by free beings.

Rumours tell of great snow worms that winter here, coming down from the mountains to breed.

Death Marches

Once a portion of Vilgum known for its picturesque beauty, the Death Marches are so named because they represent the sites of some of the bloodiest battles of earlier wars with the Deceiver. The land was, the time of the War of the Gem, under the sway of one of the Deceiver's most feared lieutenants, Hargog-Nurbesh, a hobgoblin of unsurpassing craftiness, prowess, mercilessness, and repute, but he was slain in single combat with Cromwell the Paladin.

The Marches, once dominated by hobgoblins, is now a wild land full of rootless renegade evil humanoids, remnants of the Deceiver's armies, and feral creatures. The Vilgumese are pressing stronger and stronger forces into the region to reclaim these lands and remove the evil elements therefrom, but rumours say that the humanoids of the Death Marches are gaining backing from elements within the Lost Kingdoms. Rangers from the south are a common sight in the frontiers of the Marches, hunting their favoured evil humanoid prey, and several fortified settlements from Vilgum now dot the Death Marches side of the border.

Duchy of Imtorr

More properly called the Grand Duchy of Imtorr, this land was a vassal state of the ancient Amorian Empire and later portions of it were under the Antorian Empire. Named after the first Grand Duke, the nation is one of the most populous in Jerranq.

The Duchy is ruled by a Grand Duke, whose title is hereditary. The land is further divided into Stewardships, whose rule is by Stewards set in power by the Grand Duke. Stewardship is often passed from father to son, but not always.

The Duchy, centrally located as it is, is often involved in most of the politics of Western Jerranq, both Imperial and with regard to the far western lands. It keeps a small professional army, which mostly watches its borders with Vilgum, with whom many small wars have been fought, and with the Wolf Lands, for raiders from there and from the Death Marches often enter northern Imtorr seeking plunder and slaves.

Western Imtorr was known for one of the centres of learning in the ancient Amorian Empire, and had the most prestigious colleges of learning and magic in the western continent.

Imtorr is primarily a land based power, though it does have a small access to the sea in its far southern reaches and most of its trade is dependent upon good relations with its neighbors, and as such Imtorr has treaties with Wyr, Jaggarth, and Bleton. In addition, Imtorr lent funds and support to Lower Vilg during its civil war as a buffer between Vilgum and itself and therefore the Vilgumese are of a divided mind with regard to its relations with Imtorr. Imtorr is also known to send troops to man several important fortresses along the northern portion of the Near Coast, previously to serve as a ward against the forces of the Deceiver and now as a ward against attacks from the Lost Kingdoms.

Although quite populous, most of the peoples of Imtorr dwell in villages and small towns and engage in handiworks or agriculture. Nevertheless, the larger cities of Imtorr are completely urbanized. Imtorr includes gnomes, dwarves, and elves in its population, though humans are by far the majority. Several strongholds of Mordantism exist here, but Pantheism is still honoured and followed by most of the Imtorri.

The army of Imtorr is well trained, and includes companies of medium cavalry and two-handed swordsmen as well as phalanxes of spearmen.

Imtorr suffered greatly during the War of the Gem, as it was in the centre of the two main thrusts of the Deceiver's forces and its lands also bore the brunt of the emergence of the drow armies from the Underdark. Even now, in the main cities, reconstruction is still evident. The famines and plagues also hit Imtorr hard, so that its standing army is no longer as large as it used to be and the Duchy now relies more heavily on levies and militia to defend it. Nonetheless, the Grand Duchy has managed to invade and claim portions of the Wolf Lands in rivalry to both Vilgum and the Wolf Riders and constant skirmishing occurs in that land.

East Wastes

A barren scrub of land that at its northern edge merges into the Wylag Desert, this land is inhabited by fierce nomads who travel in small bands organized along clan lines. These nomads fight constant battles for control of sparse grazing lands and watering holes, and each travels with domesticated beasts, which are a sign of wealth and used for food, milk, and raw materials. Many of the clans are identified by the beasts they herd - so you have the goat clan and the deer clan and the kine clan, etc.

The nomads ride horses, for foot travel is too slow and dangerous, and they carry their households in wagons.

When food is scarce, the nomads will cross the River of Harmony and raid into Xydlont. These raids are usually lightning fast, for the nomads cannot stand up to the Xydlonti, and retaliation is unusually swift.

In addition to the nomads, various other feral creatures roam the wastes, and that portion near the forests and mountains is extremely wild and avoided by most of the nomads as well.

Far Coast

So named because it was the farthest north that the Empire of Antorium expanded, the Far Coast is a loyal province of the Empire, mainly because it is composed of Imperial subjects imported into the region long ago when the Thaneeri barbarians were driven out.

Of course, the northern portion and coastline of the Far Coast must always be wary of raids from Thaneer, for those tribes thrive on battle and plunder. For this reason, the Empire has based a small navy along the Far Coast, but it is really a token effort, as the force is not large enough to patrol the entire coastline.

The province is governed by an Imperial Governor, who generally serves for life but is emplaced at the behest and whim of the Emperor himself. The Governor, in turn, selects the Imperators who lord over the Perastors (or Regions) of the Coast.

The folk of the Far Coast are full Imperial citizens, this a requirement to convince retired soldiers and their families to settle in the region. The Far Coast is still the preferred place to give retired soldiers plots of land, as this keeps a substantial body of seasoned warriors away from the politics of the Empire and near a frontier that has need of warriors and farmers who can defend themselves.

Farming and fishing are the primary means of subsistence here, though trade comes to and from the dwarves in the mountains and from and to Thaneer itself. Much trade passes between the Far Coast and Gerilong, with lesser amounts between the Coast and Nygoto, and this trade makes the Far Coast an important means of import and export for the Empire.

The army of the Far Coast is small but professional, almost entirely situated along the Chulette River and at very important ports along the coastline and at a string of forts watching the land of Pilong. However, as most citizens are retired warriors or the progeny of same, the militia of the Far Coast is often enough to repel Thaneeri raiders.

Far Isle

While this small island is claimed by the Hakoanio as their ancestral homeland, the residents are primarily citizens of the Far Coast, which has pretty much defacto claimed the Isle. However, they have never taken the step of formally claiming the Isle, for fear of angering the raft folk, and they allow the Hakoanio free access to the Isle.

