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The World:

Therra is the centre of this plane of existence. Stars, the Sun, and other planets all revolve around Therra, which remains fixed as the anchor point of this cosmos. Therra has a second, green moon, much smaller than the white moon, which is called Celteri by the people and this moon is especially favoured by elves and druids.

Therra is a spherical planet, being some 11,000 miles in diameter.

Each day is divided into 24 hour long periods, with each hour being further divided into 60 minutes, and those into 60 seconds.

A week in Therra is 7 days. There are 28 days in every month and 13 months in every year for a total of 364 days in a year.

The months and rough Terran correspondence are:

Month of Calm Winter

Month of Rebirth Winter/Spring

Month of Light Spring

Month of Rain Spring

Month of Bloom Spring/Summer

Month of Flowers Summer

Month of Sowing Summer

Month of Sun Summer

Month of Harvest Fall

Month of Moon Fall

Month of Wind Fall

Month of Snow Fall/Winter

Month of Darkness Winter

While these monthly naming conventions are prevalent in the western portion of the Jerranq continental area, other races and cultures do use other conventions.

Days of the week are usually referred to as:








Other continents other than the Jerranq mass exist on Therra, but they are separated by wide seas and are generally unknown to most inhabitants.

The Therran convention for years is based upon the slumber of the gods. The convention has recently been modified to account for recent history. In the past, Therran years were based on the day the Deceiver closed the doors of Slumber and proclaimed himself master of Therra. All years were annoted as A.D. meaning "After Deception". When the Deceiver was defeated, this nomenclature became irrelevant, and so, after of 5514 A.D., a new era was proclaimed and the annotation N.S. was adopted, which means "New Slumber", signifying that the gods re-entered slumber. Thus, the year 5515 A.D. became 1 N.S. Some cultures still use the A.D. annotation.

The white moon of Therra goes through phases based on the nature of the goddess of the moon. The phases cycle once per month, with the new moon beginning on the 1st day of each month and the full moon occuring in the middle of each month. Thus:

Day 1-2 = New Moon
Day 3-5 = Waxing Crescent
Day 6-9 = Half Moon
Day 10-12 = Gibbous Moon
Day 13-16 = Full Moon
Day 17-19 = Gibbous Moon
Day 20-23 = Half Moon
Day 24-26 = Waning Crescent
Day 27-28 = New Moon

Technological Level:

The technology of Jerranq varies from culture to culture, but suffice to say that the dwarves are the most technologically advanced, having some extremely crude knowledge of gunpowder, the components of which are exceedingly rare on Therra. General human civilized technology has reached a late Medieval stage for many of the more advanced areas and an early to middle level for most others. Field Plate is exceedingly rare, although other metal armour is more prevalent.


Magic functions in Therra. It is essentially a tapping of the energies of the planes which surround Therra, the ones which the gods created or which created the gods, depending upon which philosopher one speaks with.

Sorcery and wizardry is uncommon but prevalent. Sorcery, specifically, is a result of lineage and is usually found in elven, draconic, or fey bloodlines. Access to wizardry is controlled by regulated guilds, schools, or journeyman/apprentice setups.

Magic items are uncommon but prevalent as well. Charged or limited use magic items are far more prevalent than permanent items.


Despite the fact that the gods are sleeping, Priests wield enough power to prove that they do exist and can exert influence even through their dreams. Most persons favour a deity or two and give obeisance to many others whose creations affect their daily life. It is standard to attend services once a week if a religious person. There are those who claim the gods do not exist or have abandoned mortals, and they worship no deities.

Priests are able to cast prayers and have them granted. Thus, priestly spells function as in D&D. Priests initially gain access to two of a god's domains. At 8th level they may access a third, and at 12th a fourth (assuming their god has a 4th domain).

Character Classes and PC Races:

All character classes are available in Jerranq except for psionic-related classes. Psionics do exist on Therra, but not as a widespread phenomenon amongst normal PC races.

All standard races exist in Therra. Demi-human races specific to other game worlds may not, however.

About 75-80%of a given population is first level.

Wizards are relatively rare. Of the four iconic classes, rogues and fighters account for about 75% of all classes, with clerics being another 20% and wizards only about 5%. Again, these are only guidelines and vary from locale to locale.


There are the elemental and para-elemental planes, as well as the Ethereal and Astral Planes. The Positive and Negative Planes also exist. There is a Plane of Shadow. There are no heavens or hells in Therra, although portions of the Ethereal and/or Astral Planes are controlled by lesser or greater beings of weal or woe and these have, in many instances, reshaped that portion of the plane to their liking.

Life After Death:

Most Therrans believe the soul lingers around the body for a while in a state of confusion, before dissipating to the Astral Plane, where they find some safe place and congregate, awaiting the return of the gods in a slumber of sorts. Other Therrans claim that somehow the souls make their way into the Place of Divine Slumber and join with the gods.


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