One interesting fact is that Thaneeri raiders will not raid this Isle, again for fear of angering the Hakoanio, and so it is often used as a refuge by the wealthy of Far Coast when raids are imminent. The isle has also become something of a resort for the wealthy of the Empire, and inns and gambling halls abound in the major settlements of the Isle.


Set along the Oto coast north of the Vayshan Mountains and east of Pilong, this prosperous Morakki nation is ruled by a Pasha, who traces lineage to the great leader of the Morakki when they dwelt far to the northwest in ancient times.

The Pasha serves for life, and when he dies, a new Pasha is found during a great festival where the one (who must be a native Gerilong) who proves best in combat, art, and lore is made Pasha for life once again (the winner and indeed the contestants usually come from the noble houses of Gerilong). Once chosen, the Pasha's rulings are absolute. All judges for the festival are put to death after the Pasha is chosen, but such judgehood is regarded as an honour and there is no dearth of volunteers.

Gerilong is composed of sweeping grasslands that descend from the mountains to the sea. Its folks reside in wooden round houses, and in fact almost all buildings are round in Gerilong, for it is believed by these folks that evil spirits can hide in the corners of square dwellings. Most Gerilong will not enter a squarish building unless they have thoroughly examined it and have said blessings over every corner.

The Gerilong are peaceful folk, who have no neighboring enemies, for the land between the River Siir and the Otelume is not claimed by Nygoto or Gerilong, in an effort to preserve peace, and so this land is called the Land of Peace.

Much rice is grown along the River Siir, and the Gerilong also raise spiders which produce a unique spider silk from which they fashion items of surpassing delicate beauty and yet amazing strength. Silk ropes from Gerilong are prized by thieves from Xydlont to Near Coast. In addition, Gerilong is famous for its rice wine and for its paintings and tapestries. Much of these items are traded across the Oto Sea to the Far Coast and thence to the rest of Western Jerranq.

Girorium Island

Sometimes regarded as a part of the Heynosht and sometimes not, depending upon whom one asks, Girorium is unlike the rest of the Heynosht in that its culture is not primitive and tribal but rather borrows heavily from the Antorian Empire, whose vassal the island once was before it broke free of Imperial rule.

The island is still nominally under Imperial protection, and the Empire of Antorium regards the island as an errant province which it allows to go its own way as long as it does not get out of line or threaten Imperial interests. However, Girorium has treaties of defense with Vosh-gerr and Jaggarth, and so any Imperial action against the island could precipitate more than the Empire can handle.

The island is ruled by a senate elected to lifelong posts by all male land owners. The senate elects a dictator who rules for 10 years. The dictator must be a member of the senate.

Girorium's armed forces are small, but its navy is large, well armed, and its captains quite skilled. It is said that they gain some of their skills by engaging in acts of piracy, but if this is true, the senate has never censured such acts.

A good portion of the folk of Girorium worship Mordantism, perhaps as high as 10% to 15% of its population. The rest tend to worship the god of the seas.

The interior of the island is wilderness, inhabited by more than a few wild creatures, and most of the population of approximately 200,000 persons lives along the coasts, mostly the northern coasts. Humans are the predominant citizens of the island, with a few wayward gnomes lairing in its hills.


A frigid land of ice and tundra and wide steppes, this wild land was once inhabited by hardy menfolk before the ancient wars. The lands quickly fell to the Deceiver, but were so isolated that they held little strategic value for him. Since the fall of the Deceiver, the land remains mostly barren and is roamed in the main by wild beasts and creatures. A few roads run through the land from the Blanthil Forest to the Vale of Tears, built by the Deceiver as a means of transporting troops and messages, but many of these have fallen into disuse.

A few humanoids have settlements here, usually near the northern coast or the Vale to the south. It is said that descendants of the original men who dwelt here of old still dwell along the far northern coast of the land where it abuts the Wild Peaks. These folks are hardy and brave and keep alive a tradition of one day returning to their homelands.

Hall of Slumber

A huge vault enclosed by adamantium doors, this is the place where the gods were tricked by the Deceiver into falling into slumber. On the face of the door is a small indentation where the Gems of Power can be placed to awaken the gods from sleep.

The Hall remained closed and, for the most part, unobserved by any but the minions of the Deceiver until 5514 A.D. when, during the War of the Gem, the Heroes of the Gem managed to gain the Hall and place a Gem of Power onto the doors, releasing the gods. The Deceiver and many of his Maugs were taken into the Hall and the gods resumed their sleep, the doors closing once again.

The Hall of Slumber is now set within the nation known as the Kingdom of Slumber.


The land of Hamasha progresses from rocky barren desert to the south, to a fertile band in the centre, and arctic conditions to the far north. The Hamashites were a nomadic people who eventually settled to form a kingdom. They are ruled by the Sultan of Hamasha, hereditary ruler of the Hamashite Tribe. The Hamashites have sporadic warfare with the northern tribes of Nygoto and occasionally make war against the desert dwellers of the Wylag, but mostly they are content to dwell in their land and trade with Vingariku and Xydlont.

The Hamashites have no navy and only a few coastal trading vessels, for their lore tells them that they are forbidden to sail out of sight of land lest a great disaster befall their nation. For this reason, they also discourage ships from embarking from Hamashite ports except to return to Xydlont or Vingariku for trading.

The Hamashites fight on sleek Hamashite horses, using scimitars, round shields, and composite bows. Their army is not a professional one, but is called from various militias around the land.

Heynosht Archipelago

The Heynosht is a long chain of islands extending from the tip of Antorium to Indar Isle south of Onlor. The chain was formed from pieces of Onlor left behind when Onlora separated her Isle from the mainland and dragged it to its present location. In fact, the line of islands of the Heynosht shows the path that Onlora took with her Isle.

Unlike Onlor, whose clime is fair under Onlora's influence, the Heynosht islands are subtropical and tropical in climate and most are jungle covered except for a barren central highland.

A bewildering variety of human tribesmen live on these islands, which range from 50 miles long and wide to mere rocks a hundred yards in diameter. The disposition of the tribesmen varies. Some are friendly and welcome strangers, others are vicious cannibals. The warfare amongst these tribes for control of this island or that is incessant and unceasing.

Of course, the coral reefs and nearby waters are home to many strange creatures, but the most feared locally are the sahuagin, who sometimes raid the islands in force.

The largest island in the chain was probably there before Onlora formed her Isle, for it is dominated by a huge volcano at its centre. This isle is named Hundathol after its volcano. The isle itself is almost 100 miles long and half as wide. The volcano is some 8,000 feet high and is said that demons dwell within its fiery cone.


The Kingdom of Iligor is a large and prosperous land whose history dates back to pre-Amorian times. The land was originally a group of semi-barbaric tribes that constantly fought with one another until they were united under Iligor the Great. He consolidated his small kingdom and then slowly expanded it until at its height it reached to Near Coast and Bleton.

Ensuing catastrophes and wars shrank the kingdom, but it managed to grab some of its lands back after the collapse of the Mandarini Occupation. In fact, Iligor played a key part in organizing the initial resistance to the Morakki overlords.

Iligor has had a continual dynastic succession for over 5,000 years, quite a remarkable achievement, but its distance from the Deceiver and from the Antorian Empire allowed it to dwell in relative peace, except for the last two wars with the Deceiver.

The Knights of Iligor, known as the Order of the Platinum Dragon, are renowned far and wide as a paragon of chivalry and devotion to service. Iligor also boasts a strong navy, for its western coasts must be warded from invasions by humanoids, and a well-trained army of pikemen and crossbowmen.

The populace of Iligor is mostly human, though all sorts of demi-humans can be found within, including the largest number of halflings outside of Onlor, though mostly they dwell in the southernmost portion of Iligor. The folk are very down to earth and most are engaged in farming, trade, and small crafts. The kingdom primarily exports cotton, corn, cattle, cheese, and textiles.

Iligor is a kingdom run by the dynasty of Iligor. The system is feudal, and the kingdom is divided into baronies. Such baronies are hereditary and meet in conclave in times of crisis only or if the king calls such a conclave.

Indar Island

This fair sized island off the southeast coast of Onlor is independent of but friendly to the kingdoms of Onlor. It is ruled by several tribes of humans. See the Onlor Gazetteer for more details.


The Kingdom of Jaggarth is a nation of flat plains and rolling dales and high grasslands. At one time a vassal state of the Empire, Jaggarth was one of the first nations to throw off the Antorian yoke. Unfortunately, their position to the north of the Free Lands made them often the vanguard of the wars against the Deceiver, especially to the north where the vast grasslands meld into the War Plains. Here the Jaggarthim built towers and walls in an attempt to discourage incursions from evil forces from the north. However, such fortifcations did not help during the War of the Gem, as the Deceiver's forces boiled out of the War Plains and overran the entirety of Jaggarth, with the exception of the High Temple to Meredros, which, through the aid of paladins, priests, and even planetars and devas, withstood a siege of epic intensity.

After the War, Jaggarth suffered horribly from famine and plague and a good deal of its population was lost or sickened or orphaned. Only recently, in the last ten years, has the nation begun to struggle out of its catastrophe. Hardy settlers and warriors have begun to encroach into the War Plains, both to reestablish permanent settlements and to repulse invasions from evil humanoids still resident.

Jaggarth maintains good relations with Imtorr, Wyr, and Vosh-gerr and is also on surprisingly good terms with the Empire, possibly because they are the ultimate buffer state for the Empire and, as such, the Emperor appreciates having them strong on their northern frontiers.

Jaggarth has also benefited with extremely friendly relations with the dwarves of the Aynayjor Mountains, and humans trade food and wooden tools to the dwarves in exchange for metals, gems, and weapons and armour.

The Jaggarthim have a reputation as warriors, and their soldiery is professional and respected. They have melded the best qualities of the Imperial military and the Western militaries. Because of the wide open nature of their land, the Jaggarthim army is heavily cavalried. Most of this is heavy cavalry with flanks of light cavalry to envelope foes and harass rear areas. The foot soldiery consists of pike-armed phalanxes, spear-wielding hoplites, and bastard sword swinging infantry.

Jaggarth is a hereditary monarchy, ruled by the eldest male child of the previous king. The land is subdivided into Cohorts, which roughly translates as military districts, and each Cohort is ruled by a Consul. Consularships are awarded to deserving worthies by the king and can be administered and/or removed at will.

Jaggarth has many largish cities to the south, near Imtorr and the Antorian Marches, but to the north the lands become wilder and the folk are farmers. At the farthest northern reaches, the folk are transient gypsies who roam the lands in great wagons and who come south to trade (and some say to steal) with the cities to the south.

Kingdom of Algol

One of the four kingdoms of Onlor, Algol is the most populated of the kingdoms. Humans rule but halflings make up a large minority of the kingdom, which was formed when the sons of Lochnirr aided the halflings of the area against invasion. See the Onlor Gazetteer for more details.

Kingdom of Lochnirr

Eldest of the four kingdoms of Onlor, Lochnirr is less populated by halflings and its humans are a proud, stout folk fond of kilts and hard work. For more information see the Onlor Gazetteer.

Kingdom of Slumber

Founded in 5514 A.D upon the approval of the gods themselves, the area around the Hall of Slumber was given by godly decree to the Heroes of the Gem to administer and to their heirs and designees after them. A massive obelisk that stands in the fields just outside the Hall of Slumber recounts the deeds of the Heroes and proclaims their hold upon the land. The Heroes had little trouble recruiting settlers and hirelings to help them to build their kingdom, as many persons were rootless after the War of the Gem, having lost their homes and families and liege lords to the fighting. In addition, as world famous heroes and saviours of the world, many flocked to the Kingdom merely to bask in the glory of the Heroes of the Gem or to be near to the resting place of the gods.

The Kingdom is actually divided into five cantons. Each canton is ruled by one of the Heroes, including Queequeg the Invoker, Eracuss the Conjurer, Korvar the Warpriest, Morg the Warrior, and Brother Lancre the Mordant. Korvar's canton is the northernmost and the Hall of Slumber is set within its precincts. Contained in the hills between Morgs' canton and Korvar's canton is a solemn monument to the Scion of Orcus who died in battle against Demogorgon. The battle scars of that conflict have been preserved to memorialize the Scion's great deed.

The Kingdom, even after 21 years, is still a wild and rugged land, both because of the previous dominion of the lands by Demogorgon and because of its remoteness from the other civlized lands to the far south. In addition, since only the easternmost section of the Blanthil Forest has been cleansed, the Kingdom has a troubled border to its west, contnually tested by the evil minions of the forest seeking some measure of revenge.

Many were the fortresses of the area that were built by the minions of Demogorgon, and many of these, while knocked to ruins, still sport vast dungeons where liches and pit fiends and other horrid entities worked their evil. Occasionally, even now some vile thing that has been fermenting in one of these hidden pits issues forth to trouble the pioneers of the land, and in some cases the Heroes themselves have mustered to defeat the evil

A unique feature of the Kingdom of Slumber is that it shares a supernaturally moderate climate considering its northern latitude. This is a result of the influence of godly agencies, and myths tell that it was Galisiria who extended her power from Blanthil into the peninsula housing the Hall of Slumber in order to create a climate more to her liking and as an affront to Lothar, god of frost. It is true that, whatever the cause, this phenomenon persisted through the occupation by Demogorgon and continues to this day. The climate is akin to Britain or New England, with mild summers and winters that usually see snow, but nothing like a true arctic climate. This climate extends to the shores of the peninsula and right up to the verges of the Blanthil Forest (the latter of which is even more moderate in climate). Even reaching one's hand out towards the sea from the shore will expose an immense difference in temperature, and after a few miles offshore the climate is completely arctic.

Kingdom of Wenestria

Brother kingdom to Algol, Wenestria is the second largest of the kingdoms of Onlor and is populated by many halflings, though ruled by humans. For more information see the Onlor Gazetteer.

Kingdom of Wyr

Once a part of the Antorium Empire, Wyr was named after its liberator, the Great King Wyr. Since that time the kingdom has fought several wars of independence with the Empire, until Vosh-gerr gained its independence, which then cutoff Imperial forces from attacking Wyr.

As such, there is little love for the Empire in Wyr and its folk are fiercely independent. They are allied to Vosh-gerr of necessity, for if that land was ever retaken by the Empire, then they could be attacked anew. Similarly, they have treaties with Jaggarth and Girorium in an effort to contain the Empire from any northward or westward expansion.

Part of the kingdom's claim to fame is Great King Wyr's alliance with the great golden dragon Gegremose. This dragon served alongside Wyr in exchange for some favour rendered by the Great King which was never recorded, though rumours abound. When Gegremose passed on, his progeny remained and now serve the kings of Wyr, as long as they rule justly and wisely. There were three such dragons before the War of the Gem, one serving as advisor to the current Queen Mychlia (and some whisper as her consort), another serving as general of the Order of the Dragon, the knightly order of Wyr, and a third as loremaster in some hidden location within the kingdom. The general was slain during the War and now only two gold dragons remain in the service of the kingdom. The advisor to Queen Mychlia has now taken over generaliship of the Order.

These three dragons were the grandchildren of Gegremose and it is a fact that they personally removed the grandfather of Queen Mychlia from the throne of Wyr when they felt he had become corrupt. This served as a reminder that the dragons served Wyr out of choice and not obligation.

Of course, having three (and now two) golden dragons at one's beck and call is a cause for jealousy amongst other rulers, and they often refer to the land as the Kingdom of Wyrms, referring to the fact that the dragons really run the show. Such references are not appreciated within the kingdom.

Aside from a small professional army led by one of the dragons, Wyr has a small navy as well, relying on Iligor and Vosh-gerr to protect its shores by protecting their own as well.

Most of the folks of Wyr are humans, though a few halflings who migrated from Onlor dwell here as well. A decent percentage of the population (perhaps 15%) are Mordants, and in the south Mordantism approaches 33% of the population, and as such, Mordants are not mistreated often in southern Wyr.

Lost Island

Little was known of this island before the War of the Gem. The island is far removed from Jerranq and is actually a large island and a small companion isle set over 2,000 miles northeast of Hamasha. The Island was discovered by intrepid explorers and has been visited reliably only a few times since, the most recent being the Heroes of the Gem, who were led to the Island by a series of lures set by the servants of Flupnir. The Island is imbued with the essence of Flupnir and served as the repository and hiding place for the last remaining Gem of Power during the War of the Gem. The Heroes of the Gem reported the island inhabited by strange and deadly bird-like creatures and that a brain-shaped tower was set at one end of the Island which held all manner of creatures in the service of or punished by Flupnir.

It is not known if any being can actually gain access to the Island without Flupnir's approval. No known attempts have been made to reach the Island since the end of the War of the Gem.

Lost Kingdoms

Once a collection of petty kingdoms and potentates nestled in the rolling dales and verdant meadows of the area between the West Mountains and the Vorineer Ocean, this area was overrun by the forces of the Deceiver long ago, its lords and ladies having removed themselves to the Near Coast.

Of all of the Deceiver's lands, the Lost Kingdoms were the most "civilized", for it was here that many of the evil men that turned to join the Deceiver in days of yore were rewarded with lands and titles. When the Deceiver was defeated, no move was made to assault the Kingdoms due to the war weary condition of the Free Folk and the perceived need to chase down the evil humanoid tribes before dealing with the Lost Kingdoms. However, unlike the humanoid tribes, the Lost Kingdoms maintained their coherency and much of their potency even after the dissolution of the Deceiver, and although the kingdoms were engaged in civil wars and power struggles in the vacuum that followed renewed Slumber, this internecine struggle suddenly ended some years ago and rumour has it that one of the uncaptured Maugs has set himself up as the hidden ruler of most if not all of the Lost Kingdoms. It is certainly true that the Kingdoms still venerate the Deciver, and demon and evil worship are common, especially amongst the elite.

There are now believed to be some sixteen petty kingdoms here, each ruled by an evil king or queen. Power is passed sometimes to the next heir but is often decided by assassination of battle. .

While Vilgum has ended its civil war and integrated both factions into a new kingdom, some of the less savory elements of Vilgum still maintain economic and other ties to the Lost Kingdoms and trade still passes between to the two entities. In addition, trade occurs with the various humanoid tribes of the northern lands. The Lost Kingdoms are the centre of evil craft and manufacture and many humanoids and other foul sentient creatures can be seen walking the streets of its cities. In the countryside, bandits and cutthroats abound, and evil creatures, attracted by the lack of cohesive efforts to hunt them down, often come into the Kingdoms seeking prey.

The Kingdoms are also a staging area for incursions south into the Near Coast, and the southern most kingdoms are continually armed and ready for war from the south. The Kingdoms also maintain some shipyards, and has, of late, been building up its navy.

The coastal area between the Lost Kingdoms and Near Coast is known as the Untamed Coast, and even now elements of the Lost Kingdoms have begun to fortify and colonize this region, pushing south.

Mindari Island

Mindari was settled by the forefathers of the Morakki who fled from the Deceiver's initial assault upon what is now the Dead Coast, though most of the men fled across Jerranq, reviled by other races, until they crossed Pilong and settled in the East.

A small group of Morakki crossed the Vorineer Ocean (some say guided by a strange, prismatic-coloured dragon) and landed upon Mindari Isle, which was until that time largely deserted save for wild beasts. They colonized the Isle and multiplied rapidly. However, their isolation, both geographically and self-imposed, has kept their society at a primitive, tribal level.

The folk of Mindari are Morakki in feature, with bronze skin and almond eyes, though they are darker and slightly taller than their distant kin to the far east.

The folk are organized into various tribes segregated along clan lines, and although occasionally a single king has been powerful enough to unite the Isle, such has been rare and fleeting, as tribal warfare is almost ritualized and the taking of slaves helps to insure against rampant inbreeding,

The Isle is comprised of a central highland area dominated by tall jagged peaks and punctuated with five volcanoes, three of which are active. The lowlands are almost entirely forested, both by pines and conifers in the heights and by cypress and palms near the coasts. The only clear area is along the beaches in a thin band never more than a mile or two in width.

While Mindari Island is located in the temperate zone of Therra's northern hemisphere, warm currents from the waters to the south bring warm weather to the southern portion of the island, and as such, the climate of the southern area is Mediterranean and, in some instances, slightly subtropical in nature. Nonetheless, Mindari Island is certainly not a jungle island and its interior and northern half are temperate and can even experience snowfall in winter.

The Mindari are proficient fishermen and ply the nearby seas in large outrigger canoes. They almost never venture onto the mainland, as they regard the mainland as taboo due to their history.

The Mindari are resentful of their treatment by the ancient peoples of the mainland and there is also probably a little cultural shame for having fled in the face of the Deceiver so long ago, and so the Mindari are haughty people who resent intrusion from the mainland. Little trade occurs between the Isle and the continent, though a few of the southeastern tribes do trade with the occasional trusted trader.

The Mindari do not worship gods, for they believe that the gods have forsaken them. Instead they propitiate the spirits of their ancestors, and many of their shamans are necromancers.

On some occasions the Mindari have claimed that the Deceiver's forces invaded their island, but they say that they made most sacred vows that never again would they give up their home to the Deceiver, and their warriors became possessed by their ancestors when fighting the Deceiver, and as such they repelled the forces of evil time and time again.

Mordasht Ruins

Little was known of dread Mordasht, the vile fortress of the Deceiver, before the War of the Gem. In 5514 A.D. the last great army of the Free Folk fought its way to the very gates of Mordasht and there engaged in a titanic struggle with the elite guard of the Deceiver and his Maugs. This conflict blasted much of the land, which even two decades later is haunted by bones, equipment, scorch marks, hazardous vapours, and the restless spirits of the deceased. The gods themselves, having emerged from Slumber, came to Mordasht and threw down its walls, so that now a massive pile of rubble and melted metal covers a large swath of rugged terrain.

Nonetheless, despite the fall and removal of its master, Mordasht remains a feared and shunned place, and with good reason, for the dungeons of Mordasht were said to run miles underground and include places that even the gods might not be able to touch during their brief foray here. In addition, the ruins themselves provide a massive and fertile breeding ground for all sorts of creatures, both fierce and vile, and many of the evil items and the evil essence that ligners in the area certainly attract malicious beings as well. Adventurers who have returned from Mordasht report undead of all sorts, evil humanoids, giants, and even rumours of a great undead dragon lich who practically rules the area.

Recent reports have even surfaced that the furnaces of Ghrag-hok N'guilnig, which means "the pit of ultimate despair" in the tongue of orcs, have been relit.

a few doughty rangers keep watch on the place and report disturbances to those who will listen and take heed, such as the Heroes of the Gem.

Near Coast

At various times conquered by Iligor and Bleton, the Near Coast is a collection of petty baronies and city states running from the Haggend River to the coast and from Iligor to the no-man's land between it and the Lost Kingdoms.

Most of the lords of this land were heirs of the lords of the small states of the Lost Kingdoms, but were driven out when the Deceiver overran their lands. They moved south and settled in the Near Coast at a time when Iligor and Bleton could not oust the new lords, and so they have remained. There is some call amongst some of the lords here to form an army and march north to settle the Untamed Coast between the Near Coast and the Lost Kingdoms and, perhaps, from there to make war on the Lost Kingdoms and reclaim their ancestral homelands, but the sudden cohesiveness of the Lost Kingdoms and rumours of a guiding force behind them have stunted these ambitions, at least temporarily. This region was completely overrun and razed during the War of the Gem, but with the fall of the Deceiver, lords old and new reclaimed the land and re-established old seats of power or carved out new states from the wreckage.

The Near Coast consists of a patchwork of perhaps 25-28 kingdomlets, all of various levels of morality and prosperity and all continually fighting and intriguing amongst each other. Nevertheless, all of the kingdoms have a pact that if Bleton or Iligor attacks one they attack all of them united. In the past this pact has been of variable effectiveness, and some of the border kingdoms are in fact almost vassals of their larger eastern neighbors.

The holdings to the north are under constant pressure of raids and the like from out of the Lost Kingdoms and are veritable fortresses and well-armed camps. Many sell swords and mercenaries come to the Near Coast to fight against the Lost Kingdoms or to fight in the internecine strife of the area.


The land of Nygoto is in the north of the Morakki lands and is quite cold in the winter. Its long northern border with Hamasha is tundra and frozen over year around. Great glaciers have carved rills and valleys in the foothills north of the Mountains of Siir.

The folk of Nygoto are actually a confederation of Morakki clans, the southern of which have settled into towns and cities, and the northern of which roam nomadically on shaggy horses. These northern Nygotans are noted for their prowess with horses and composite bows made of yew.

The rules of confederation are said to have been ordained from the Slumbering Gods in ancient times, and so there is very little warfare between the Nygotans. However, there is occasional raiding and fighting with the Hamashites for scarce resources far to the north. The southern Nygotan clans claim an ancient friendship with the ancestors of Gerilong, and so they maintain peace with Gerilong and in fact have allowed the lands between the River Siir and the Otelume River to be claimed by no one as a buffer of peace between Nygoto and Gerilong.

In addition to trade with Gerilong, a small amount of trade occurs across the Oto Sea with the Far Coast or with the raft people of the Oto Sea.


The Isle of Onlor, set astride the Mezon Ocean and the Sea of Dusk, was created when Onlora, the peaceful goddess of the halflings, tore off a piece of the continent of Jerranq and moved it to safer grounds. Over the years, gnomes, elves, and then humans have settled the Isle, which has become a sort of idyllic haven for freedom loving folks of all sort. There are currently four kingdoms of Onlor: Relum, Algol, Wenestria, and Lochnirr. The central highlands of the Isle sport an enchanted sylvan forest and a sacred mere said to contain much of the essence of the goddess Onlora.

Much more of the history and makeup of the Isle is detailed in the Onlor Gazetteer.


The isthmus of Pilong is an accursed and haunted land which few persons have visited and fewer still have returned from to tell the tale. It is said that when the first Morakki fled across Pilong they were harassed and pursued by the Amorians. As they passed into the peninsula and entered their new homelands, the greatest among them turned and invoked their ancestors to pronounce a curse upon the Western folks who had driven them hence. The curse was mighty and took effect in a rolling cloud of fog that swept across the isthmus towards Amoria, but the mighty of Amoria came and halted the curse, which then turned inward on itself and roiled and scoured Pilong. There the concentrated magicks perpetuated themselves, and even now they roil and haunt that land.

The curse, being Morakki in origin, can sometimes be bypassed by powerful Morakki wizards or lords, and several times Morakki armies have passed through the haunted land.

What little is known of Pilong is that it is a rocky, barren land, always full of a silvery grey mist which is the physical manifestation of the curse. Those Westerners who have entered the land and been fortunate enough to return report that the land warps and turns in on itself and that there are haunting voices in the mist that could drive even the staunchest paladin mad.

It is certain that Pilong has done much to keep the Morakki isolated from the West, except for trade over seas. Some speculate that the curse of Pilong is related to wild magic, though there is no proof of this assertion.


Smallest of the kingdoms of Onlor and populated and founded by elves, this kingdom prefers isolation and harmony to all else. See the Onlor Gazetteer for more details.

South Wastes

Hard against the Barrier Peaks on the southern continent, the South Wastes are barren and rocky and devoid of large concentrations of life. No known settlements exist here, for none wish to dwell so close to the supposed spawning lands of the dragons.

Most visitors to this land have been ships blown off course and forced to land here in order to effect repairs.

Steppes of Xydlont (Xydlont)

The Steppes and fertile lower valleys of Xydlont house the Kingdoms of Xydlont, referred to collectively as the Steppes of Xydlont, the mightiest Morakki kingdoms in Jerranq. The Xydlonti are the ancestors of the highest leaders of the Morakki exile, and it was they who pronounced the curse upon Pilong. The Steppes are made up of eight kingdoms, which were founded by the eight sons of Xydlont, and these kingdoms are ruled in times of war or crisis by the highest king, who is pronounced by the priesthood of Xydlont during a ceremony whenever a new king steps on to one of the eight thrones.

How the priesthood chooses the high king (also known as the Emperor) is not known, but it is apparently a definitive method, because no Xydlonti king has ever challenged the choice. In fact, even the other nations of the East defer to the divine right of the Emperor, though at times they have defied him and conflict has erupted between Xydlont and its neighbours.

The land of Xydlont is vast, most of it being steppes which are arid chaparral to the north and flowing seas of grass to the south. Great cities of splendour and wealth unrivaled anywhere else in Eastern Jerranq are set here, many of them metropoli housing up to 100,000 residents.

Much of the population is settled on the coasts or along the extremely fertile River of Life, where great expanses of rice paddies and fields of grain grow.

Xydlont retains a large army, well-trained and proud of its ancient heritage, for this is the same army that defeated the Deceiver in ancient times and conquered all of Western Jerranq. The army consists of large numbers of pole-armed footmen along with cavalry armed with falchions and double-bitted axes. Xydlonti bowmen are proficient with the longbow and augment the Imperial forces. Most of the armies are deployed along the Eastern Wastes, from which raiders and creatures emerge, and also along the border with Amabong, for that area between the River of Thought and the southern tip of the great forests was once claimed by Amabong and is a source of tension between the two lands.

The Xydlonti trade with all of the nations of Eastern Jerranq, as well as with Antorium and Vingariku, though Vingariku pirates and raiders sometimes land on their eastern coasts or raid shipping there.

Xydlont is known as a centre of Morakki culture, art, and learning, and great magical colleges and fighting institutes are located here. Xydlont is also the birthplace of the harnessing of wild magic, and its practitioners can be found here in more numbers than anywhere else on Jerranq.


The federation of Thaneer is home to a loose amalgamation of barbarian tribes, which normally war and squabble and raid amongst each other, but were forced to unite when the Antorian Empire invaded its lands and attempted to subjugate them. This invasion was partially successful, in taking the Far Coast, but the remaining Thaneeri resisted and managed to hold the lands north of the Chulette River.

Since that time, though there is no love of the Empire here, trade has occurred between Thaneer and the Empire, as old conflicts and grievances passed into history. Still, the Thaneeri are just as wont to enter their longships and raid the Far Coast as they are to trade furs for metal.

The Thaneeri are named for their ancient ancestor, the father of all the Thaneeri tribes, and it is this blood tie and a common language and culture that binds the barbarians together during times of trouble. The Thaneeri do not build much with stone, preferring wood from the northern forests instead to build their long houses. Teak is a favoured wood used by the Thaneeri nobility, though it is difficult to obtain from the tropical lands where it grows.

The Thaneeri also raid across the Oto Sea to Gerilong and Nygoto, and reverse raids back across the Oto do occur, though they are less common.

Almost all males in Thaneer are soldiers so to speak, in that all are trained in the way of arms and combat from an early age and most take part in at least one raid in their lives.

The Thaneeri do keep slaves from their raids, but many of these slaves are ransomed back to loved ones or, if poor, are kept as house servants. Many of these eventually grow to love the Thaneeri, for they treat their slaves justly, and some are even adopted into the tribe.

The Thaneeri do not ride animals as such are considered taboo and to ride a beast in combat suggests a deficiency in the warrior, since he cannot bear himself into battle, and the Thaneeri are renowned for laughing as heavy cavalry charge towards them. No Thaneeri army has ever routed before cavalry (although they have been chopped to bits by them).

The Thaneeri mostly wield hammers and axes and use javelins and bows as missile weapons. They prefer cuirbolli or hide armour and leather shields. Most Thaneeri are adept sailors and can hold their place on a longship crew.

That said, the Thaneeri do farm the interior lands, but most of this work is done by the womenfolk. One tribe of Thaneeri, the Gon-drillim (Naked Ones) are infamous for their ferocity in battle. They fight skyclad and covered in woad and all male children of their tribe are left in the woods for a week in their first spring to see if they are fit to survive or have the eyes of the gods upon them.

Upper Antorian Marches

One of the few Imperial provinces to remain loyal to the Empire of Antorium, the Marches are heavily populated by loyal Imperial subjects who were granted citizenship in full in order to convince them to stay with the Empire when the rest of the provinces seceded.

The Marches are run by an Imperial Governor, who generally serves for life but is emplaced at the behest and whim of the Emperor himself. The Governor, in turn, selects the Imperators who lord over the Perastors (or regions) of the Marches.

The Marches maintain a strong garrison on their northern and northwestern borders, as tensions between the Empire and its ex-provinces often run high. When tensions are tepid, much travel and trade crosses to and from the Marches.

The Upper Antorian Marches has no official navy of its own, as the Emperor controls the navy directly, but many of the Imperial warships base in March ports, often along the west coast of the March, and they routinely sail into the waters between the Marches and Vosh-gerr in defiance of Vosh's claim on those waters.

The Marches are an important source of minerals, wood, and livestock for the Empire, and due to bettering relations between the Empire and the dwarves of Aynayjor, trade from the mountains passes through the Marches on its way to the Empire.

Vale of Tears

This wide vale between the Wild Peaks and the Grashtilim Mountains was a very strategic point at one time, before the war fronts swept past and far to the south. The Vale is so named by the elves who suffered grave defeat in battle here and were sorely afflicted as they passed through the Vale. With the passing of the Deceiver, evil's hold on the Vale has diminished, but while elves now pass through the vale on their way to the Kingdom of Slumber or the Blanthil Forest, the Vale is still a wild land and evil creatures use it as a choke point to harry travellers and caravans.

The Vale itself is still relatively fertile between the pass proper and the River of Tears. A line of fortresses was set along the Vale proper by the forces of the Deceiver, though the entire way is not walled, but each fortress is within sight of the other, so as to effectively bar the way to those seeking to intrude north. These fortresses are now either abandoned, falling into ruin, or inhabited by bandits, brigands, or evil humanoids.

The restless spirits of elves are said to haunt the Vale and it is rumoured that banshees are amongst these. Some elven clerics have attempted to commune with the spirits in order to placate them, but there is a belief that until the entirety of the Blanthil Forest is redeemed, the spirits will remain.


The Kingdom of Vilgum was, until the fall of the Deceiver, split by a fractuous civil war. At one time Vilgum was a prosperous and revered kingdom, always independent of the old empires and centre of much of the studies of magic after the Amorian Empire. When the Deceiver's forces overran the West Mountains, they also overran much of northern Vilgum. As the Vilgumese fighting the Deceiver reconsolidated their forces in Lower Vilg, the Deceiver occupied the northern portion of Vilgum and used the land as a launch point for his attacks.

When the Emperor of Antorium marched against the Deceiver in the penultimate war, the Deceiver vacated Vilgum in order to spring his ambush on the Imperial forces. Instead, Vilgum was reclaimed by humankind. When the then king of Vilgum learned that the Free Lands of the south had signed a secret protocol agreeing not to fight the Deceiver in Vilgum and o make their battle lines south of Vilgum, the king immediately announced his neutrality in the wars against the Deceiver. This proclamation of neutrality angered a large portion of the kingdom, especially the freedom and wilderness-loving peoples of Lower Vilg, and they rose up against their king and slew him.

There then arose two claimants to the throne. One was supported by the forces of the Deceiver and the other was supported by the lords of Lower Vilg and opposed all conciliation with the Deceiver. Civil War erupted, between what were called in Vilgum the Usurpers (meaning those who supported the initial regicide) and the Defenders (those who purport to defend the true line of kingship). Lower Vilg managed to retain its independence, but could not wrest the rest of the country from the Defenders.

Meanwhile, although Vilgum itself officially retained independence from the Deceiver, its isolation from the Free Lands essentially forced it to acquiesce to most of the demands of the Deceiver, and when the War of the Gem began, the forces of Vilgum put up barely any resistance against the armies of the Deceiver and, in fact, used the War as an excuse to assault and put to flight the forces of Lower Vilg. It was only with the collapse of the Deceiver and the aftermath of plague and starvation that finally convinced the two factions to reconcile and share power.

Still, Vilgum is in a precarious state, run by two powerful factions that despise each other. Many of the Defender faction members still trade with the Lost Kingdoms and support slavery and trade with the evil humanoids of the mountains, while many of the Usurpers (those loyal to the line of Conoscer) are loyal rangers and heart folk who feel more aligned with the Free Lands to the south.

In any case, after recovering from the War, Vilgum has engaged in aggressive reclamation of the Death Marches, fighting wars against the entrenched hobgoblin satrapies that exist there. In addition, in rivalry with Imtorr, the Vilgumese have also begun to settle into the Wolf Lands, sparking reprisals from the Wolf Riders.

Vilgum maintains a small standing army given its size and location, mainly so as to not anger any of its more powerful neighbors and because any army is viewed by suspicion by both factions as being a potential tool for use by one faction to take over the Kingdom. The country is ruled by dual kings whose true power varies with their will and guile and the backing of their faction, and dukes rule a quilt of duchies, each often jockeying for power within the Vilgumese court and occasionally pulling the strings on the kingdom.

Few demi-humans dwell within Vilgum, but half-orcs and half-ogres are not too uncommon in the northwest. Brigands and bandits are known to roam the countryside, and the peasantry is often quite oppressed by many of the dukes and lords.

The Knights of Vilgum are a mere remnant of their ancient splendour, when they rode into battle on hippogriffs and drove fear into the hearts of their foes. Nevertheless, the better of the Knights still command much respect in their own lands.

Vingariku Isle

Vingariku Isle is a large island set across the Inner Sea. The Vingariki are a fierce warrior people of the Morakki who have only recently, over the last few centuries, opened their shores to trading. Since that time the Vingariki navy has grown substantially, so that they control the Inner Sea and their traders and pirates ply the seas as far as Antorium.

Vingariki society is organized around military ranks, with individual Kanakati (samurai) holding land and lordship over a group of peasants (usually a town or small district). Kanakati owe obeisance to Mirikku (daimyos) who rule areas the size of small counties. These report to one of seven Hagato (high daimyos), who in return, report to the Vingari-ato (shogun). The Vingari-ato and all positions down to Mirikku are hereditary, though often lines are changed due to war or assassination, both allowable methods of succession. Kanakati are appointed by the Mirikku for deeds and valour, though often such titles are purchased for given for influence or favours.

The Vingariki do not generally worship the gods themselves, in fact they believe the gods removed themselves from the world because their work was finished. Instead, they worship spirits, what they believe to be the creative essences of the gods left behind in the world. These spirits are in everything, from rocks to streams to thunderclouds to mountains, and the Vingariki have elaborate rituals to appease them and to gain their blessings or avoid their curses.

Vingariki society is much concerned with honour and face, and there are strict classes and social mores of conduct. Penalty for breaching these codes is often swift and severe. A peasant who talks haughtily to a Mirikku, for example, might have his head chopped off by the Mirikku before he even finishes his sentence.

Vingariki society is also riddled with secret societies and organizations; since outward society is so rigid and unyielding, certain activities must be done clandestinely. One of the most infamous societies is the Wanatabe-okonia (the Brotherhood of Black Hoods) which is a society of assassins employed by nobles to assassinate rivals.

Vosh-gerr Marches

An outlying province of Antorium for much of its history, Vosh-gerr broke away from the Empire and has fought several wars to retain its independence. The Vosh-gerrans are a proud people, feeling that they have the best of the culture and refinement of the Empire while retaining the individualism and freedom of the Western states.

Vosh-gerr is ruled by a Margrave, the traditional titles of the lord of the land from Imperial days, but many folk dislike this term and simply call him the king. The nation maintains a fairly large standing army on its northeastern borders, for there is always fear of Imperial aggression, especially to capture the fertile area just west of the Lower Antorian River. Nevertheless, in times of peace and quietude, trade and friendly intercourse occurs between the Marches and the Empire.

Vosh-gerr has signed a treaty of mutual assistance with Jaggarth and Girorium in order to contain Imperial expansionism and also has a treaty with Wyr in order to demilitarize its western border, as the Marches cannot afford to maintain standing armies along both borders.

The Marches are divided into duchies, each ruled by a duke. The dukes meet in Senatorial conclave to elect from amongst them a Margrave who serves for 20 years. Usually the Margrave position is held for life. In addition, the Senatorial conclave can meet to impeach the Margrave, but this requires a 9/10th vote to effect. To date no Margrave has ever been impeached.

The folk of Vosh-gerr are hard-working and industrious, and sections of the country, especially in the north, are urbanized and contain large cities. The southern peninsula is more rural and is the bread basket of the nation.

Most of the folk in Northern Vosh are Pantheists, while in the south are pockets of devout Mordants, many having emigrated back from Onlor after the nation won its freedom from the Empire. A few halflings also dwell along the southern coast, and elves are plentiful in the northern forests.

The army of Vosh consists of a mixture of hoplites and peltasts and light javelin-wielding cavalry. Small groups of archers and slingers also exist. The navy of Vosh-gerr is substantial, as the nation is a peninsula and therefore susceptible to invasions from the sea. Vosh-gerran ships patrol and claim the waters between Vosh-gerr and the Upper Antorian Marches, but are known to turn a blind eye to pirates who choose to pick on Imperial traders.

War Plains

Aptly named, these vast plains have seen the blood of thousands and thousands over the course of the millennia.

The land is actually a continuation of the plains of Northern Jaggarth, and were at one time settled, especially towards the north near the River of Tears. Now the land is barren and much of it blasted by great energies from past dweomers.

Many say the land has absorbed too many souls and is now sentient and haunted. It is true that few mortals will venture deep into the plains at night, and those that have tell of strange lights, wails and moans, and other apparitions. It is also true that orcs and evil raiders sometimes come out of the War Plains to raid Jaggarth. However, the hardy folk of Jaggarth have begun to attempt to recolonize the Plains and to take back their northern lands.

Wild Lands

Aptly named, cutoff from civilization by the Aynayjor Mountains and the land of Thaneer, and possessing some of the harshest climate in Jerranq, this area is very sparsely populated by humanoids. Instead, creatures of the ice and snow dwell here in natural savagery. Blizzards are common, and even in high summer the ground is covered in permafrost.

Small tribes of hardy native humans do live here, known as the Ice People, primitive and entirely ignorant and unconcerned with the affairs of the rest of the world. Few Southerners have had interaction with these isolated folks, though the exploits of the most famous of the Ice People, Queequeg the Invoker, have opened up the land somewhat to trade from the south. In the Empire of Antorium, Ice People goods have become de rigeur and in demand. Such goods, including ivory, scrimshaw, blubber, ambergris, whale oil, etc. passes from Ice People hands to the Thaneeri and then south until reaching the Imperial merchant houses of the Far Coast, whence they are taken to the Imperial Heartland.

Wolf Lands

Once the demesne of the Wolf Riders, nomadic warriors who rode upon sleek grey horses and worshipped and befriended wolves, this land was overrun by the forces of evil and the nomads were driven south into the Imbar area. Until the fall of the Deceiver, the land was wild, not under the dominion of any single overlord, but instead subject to a thousand bandit lords, orc chieftains, and goblin kings. Creatures often roamed the plains, coming from the nearby mountains in search of food and sport. Wolf Riders often raided into this territory from their homes in exile, seeking to wreak revenge, test their manhood, or to worship at some holy spot.

Now, with the fall of the Deceiver, many of the fell creatures have fled the land or at least become leaderless and subject to removal. The Wolf Riders have returned to reclaim their lands in force, but they face claims from Imtorr and Vilgum, who also seek to colonize the land.

Wylag Desert

Although fairly far north in terms of latitude, the Wylag is a true desert, an undulating sea of sand and grit windswept into dunes. Only in its northern portion, as it forms into Hamasha, does it become a rockier land.

The climate is quite harsh, with the mountains to the west and Vingariku to the east trapping all of the moisture out of the air but leaving the hot winds blowing from the southeast to heat the land.

The desert has a few strategic oases, which are claimed by various desert dwellers who wander the land on camels, many of them carrying goods from Xydlont to Hamasha over the trackless wastes.

Strange desert creatures also dwell here, and in the foothills to the west of the desert is said to dwell the great dragon Angaralok the Blue, who spits lightning from his great jaws.


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